This title is a double meaning, I'm both making up for all of the movie/TV news that I've missed talking about and making up to all of you readers for depriving you of my genius. I hope I'm forgiven, but vacation/slow Internet/Twilight hype has preoccupied my time. Okay, let's get going.
Tuesday, July 22nd:
New DVD Releases
21 - I didn't even bother seeing this one. It was a little too predictable. I did, however, see the ending (without sound) on the airplane to Jersey and I'd have to say that I was right. Jim Sturgess, however, is pretty dang sexy, but only when he sings.
Robot Chicken: Star Wars - This is just a silly collection from the show Robot Chicken's Star Wars spoofs. Family Guy put out the same deal a while back. Why the new Star Wars hype? I have no clue and, frankly, don't care to find out.
Friday, July 25th:
New Theater Releases
Step Brothers - My brother is begging me to take him to this, but I wholeheartedly refuse. There is nothing about this film that makes me jump up to see it, not even drag myself or roll there either. It just looks stupid, even for a Will Ferrell movie.
X-Files: I Want to Believe - Didn't watch the show or the other movie that apparently bombed. Honestly, it kind of scares me a little. I'm not all about the jump out at you movies especially when it comes to people bleeding from the eyes. I have been considering watching the seasons and movies later on down the line, so perhaps, years from now if I'm still writing this blog, you'll hear from me. I think the sexual tension between Scully and Mulder would be worth it if you are a casual X-Files fan, though. It would be for me!
So that concludes the dates I missed while away. Now I shall tell you all about what I did one vacation. Whiffle ball for four straight days (I've never run so much in my life!), brownies galore, crazy family, beach, crabs!, and lastly, I went to see Mamma Mia! This was a surprisingly good film. The music was enjoyable, the acting was great and there were a few good surprises! The singing, while I liked that they didn't go for professional singers and just made the good actors try their hands, was mediocre from a few people and surprisingly well from others. Meryl Streep and Amanda Seyfried were great! Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth... not so much. But you should go see it anyway if you haven't already. Very good.
When I got home from my glorious vacation, I had to go straight back to work, but I was able to squeeze some catch-up TV time in the past two days. Psych seems to be just as fantastic this season as the previous ones and My Boys is still funny as well. Looks like a happy couple of months until the big shows start in the Fall (Yay, Bones, Lost, House, Heroes, etc.!).
Long-awaited Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: Catch & Release. I'm the first to say that Jennifer Garner is slightly annoying with her big lips and freakishly muscle-y form, but this movie is great despite her. For one, Timothy Olyphant is in it and devilishly handsome as always. For another, Kevin Smith is the comic relief which, let's face it, makes for a funny film. Not to mention, Juliette Lewis is a pretty awesome actress that no one seems to notice. All in all, not even her royal buffness, Jennifer Garner, can ruin this movie.
Movies to see: Mamma Mia! and Catch & Release. Nothing else is really worth it.
Random thought of the post: The newer Star Wars movies (Episodes 1,2, and 3) were stupid and were a disgrace to the originals. Not even the better special effects, Natalie Portman, and Ewan McGregor could make those movies better. Why? Hayden Christenson, that's why.
Name 7 Denzel Washington: Great Debators, Philadelphia, He Got Game, Training Day, Out of Time, Deja Vu, Man on Fire.
Alec Guinness was in Star Wars with Mark Hamill who was in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back with Matt Damon who was in Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks who was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 4 steps.
In the immortal words of Tigger: TTFN, ta-ta for now!
Post Script: Shia Labeouf was in an accident because he was drunk driving. First getting escorted from a Walgreens by the Po-po for being drunk and refusing to leave, now this? Why is Hollywood's newest Hit Boy such a douche? This is a question for the ages...
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