This weekend was an all-around success as far as movies go. From the title you could probably guess which movies I have seen, but I'm going to tell you anyway because it's all about me and what I want to do.
Thursday night, my mother and I bonded over my new acquisition, Shooter. Can you get any sexier than Marky-Mark? I submit that you cannot. I must admit that in the beginning when he's all mullet-y up in the mountains, he's not at his best, but he's good looking if you cover up the mullet with your hand. Although, I've never tried this, I'm sure it'll work.
On Saturday night, my brother, Alexio, and I went to see Hancock and, as I promised, I have an amazing review for you. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. And while Will Smith was not shirtless (at all!), I was surprised at the twist involved. It was funny throughout, but I'm sure many guys out there will probably say there wasn't enough action. True, there was only one big action sequence, but the rest was just as good. Jason Bateman was true to form as the funny guy and Charlize was there to look pretty (in leather for all you boys out there). So I suggest seeing this movie, but I'll understand if you just wanna wait to rent it.
Sunday night was the greatest of the three nights because I dragged my brother and mother to see Wanted. I was skeptical about this film, but boy was I happy! Not only is it a kickass action flick, but James McAvoy makes a surprise role as the comic relief. Add in a few twists, ridiculous yet awesome gun-fights and a naked Angelina booty and you've got the fixings for a superb movie (but hold the Angelina butt on mine. I'm allergic). I would share with you the scene that made me laugh uncontrollably loud, but I'm afraid to lessen the majesty of it when you yourself go to see it. Let's just say, the person next to me looked at me very strangely.
That's pretty much all there is to write on this front. Let's move on to the goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Twister. This oldie, but goodie stars Bill Paxton, Helen Hunt, Cary Elwes, and a bunch of other people not worth mentioning (Philip Seymour Hoffman is a wanker). You can't get over the musical score for this film and tornadoes are pretty sweet when they aren't actually tearing up people's lives. All in all, a good one and you should refresh yourself on it. And you'd better listen to me because one day I'm going to quiz you people and then what's going to happen? You fail my quiz and you pretty much fail at life. No pressure.
Movies to see: Hancock, Wanted, Shooter, and Twister. I think only Twister is new to the list, but it's just as important if not more.
Surprise of the post! Angelina Jolie's butt looks just like all the other butts out there. It is in no way spectacular, in fact, I would prefer to have the image wiped from my memory (pun intended).
Name 7 Will Ferrell: Anchorman, Elf, Talladega Nights, Kicking and Screaming, Stranger Than Fiction, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Winter Passing.
Dakota Fanning was in War of the Worlds with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
If anyone would like to suggest actors for these goodies, feel free. I just kind of pick them at random and usually they aren't very challenging. Until tomorrow, my loving readers, when I write a brief post about the movies being released on DVD (very brief because nothing interesting is coming out).
1 comment:
you should tell me which scene made you laugh out loud, because i've seen it & you can't ruin the majesty. also, i'll try to think of some movie people for your games. how about:
jerry orbach (from law & order)
kristen bell (from veronica mars)
selma blair (who is in the hellboy movie)
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