I hope everyone enjoyed my Dracula post from last weekend. I'm sure you did, but were so overwhelmed by laughter that you forgot to cast your vote. No big. The next one I've got in the works is Batman. That should be a good one.
The two DVDs worth mentioning that are out today are:
Iron Man - If you are ridiculous and haven't seen this movie yet, you NEED to go out and get it tonight. Not only is it the pinnacle of Robert Downey, Jr.'s comeback, but it's a badass movie as a whole. Numerous Explosions + Actual Plotline = Awesome movie.
Forgetting Sarah Marshall - I didn't bother to see this movie in theaters because I thought it looked dumb. I predicted the ending from just the previews, that was my first clue. However, I regret not going because I've heard from a bunch of people how funny it is despite the predictability. I intend to get it on Netflix as soon as possible. I suggest you do the same.
TV news: I've started to fall head over heels for Sylar from Heroes. I always knew he was a badass and awesome, but the evil thing was turning me off. However, now the writers are putting him in the position to do good and I'm loving it. Also, the dude is pretty funny. Watch the latest episode and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Underrated movie of the post: Freaks. This movie was made all the way back in 1932. I know what you're thinking, "Surely not! No one was alive then!" But contrary to this belief, people were alive and making movies none the less! I watched this gem in my "Freaks of Nature" class in school which is a lit class all about the people society deems "freaks". The movie revolves around a Freak Show and stars real-life "freaks" (i.e. dwarfs, conjoined twins, etc.). The movie is a little ridiculous by today's standards, but back then it was very controversial. I suggest you partake in this one if you've got the time and resources. It'll be worth the hour and a half.
Movies/TV to see: Iron Man, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Episode 3 of this season's Heroes, and Freaks.
Random thought of the post: Is it funny to anyone else how Robert Downey, Jr. is making his comeback from DRUGS? It just goes to show that if you're good looking, you can get away with pretty much anything. People still love him despite his past addictions AND his present cockiness. I like the guy too! I still think he should be less cocky and more grateful that Hollywood has given him a second chance, though.
Name 7 Meg Ryan: The Women, In the Cut, Joe Vs. The Volcano, Sleepless in Seattle, You've Got Mail, Proof of Life, In the Land of Women.
Robert Downey, Jr. was in Tropic Thunder with Ben Stiller who was in Meet the Fockers with Dustin Hoffman who was in Rain Man with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 4 steps.
Quote Quiz 9 winner: No one. It's from Blade: Trinity. You need to see it. Ryan Reynolds is both sexy/fine and a comic genius. Brilliant.
Quote Quiz 10 winner: Katie Hesser with Serenity! I'm so proud that you got this one! My favorite character from the show/movie is Wash. In my opinion he makes this movie. Even though everyone else contributes equally, Alan Tudyk will always be my favorite.
Quote Quiz 11: Which Kurt Russell movie is this quote from? : "Yeah, I know. There’s a problem with your face."
a. Overboard!
b. Captain Ron
c. Big Trouble in Little China
d. Sky High
If you ever wonder if it was nice to know you, I tell you now that it was - Empire Records
Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 26, 2008
Fun Fun Fun!
Okay, so I was watchin Blade: Trinity the other day and I made the bold statement that Dominic Purcell is the hottest Dracula ever been. That got me thinking, so I've decided to pose the question to my readers: Who has been the best looking (modern) Dracula on film? Here's who I've narrowed it down to:
Dominic Purcell: Blade Trinity

Richard Roxburgh: Van Helsing
Gerard Butler: Dracula 2000
Gary Oldman: Dracula
I'll let you be the judge (even though we all know that my opinion is what matters most). To the get the full effect, you'll probably have to watch their respective movies since their sexiest moments have yet to be captured in a photo and/or posted on Google Images or Imdb.
Cast you're votes! I hope you enjoy this post as much as I do. I'm probably going to keep doing this because it's just so much fun. Later!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
To Get This Out of the Way...
Here's all the stuff I need to talk about for this weekend. I'm getting it out of the way now so that I can post a super awesome post later this weekend!! You should be excited because I came up with the idea yesterday and it's all I've been able to think about. So look for it soon!
New Releases in Theaters:
Nights at Rodanthe - It's another Nicholas Sparks book turned movie (along with Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, and A Walk to Remember) and it's probably good for a few tears, but that's not why I intend to see this movie. James Franco. That is all. If you need any more of a reason, Diane Lane is cool and Richard Gere's squinty eyes are fun to laugh at.
Eagle Eye - Although I dislike a certain Shia LaBeouf, I will see this movie for all of the other actors who don't have starring roles: Rosario Dawson, Billy Bob Thorton, Michelle Monaghan and Ethan Embry. Also it looks to be a good story.
Miracle at St. Anna - The only thing I'm interested in regarding this movie is what the heck the secret is. However, neither the rest of the plot line nor Joseph Gordon-Levitt can bring me to actually buy a ticket.
Recently viewed movie of the post: Boogie Nights. This movie is beyond ridiculous. Every single scene made me laugh at it's hilarity. The best part? It's supposed to be a drama and not funny. Don't you love movies like that? I know I do. Perk? Marky-Mark young and sexy-fine. Con? There's a penis in it (probably fake, but still nasty).
New movies to add to my collection!
SPEED RACER!!! 101 Dalmatians and 102 Dalmatians (the live action ones with Glenn Close) and Super Mario Bros! I'm up to 154 now. Jealous?
Underrated movie of the post: Chaos Theory. This movie had a few previews when it was released in theaters last spring, but apparently didn't do well in the box office. I can't imagine why. 1) Ryan Reynolds; 2) Stuart Townsend; 3) a perfect blend of drama and comedy. This movies is great and I urge you to rent it if you haven't already partaken in its majesty.
Movies to see: Nights at Rodanthe, Eagle Eye, Speed Racer, 101/102 Dalmatians, Super Mario Bros, and Chaos Theory.
Name 7 Nicole Kidman: Eyes Wide Shut, Far and Away, Golden Compass, Invasion, The Hours, Cold Mountain, Moulin Rouge.
Ewan McGregor was in Moulin Rouge with John Leguizamo who was in Ice Age 2 with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
I've decided that my quote quizzes could be easier so I'm going to make them multiple choice. Stumping people isn't nearly as fun as finding out that you're a freak for knowing things that other people don't bother to care about.
Quote Quiz #9: "I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is... ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly." - Ryan Reynolds in...
a. Chaos Theory
b. Waiting...
c. The In Laws
d. Blade: Trinity
Quote Quiz #10: "I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
a. Pocahontas
b. Serenity
c. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
d. George of the Jungle
You only get until the next post for both so get to guessing!
New Releases in Theaters:
Nights at Rodanthe - It's another Nicholas Sparks book turned movie (along with Message in a Bottle, The Notebook, and A Walk to Remember) and it's probably good for a few tears, but that's not why I intend to see this movie. James Franco. That is all. If you need any more of a reason, Diane Lane is cool and Richard Gere's squinty eyes are fun to laugh at.
Eagle Eye - Although I dislike a certain Shia LaBeouf, I will see this movie for all of the other actors who don't have starring roles: Rosario Dawson, Billy Bob Thorton, Michelle Monaghan and Ethan Embry. Also it looks to be a good story.
Miracle at St. Anna - The only thing I'm interested in regarding this movie is what the heck the secret is. However, neither the rest of the plot line nor Joseph Gordon-Levitt can bring me to actually buy a ticket.
Recently viewed movie of the post: Boogie Nights. This movie is beyond ridiculous. Every single scene made me laugh at it's hilarity. The best part? It's supposed to be a drama and not funny. Don't you love movies like that? I know I do. Perk? Marky-Mark young and sexy-fine. Con? There's a penis in it (probably fake, but still nasty).
New movies to add to my collection!
SPEED RACER!!! 101 Dalmatians and 102 Dalmatians (the live action ones with Glenn Close) and Super Mario Bros! I'm up to 154 now. Jealous?
Underrated movie of the post: Chaos Theory. This movie had a few previews when it was released in theaters last spring, but apparently didn't do well in the box office. I can't imagine why. 1) Ryan Reynolds; 2) Stuart Townsend; 3) a perfect blend of drama and comedy. This movies is great and I urge you to rent it if you haven't already partaken in its majesty.
Movies to see: Nights at Rodanthe, Eagle Eye, Speed Racer, 101/102 Dalmatians, Super Mario Bros, and Chaos Theory.
Name 7 Nicole Kidman: Eyes Wide Shut, Far and Away, Golden Compass, Invasion, The Hours, Cold Mountain, Moulin Rouge.
Ewan McGregor was in Moulin Rouge with John Leguizamo who was in Ice Age 2 with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
I've decided that my quote quizzes could be easier so I'm going to make them multiple choice. Stumping people isn't nearly as fun as finding out that you're a freak for knowing things that other people don't bother to care about.
Quote Quiz #9: "I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is... ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly." - Ryan Reynolds in...
a. Chaos Theory
b. Waiting...
c. The In Laws
d. Blade: Trinity
Quote Quiz #10: "I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
a. Pocahontas
b. Serenity
c. Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
d. George of the Jungle
You only get until the next post for both so get to guessing!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
My beef on: House, Heroes, Fringe, and Bones.
Okay, so I know it's only been a few episodes into the fifth season of House, but I'm already annoyed. Here's why: Wilson. Yeah so your girlfriend died and it was House's fault. We get it. But they need to get off of this story because it isn't going anywhere. Wilson either needs to actually leave or he needs to come back. If it were up to me, he would just bug off because if he does come back then this story line will still continue.
My main annoyance at this story is that House is coming off as completely pathetic which is something that shouldn't happen. We all know that House just has an extremely tough exterior, but harbors actual emotions underneath, but we don't need it thrown in our faces like this over and over again. Give it a rest, please. We get it.
(This has nothing against Robert Sean Leonard as an actor. I like him greatly.)
Heroes premiered this past Monday for two full hours. Not only was I confused about what was going on (I hadn't seen the show since last), but I was also not happy with what I was seeing. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who still has yet to watch so I will just say this: If Claire becomes evil I will stop watching. That's just pushing me too far. The chick is a perfect little depiction of innocence (besides her unhealthy affection for Uncle Peter haha). Dying her hair black and putting a gun in her hand doesn't fit well with the character they have built up in the past seasons. It's not cool and I don't approve.
Fringe and Bones: both have a male/female partner dynamic, both male partners are sexy beyond belief, both females are completely ignorant of said sexiness, both need to have their writers get the love relationship over with. Now I know Fringe has just begun, but Bones and Booth have been flirting around their love for far too long and it's getting only slightly annoying (when I say annoying I mean the sexual tension is killing me and every other female viewer).
Underrated TV show of the post: Big Bang Theory. I haven't seen the first episode of the new season, but I'm very excited about it. I only recently got into the show, but it's a good one. You can't beat Sheldon. Watch and you'll see what I'm talking about.
TV shows to watch: House, Heroes, Fringe, Bones and the Big Bang Theory.
Name 7 Jack Nicholson: Batman, As Good As It Gets, The Departed, Adaptation, A Few Good Men, The Shining, Easy Rider.
Adam Sandler was in Anger Management with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
I'll give everyone more time with Quote Quiz 9, but here's a new one to ponder as well.
Quote Quiz 10: "I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
My main annoyance at this story is that House is coming off as completely pathetic which is something that shouldn't happen. We all know that House just has an extremely tough exterior, but harbors actual emotions underneath, but we don't need it thrown in our faces like this over and over again. Give it a rest, please. We get it.
(This has nothing against Robert Sean Leonard as an actor. I like him greatly.)
Heroes premiered this past Monday for two full hours. Not only was I confused about what was going on (I hadn't seen the show since last), but I was also not happy with what I was seeing. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who still has yet to watch so I will just say this: If Claire becomes evil I will stop watching. That's just pushing me too far. The chick is a perfect little depiction of innocence (besides her unhealthy affection for Uncle Peter haha). Dying her hair black and putting a gun in her hand doesn't fit well with the character they have built up in the past seasons. It's not cool and I don't approve.
Fringe and Bones: both have a male/female partner dynamic, both male partners are sexy beyond belief, both females are completely ignorant of said sexiness, both need to have their writers get the love relationship over with. Now I know Fringe has just begun, but Bones and Booth have been flirting around their love for far too long and it's getting only slightly annoying (when I say annoying I mean the sexual tension is killing me and every other female viewer).
Underrated TV show of the post: Big Bang Theory. I haven't seen the first episode of the new season, but I'm very excited about it. I only recently got into the show, but it's a good one. You can't beat Sheldon. Watch and you'll see what I'm talking about.
TV shows to watch: House, Heroes, Fringe, Bones and the Big Bang Theory.
Name 7 Jack Nicholson: Batman, As Good As It Gets, The Departed, Adaptation, A Few Good Men, The Shining, Easy Rider.
Adam Sandler was in Anger Management with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
I'll give everyone more time with Quote Quiz 9, but here's a new one to ponder as well.
Quote Quiz 10: "I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar."
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Nothing Interesting
I don't have much to report this Tuesday. Here's what came out:
Sex and the City Movie: meh, it was okay. I was never really hooked on it like so many of my friends. I literally watched all of the seasons in the two weeks before it came out in theaters. Talk about sex/drama overload! I must admit that it was cute and I heard a rumor there may be a sequel. It'll probably be in a nursing home since Samantha (Kim Catrall) is almost 90.
Leatherheads: I never had the drive to see this movie. George Clooney just doesn't do it for me and I'm not in love with John Krasinski enough. Although I wouldn't mind knowing who won Renee Zellweger in the end. Anyone?
Run, Fatboy, Run: Now this movie is a winner. Simon Pegg is beyond hilarious, Thandie Newton is a babe and Hank Azaria is oddly enough the "catch" in this movie. He's all buff and walking around naked (my only opposition. gross). This one's a renter for sure. I may even be as bold as to add it to my collection someday.
I've made a discovery about myself earlier with my friend Katrina. It's kind of groundbreaking.
I don't like to like what everyone else loves.
Case and point? Shia LaBeouf. I dislike him in most aspects, but I still like his movies and think he's funny. However, all I do is talk about the bads whenever an admirer brings him up.
This isn't the first time, either. I realized that I did this with Leonardo DiCaprio back in the Titanic days. EVERYONE was in love with him so I pretended that I disliked him and even went to far as to laugh when he died in the movie. In reality, I thought he was just as good looking as everyone else did.
I'm not exactly sure what goes on in my brain that makes me do things like this, but I'm not sure it's such a bad thing. I'm not one to go out of my way to be unique, but I think we could all use a refresher when it comes to how wonderful Shia is. I mean, honestly, he got arrested at a Walgreens for heaven's sake! (No, I will never let that go. It's too stupid.)
Underrated movie of the post: RENT. Although I've heard the movie is nothing compared to the broadway (which is always the case, especially with books), this movie isn't half bad. The soundtrack is definitely fun and the actors are very good. (Rosario Dawson, Idina Menzel, Taye Diggs. To name a few.)
Movies to see: Run, Fatboy, Run; RENT; and Sex and the City if you're so inclined.
Random confession of the post: A majority of my iPod is filled with the soundtracks to musicals. I'm lame.
Name 7 musical soundtracks I have on my iPod: Mamma Mia!, RENT, Moulin Rouge, Across the Universe, Phantom of the Opera, Grease, Hairspray.
Simon Pegg was in Run, Fatboy, Run with Thandie Newton who was in Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith who was in Hancock with Charlize Theron who was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon: 4 steps.
Quote Quiz #8 winner: No one, but I'm not surprised. It's from Crimson Tide, my daddio's favorite movie ever. I honestly haven't seen this movie all the way through, but don't tell my dad or he'll wanna watch it.
Quote Quiz #9: "I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is... ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly."
Sex and the City Movie: meh, it was okay. I was never really hooked on it like so many of my friends. I literally watched all of the seasons in the two weeks before it came out in theaters. Talk about sex/drama overload! I must admit that it was cute and I heard a rumor there may be a sequel. It'll probably be in a nursing home since Samantha (Kim Catrall) is almost 90.
Leatherheads: I never had the drive to see this movie. George Clooney just doesn't do it for me and I'm not in love with John Krasinski enough. Although I wouldn't mind knowing who won Renee Zellweger in the end. Anyone?
Run, Fatboy, Run: Now this movie is a winner. Simon Pegg is beyond hilarious, Thandie Newton is a babe and Hank Azaria is oddly enough the "catch" in this movie. He's all buff and walking around naked (my only opposition. gross). This one's a renter for sure. I may even be as bold as to add it to my collection someday.
I've made a discovery about myself earlier with my friend Katrina. It's kind of groundbreaking.
I don't like to like what everyone else loves.
Case and point? Shia LaBeouf. I dislike him in most aspects, but I still like his movies and think he's funny. However, all I do is talk about the bads whenever an admirer brings him up.
This isn't the first time, either. I realized that I did this with Leonardo DiCaprio back in the Titanic days. EVERYONE was in love with him so I pretended that I disliked him and even went to far as to laugh when he died in the movie. In reality, I thought he was just as good looking as everyone else did.
I'm not exactly sure what goes on in my brain that makes me do things like this, but I'm not sure it's such a bad thing. I'm not one to go out of my way to be unique, but I think we could all use a refresher when it comes to how wonderful Shia is. I mean, honestly, he got arrested at a Walgreens for heaven's sake! (No, I will never let that go. It's too stupid.)
Underrated movie of the post: RENT. Although I've heard the movie is nothing compared to the broadway (which is always the case, especially with books), this movie isn't half bad. The soundtrack is definitely fun and the actors are very good. (Rosario Dawson, Idina Menzel, Taye Diggs. To name a few.)
Movies to see: Run, Fatboy, Run; RENT; and Sex and the City if you're so inclined.
Random confession of the post: A majority of my iPod is filled with the soundtracks to musicals. I'm lame.
Name 7 musical soundtracks I have on my iPod: Mamma Mia!, RENT, Moulin Rouge, Across the Universe, Phantom of the Opera, Grease, Hairspray.
Simon Pegg was in Run, Fatboy, Run with Thandie Newton who was in Pursuit of Happyness with Will Smith who was in Hancock with Charlize Theron who was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon: 4 steps.
Quote Quiz #8 winner: No one, but I'm not surprised. It's from Crimson Tide, my daddio's favorite movie ever. I honestly haven't seen this movie all the way through, but don't tell my dad or he'll wanna watch it.
Quote Quiz #9: "I can tell you two things. One, your hairdo is... ridiculous. Two, I ate a lot of garlic, and I just farted. Silent but deadly."
Friday, September 19, 2008
Netflix Bonanza!
All right readers, this post comes to you with an amazing offer. My parentals and I have the most wondrous Netflix. I don't need to tell you how wonderful this company is because I think I have before. So instead, Netflix and I would like to extend an offer your way. We Skelniks received four (4) trial memberships to hand out to our friends and family. They are only for one month, but you can rent tons of movies in just that month since the average time in between movies is 2-3 mail days. I urge you to try it even if you don't want to sign up. Think of it as a life-experience thing. So comment and let me know if you would like the free trial and I'll pass one of the little cards your way.
Movies out today!
Igor - John Cusack in this animated film to tell the lesser-known story of Igors. There are a lot of other well-known voices that contribute and it looks very cute/funny. Embrace your inner child and take it out for a movie!
My Best Friend's Girl - Now I love Dane Cook, but this movie looks a little ridiculous. Although I do want to see all the crazy jerk-fueled antics he's going to get into. I'm going to see it because I'm being forced. But it doesn't look to bad. See it if you've already seen all the other good movies in theaters.
Lakeview Terrace - The only reason I'm excited about this movie coming out is because the stupid previews will go away.
Movies that came out on Tuesday!
Also, 88 Minutes (don't care) and Love Guru (pretty good). Rent accordingly (rent Speed Racer).
Underrated Movie of the Post: Liar Liar. This movie is classic Jim Carrey. Most people love it so I don't really feel I have to sell it. Besides, Cary Elwes is in it and he's awesome!
Movies to see: Igor, My Best Friend's Girl, Speed Racer, Love Guru, Liar Liar and anything you want off of Netflix!
Name 7 Christina Ricci: That Darn Cat!, Mermaids, Casper, Speed Racer, Sleepy Hollow, Black Snake Moan, Anything Else.
Debra Messing was in The Women with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #7 winner: No one. It's from Tomb Raider 2. Gerard Butler is shirtless (I've already won most of you ladies over I'm sure) and touches Angelina's shoulder from behind who turns around and bends his hand backwards (why? no one knows) and he says in his sexy Scottish accent "You can break my wrist, but I'm still going to kiss ya." Of course, she couldn't resist and then it got steamy. Oh yeah.
Courtesy of my daddy, Quote Quiz #8: "In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself." (You won't get it, I didn't even. But if you ask your dad, maybe you'll get lucky).
Movies out today!
Igor - John Cusack in this animated film to tell the lesser-known story of Igors. There are a lot of other well-known voices that contribute and it looks very cute/funny. Embrace your inner child and take it out for a movie!
My Best Friend's Girl - Now I love Dane Cook, but this movie looks a little ridiculous. Although I do want to see all the crazy jerk-fueled antics he's going to get into. I'm going to see it because I'm being forced. But it doesn't look to bad. See it if you've already seen all the other good movies in theaters.
Lakeview Terrace - The only reason I'm excited about this movie coming out is because the stupid previews will go away.
Movies that came out on Tuesday!
Also, 88 Minutes (don't care) and Love Guru (pretty good). Rent accordingly (rent Speed Racer).
Underrated Movie of the Post: Liar Liar. This movie is classic Jim Carrey. Most people love it so I don't really feel I have to sell it. Besides, Cary Elwes is in it and he's awesome!
Movies to see: Igor, My Best Friend's Girl, Speed Racer, Love Guru, Liar Liar and anything you want off of Netflix!
Name 7 Christina Ricci: That Darn Cat!, Mermaids, Casper, Speed Racer, Sleepy Hollow, Black Snake Moan, Anything Else.
Debra Messing was in The Women with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #7 winner: No one. It's from Tomb Raider 2. Gerard Butler is shirtless (I've already won most of you ladies over I'm sure) and touches Angelina's shoulder from behind who turns around and bends his hand backwards (why? no one knows) and he says in his sexy Scottish accent "You can break my wrist, but I'm still going to kiss ya." Of course, she couldn't resist and then it got steamy. Oh yeah.
Courtesy of my daddy, Quote Quiz #8: "In my humble opinion, in the nuclear world, the true enemy is war itself." (You won't get it, I didn't even. But if you ask your dad, maybe you'll get lucky).
Monday, September 15, 2008
Imdb has once again proven that it deserves my undying love. Not only does it provide never-ending information about my favorite topic, but now it has decided to show both full-length television episodes AND full-length movies!!!! Sure they probably will only have lame movies, but lame movies are my favorite! Therefore, Imdb is the greatest website known to man.
Good day, sir.
I said 'good day'!
Underrated movie of the post: Bubble Boy. Although this movie is pointless and a comedic spin on the dramatic original, it is beyond funny. And who doesn't love Jake Gyllanhaal as a confused man in a giant bubble hunting down the woman he loves? Better yet, who doesn't just love Jake Gyllanhaal?
Movies to see: Any of the stuff that Imdb shows! Watch and be amazed!
Random thought of the post: Michael Phelps can't act worth beans. Also, he's not so good at reading things off of a cue card. He belongs solely in the water and he should never be allowed on dry land.
Name 7 Laura Linney: Mystic River, Man of the Year, Love Actually, Nanny Diaries, Exorcism of Emily Rose, Breach, Primal Fear.
Diane Lane was in Untraceable with Colin Hanks who was in My Mom's New Boyfriend with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #6 winner: No one! Gasp! It's the classic Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Hilarious Harrison Ford says it when Carrie Fisher leads them down a garbage chute to escape the storm troopers.
Quote Quiz #7: "You can break my wrist, but I'm still going to kiss you." (in a sexy Scottish accent)
Good day, sir.
I said 'good day'!
Underrated movie of the post: Bubble Boy. Although this movie is pointless and a comedic spin on the dramatic original, it is beyond funny. And who doesn't love Jake Gyllanhaal as a confused man in a giant bubble hunting down the woman he loves? Better yet, who doesn't just love Jake Gyllanhaal?
Movies to see: Any of the stuff that Imdb shows! Watch and be amazed!
Random thought of the post: Michael Phelps can't act worth beans. Also, he's not so good at reading things off of a cue card. He belongs solely in the water and he should never be allowed on dry land.
Name 7 Laura Linney: Mystic River, Man of the Year, Love Actually, Nanny Diaries, Exorcism of Emily Rose, Breach, Primal Fear.
Diane Lane was in Untraceable with Colin Hanks who was in My Mom's New Boyfriend with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #6 winner: No one! Gasp! It's the classic Star Wars IV: A New Hope. Hilarious Harrison Ford says it when Carrie Fisher leads them down a garbage chute to escape the storm troopers.
Quote Quiz #7: "You can break my wrist, but I'm still going to kiss you." (in a sexy Scottish accent)
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The instead-of-homework-post #1
In about an hour, it will be Friday and for once I've decided to get a jump-start on my post! I know, it's amazing. So first I will list off the DVDs that came out on Tuesday (I forgot them this week) and then a rundown of Friday's line-up.
Apparently, I didn't miss much on Tuesday because the only two DVDs worth mentioning are Baby Mama and Grey's Anatomy: Season 4. Baby Mama may look ridiculous and stupid on the outside, but it has a great personality so don't judge the DVD by it's trailer. Tina Fey proves once again that she is a genius when it comes to comedy (she wrote for SNL for 9 years and is responsible for Mean Girls, a classic even though we don't want to admit it). And Grey's Anatomy is just worth mentioning because it's Grey's Anatomy and that show is beyond awesome.
Tomorrow (the movies being released are listed with the most important first):
The Women - This movie is a remake of an old classic, but I don't really care because I've never seen the original. Regardless, the all-star cast of Meg Ryan, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Debra Messing, Eva Mendes, Annette Benning, Bette Midler (think I'm done listing? Nope.), Carrie Fisher, Cloris Leachman, Candice Bergen, Ana Gasteyer and Debi Mazar is sure to make this chick flick one for the ages. I'm taking my mom and you all should too.
Burn After Reading - Honestly, the only reason I want to see this movie is because Brad Pitt is acting like a complete idiot throughout and I'm personally tired of the I'm-a-father-and-I-wanna-save-the-world Brad Pitt. So it should be a nice break.
Righteous Kill - Everyone is hyping this movie because Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino are working together and it's supposed to be amazing or something. It doesn't appeal to me personally, but more power to the old guys!
Tyler Perry's The Family That Preys - This sucker is last because I'm kind of getting tired of all of Tyler Perry's dramas. What happened to Madea? The Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Madea's Family Reunion had their dramatic moments, but the rest of the time Madea was freaking hilarious! The main reason I'm not seeing this movie is because the plot-line looks WAY too depressing for me without a hint of comedy, but I don't think I'm the only one in saying "Bring back Madea!"
Underrated movie of the post: Jumanji. What isn't funny about Robin Williams being chased down by rhinos, pelicans, spiders, and crazy hunters played by the same actor that plays his father (symbolic?)? The answer is nothing.
Movies to see: The Women, Burn After Reading, Baby Mama, Grey's Anatomy, Mean Girls, Jumanji, The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion.
TV to watch: American hero Michael Phelps host SNL this Saturday. Mark your TiVos.
Random thought of the post: Is it just me or is everyone else in the world sick of seeing that Lakeview Terrace trailer with Samuel L Jackson? I literally see it two or more times a day in random places other than my TV. This movie is going to bomb and bomb hard and I'm going to dance around its ashes giggling like a little school girl. That may sound harsh, but I've been pushed over the edge.
Name 7 Ben Affleck: Pearl Harbor, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks, Daredevil, Good Will Hunting, Armageddon.
Carrie Fisher was in When Harry Met Sally with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #5 winner: Molly-pants.
Quote Quiz #6: "What an incredible smell you've discovered!"
Apparently, I didn't miss much on Tuesday because the only two DVDs worth mentioning are Baby Mama and Grey's Anatomy: Season 4. Baby Mama may look ridiculous and stupid on the outside, but it has a great personality so don't judge the DVD by it's trailer. Tina Fey proves once again that she is a genius when it comes to comedy (she wrote for SNL for 9 years and is responsible for Mean Girls, a classic even though we don't want to admit it). And Grey's Anatomy is just worth mentioning because it's Grey's Anatomy and that show is beyond awesome.
Tomorrow (the movies being released are listed with the most important first):
The Women - This movie is a remake of an old classic, but I don't really care because I've never seen the original. Regardless, the all-star cast of Meg Ryan, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Debra Messing, Eva Mendes, Annette Benning, Bette Midler (think I'm done listing? Nope.), Carrie Fisher, Cloris Leachman, Candice Bergen, Ana Gasteyer and Debi Mazar is sure to make this chick flick one for the ages. I'm taking my mom and you all should too.
Burn After Reading - Honestly, the only reason I want to see this movie is because Brad Pitt is acting like a complete idiot throughout and I'm personally tired of the I'm-a-father-and-I-wanna-save-the-world Brad Pitt. So it should be a nice break.
Righteous Kill - Everyone is hyping this movie because Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino are working together and it's supposed to be amazing or something. It doesn't appeal to me personally, but more power to the old guys!
Tyler Perry's The Family That Preys - This sucker is last because I'm kind of getting tired of all of Tyler Perry's dramas. What happened to Madea? The Diary of a Mad Black Woman and Madea's Family Reunion had their dramatic moments, but the rest of the time Madea was freaking hilarious! The main reason I'm not seeing this movie is because the plot-line looks WAY too depressing for me without a hint of comedy, but I don't think I'm the only one in saying "Bring back Madea!"
Underrated movie of the post: Jumanji. What isn't funny about Robin Williams being chased down by rhinos, pelicans, spiders, and crazy hunters played by the same actor that plays his father (symbolic?)? The answer is nothing.
Movies to see: The Women, Burn After Reading, Baby Mama, Grey's Anatomy, Mean Girls, Jumanji, The Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Madea's Family Reunion.
TV to watch: American hero Michael Phelps host SNL this Saturday. Mark your TiVos.
Random thought of the post: Is it just me or is everyone else in the world sick of seeing that Lakeview Terrace trailer with Samuel L Jackson? I literally see it two or more times a day in random places other than my TV. This movie is going to bomb and bomb hard and I'm going to dance around its ashes giggling like a little school girl. That may sound harsh, but I've been pushed over the edge.
Name 7 Ben Affleck: Pearl Harbor, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks, Daredevil, Good Will Hunting, Armageddon.
Carrie Fisher was in When Harry Met Sally with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #5 winner: Molly-pants.
Quote Quiz #6: "What an incredible smell you've discovered!"
Monday, September 8, 2008
TiVo and Tom Cruise in a Fat Suit
I realized after I posted my wondrous post on TVs Fall schedule, that I was only giving you half of the story. I gave you the what and when, but I didn't give you the who and where! How silly of me. So now I will rectify this mistake and fulfill my duties as Entertainment Master.
I realize that most people either do not have a DVR (TiVo) or they have their own shows to record that may or may not conflict with the new shows that I have brought to their attention. Therefore, I am enlightening you readers to something I have taken full advantage of during the last year: watching TV online. Many stations make this available to their fans for most of their popular programs and it is wonderful. So here is the list again, but I have added the station it is broadcasted on so you know where to go online. Most, if not all of these shows will be available.
Sarah Conner Chronicles - Sept. 8 - FOX
Fringe - Sept. 9 - Weird occurrences and Joshua Jackson. - FOX
Do Not Disturb - Sept. 10 - Funny times at a hotel and Jerry O'Connell - FOX
House - Sept. 16 - FOX
Big Bang Theory - Sept. 22 - Funny nerds - CBS
Heroes - Sept. 22 - NBC
The Mentalist - Sept. 23 - Psych minus the funny, but plus a babe: Simon Baker - CBS
Grey's Anatomy - Sept. 25 - ABC
The Office - Sept. 25 - NBC
Amazing Race - Sept. 28 - CBS
Chuck - Sept. 29 - Geeks plus espionage - NBC
Pushing Daisies - Oct. 1 - Sensuality without touching (Mormon style haha) - ABC
CSI (Vegas, duh) - Oct. 9 - CBS
Kath & Kim - Oct. 9 - Molly Shannon and Selma Blair as a crazy mother/daughter team - NBC
The Starter Wife - Oct. 10 - Debra Messing as an ex-Hollywood wife. Very good - USA
My Own Worst Enemy - Oct. 13 - Christian Slater as a dude with multiple personalities - NBC
Lost - Sometime in January apparently. - ABC
On a completely different note, I went to see Tropic Thunder last night and this movie is literally beyond words. I cannot even begin to explain the majesty of this film. It is obviously something you have to see for yourself. There are so many surprising cameos doing ridiculous things that you pretty much laugh throughout. There is no end to the laughing. Constant laughs.
Underrated movie of the post: X-Men. Although it is from a comic book and therefore loved mostly by huge nerds, I am not afraid to count myself among said nerds. These movies are well done with a great cast. Even though many of the humongous nerds find it annoying that the movies do not perfectly follow the comics (what movie ever does?), these movies are usually loved by all.
Movies to see: Tropic Thunder and X-Men.
Name 7 Natalie Portman: Where the Heart Is, Star Wars, Garden State, Goya's Ghosts, Other Boleyn Girl, Anywhere But Here, Zoolander
Drew Barrymore was in Charlie's Angels with Lucy Liu who was in Chicago with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #4 winner: Katie Hesser!
Quote Quiz #5: "I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."
I realize that most people either do not have a DVR (TiVo) or they have their own shows to record that may or may not conflict with the new shows that I have brought to their attention. Therefore, I am enlightening you readers to something I have taken full advantage of during the last year: watching TV online. Many stations make this available to their fans for most of their popular programs and it is wonderful. So here is the list again, but I have added the station it is broadcasted on so you know where to go online. Most, if not all of these shows will be available.
Sarah Conner Chronicles - Sept. 8 - FOX
Fringe - Sept. 9 - Weird occurrences and Joshua Jackson. - FOX
Do Not Disturb - Sept. 10 - Funny times at a hotel and Jerry O'Connell - FOX
House - Sept. 16 - FOX
Big Bang Theory - Sept. 22 - Funny nerds - CBS
Heroes - Sept. 22 - NBC
The Mentalist - Sept. 23 - Psych minus the funny, but plus a babe: Simon Baker - CBS
Grey's Anatomy - Sept. 25 - ABC
The Office - Sept. 25 - NBC
Amazing Race - Sept. 28 - CBS
Chuck - Sept. 29 - Geeks plus espionage - NBC
Pushing Daisies - Oct. 1 - Sensuality without touching (Mormon style haha) - ABC
CSI (Vegas, duh) - Oct. 9 - CBS
Kath & Kim - Oct. 9 - Molly Shannon and Selma Blair as a crazy mother/daughter team - NBC
The Starter Wife - Oct. 10 - Debra Messing as an ex-Hollywood wife. Very good - USA
My Own Worst Enemy - Oct. 13 - Christian Slater as a dude with multiple personalities - NBC
Lost - Sometime in January apparently. - ABC
On a completely different note, I went to see Tropic Thunder last night and this movie is literally beyond words. I cannot even begin to explain the majesty of this film. It is obviously something you have to see for yourself. There are so many surprising cameos doing ridiculous things that you pretty much laugh throughout. There is no end to the laughing. Constant laughs.
Underrated movie of the post: X-Men. Although it is from a comic book and therefore loved mostly by huge nerds, I am not afraid to count myself among said nerds. These movies are well done with a great cast. Even though many of the humongous nerds find it annoying that the movies do not perfectly follow the comics (what movie ever does?), these movies are usually loved by all.
Movies to see: Tropic Thunder and X-Men.
Name 7 Natalie Portman: Where the Heart Is, Star Wars, Garden State, Goya's Ghosts, Other Boleyn Girl, Anywhere But Here, Zoolander
Drew Barrymore was in Charlie's Angels with Lucy Liu who was in Chicago with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #4 winner: Katie Hesser!
Quote Quiz #5: "I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really, ridiculously good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is."
Friday, September 5, 2008
Must See TV!
Here is wondrous list of the Fall line-up (listed in order of season premiere dates). If I've missed one that has escaped me, by all means visit Imdb.com. They have everything you could ever want and more! I even added a small description for the new shows that are coming out this fall to entice you even more!
Do Not Disturb - Sept. 10 - Funny times at a hotel and Jerry O'Connell
House - Sept. 16
Big Bang Theory - Sept. 22 - Funny nerds
Heroes - Sept. 22
The Mentalist - Sept. 23 - Psych minus the funny, but plus a babe: Simon Baker
Grey's Anatomy - Sept. 25
The Office - Sept. 25
Amazing Race - Sept. 28
Chuck - Sept. 29 - Geeks plus espionage
Pushing Daisies - Oct. 1 - Sensuality without touching (Mormon style haha)
CSI (Vegas, duh) - Oct. 9
Kath & Kim - Oct. 9 - Molly Shannon and Selma Blair as a crazy mother/daughter team
The Starter Wife - Oct. 10 - Debra Messing as an ex-Hollywood wife. Very good
My Own Worst Enemy - Oct. 13 - Christian Slater as a dude with multiple personalities
Sarah Conner Chronicles - Sept. 8
Fringe - Sept. 9 - Weird occurrences and Joshua Jackson.Do Not Disturb - Sept. 10 - Funny times at a hotel and Jerry O'Connell
House - Sept. 16
Big Bang Theory - Sept. 22 - Funny nerds
Heroes - Sept. 22
The Mentalist - Sept. 23 - Psych minus the funny, but plus a babe: Simon Baker
Grey's Anatomy - Sept. 25
The Office - Sept. 25
Amazing Race - Sept. 28
Chuck - Sept. 29 - Geeks plus espionage
Pushing Daisies - Oct. 1 - Sensuality without touching (Mormon style haha)
CSI (Vegas, duh) - Oct. 9
Kath & Kim - Oct. 9 - Molly Shannon and Selma Blair as a crazy mother/daughter team
The Starter Wife - Oct. 10 - Debra Messing as an ex-Hollywood wife. Very good
My Own Worst Enemy - Oct. 13 - Christian Slater as a dude with multiple personalities
Lost - No release date yet!! Oh no!!
I hope this list was as interesting for you because it actually took some work to hunt down everything I needed. So you'd better appreciate it! Haha.
Underrated TV show of the post: Pushing Daisies. This show is filled with relatively unknowns (unless of course you have an extensive and useless knowledge of entertainment things). It is however very funny and very cute. It revolves around Ned who has the uncanny ability to bring people back from the dead with just a touch. If he were to touch said person again, however, they would die once more, never to be revived. The interesting part comes from Chuck (a girl) whom Ned knows and brought back to life. The two instantly fall in love, but can never touch for fear Chuck would be lost forever. Therefore, this show is a Mormon Mom's dream. Haha. Oh and they solve mysteries by bringing murder victims back to life to ask them who killed them.
TV shows to watch: See above list. I'm not re-typing that all.
Name 7 movies starring TV stars - Simon Baker (The Mentalist): Something New, Lee Pace (Pushing Daisies): Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day, Molly Shannon (Kath & Kim): The Year of the Dog, Selma Blair (Kath & Kim): Hellboy, Steve Carrell (Office): Dan in Real Life, John Krasinski (Office): Leatherheads, Kal Penn (House): Harold and Kumar.
Hugh Laurie was in Man in the Iron Mask with Leonardo DiCaprio who was in The Departed with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #3 winner: Molly! I knew you'd get that one!
Quote Quiz #4: "Just wishing I could do the job for you, sir. I'd give her a HA! And a HI-YA! And then a OUU-WA! And I'd kick her, sir."
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Hello All
Since I feel so bad having not written for a week (and I have nothing better to do until my class starts in an hour), I thought I would write ANOTHER post! That's two posts in two days! You must be thinking, "What did I do to deserve this kind of luck?" Well, I love you and that's why I've decided to grace you with this second post. Not that it matters, because it doesn't look like anyone has read yesterday's post anyway. Haha.
Today was my last shift at good ole Suncoast. I must admit that I am going to miss some aspects of that job, but, quite frankly, I'm having trouble containing my excitement at it all being over and done with. Of course, I'm still going to visit and buy movies (what could keep me away?), but I will never have to deal with any of the problems I had with the place ever again. Huzzah!
This evening is the season premier of Bones!!!! I am going to be stuck in a classroom until 8 when it starts, but still have to navigate my way home (wish me luck). I'm sure many of you are wondering about TVs fall schedule. Don't you worry about not knowing when all of your (my) favorite shows come on, because I plan on making a list and posting it for the betterment of knowledge. You're welcome.
This weekend (in case I don't get around to blogging about it) Bangkok Dangerous is being released. It's just Nicolas Cage with more slime-ball long hair shooting people or something. Don't bother.
It is too freaking hot out. Why am I talking about the weather? Because I'm worried about my new DVD acquisitions in my car. I tried to protect them as much as I could, but I'm still worried they're going to get warped or something equally horrendous. I'll keep you updated on their status because I'm sure you're just as worried as I am. Here's what I got:
Titanic, Four Brothers, Nightmare Before Christmas, and a special surprise for my mom. I won't name it because it's not going to be added to my collection so it doesn't really matter.
My new movie plan once I get a new job and can afford to buy more? Disney movies. I've decided that I like Little Mermaid and Little Mermaid 2 so much that I'm just going to collect the series (including the recently released Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Beginning). Then I'm going to get The Fox and the Hound, Robin Hood, Tarzan, and the Aladdin series. I think it's a pretty good plan if I do say so myself.
Underrated movie of the post: Titanic. I honestly just picked up this movie on a whim because it was half off, but I realized as I was wondering whether or not I should admit to buying it that this movie isn't that bad. In fact, it can be great if you're in the mood. And even though I didn't like to admit it back when it was in theaters, Leonardo DiCaprio is pretty dang fine (even though I think he's much hotter now). So I officially take the "r" out of Leonardo Di-Crap-rio and allow him to go by his actual name. You're welcome, Leo.
Movies to see: Titanic, Four Brothers and Bones!!
Name 7 Leonardo DiCaprio: Aviator, Departed, Titanic, Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, This Boy's Life, The Beach.
Patrick Dempsey was in Made of Honor with Michelle Monaghan who was in Mission Impossible 3 with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Since no one has responded to Quote Quiz #3 (either given up or answered) I'm going to throw it in again and then add a Movie Knowledge Quiz #1 in just for kicks and giggles.
Quote Quiz #3: "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you can come up with another clever idea to get us all killed - or worse, expelled."
Movie Knowledge Quiz #1: What is credited as being Cameron Diaz's first major motion picture (i.e. it says "and introducing Cameron Diaz" during the credits)?
Will I write again tomorrow? You never know!!! Haha
Today was my last shift at good ole Suncoast. I must admit that I am going to miss some aspects of that job, but, quite frankly, I'm having trouble containing my excitement at it all being over and done with. Of course, I'm still going to visit and buy movies (what could keep me away?), but I will never have to deal with any of the problems I had with the place ever again. Huzzah!
This evening is the season premier of Bones!!!! I am going to be stuck in a classroom until 8 when it starts, but still have to navigate my way home (wish me luck). I'm sure many of you are wondering about TVs fall schedule. Don't you worry about not knowing when all of your (my) favorite shows come on, because I plan on making a list and posting it for the betterment of knowledge. You're welcome.
This weekend (in case I don't get around to blogging about it) Bangkok Dangerous is being released. It's just Nicolas Cage with more slime-ball long hair shooting people or something. Don't bother.
It is too freaking hot out. Why am I talking about the weather? Because I'm worried about my new DVD acquisitions in my car. I tried to protect them as much as I could, but I'm still worried they're going to get warped or something equally horrendous. I'll keep you updated on their status because I'm sure you're just as worried as I am. Here's what I got:
Titanic, Four Brothers, Nightmare Before Christmas, and a special surprise for my mom. I won't name it because it's not going to be added to my collection so it doesn't really matter.
My new movie plan once I get a new job and can afford to buy more? Disney movies. I've decided that I like Little Mermaid and Little Mermaid 2 so much that I'm just going to collect the series (including the recently released Little Mermaid 3: Ariel's Beginning). Then I'm going to get The Fox and the Hound, Robin Hood, Tarzan, and the Aladdin series. I think it's a pretty good plan if I do say so myself.
Underrated movie of the post: Titanic. I honestly just picked up this movie on a whim because it was half off, but I realized as I was wondering whether or not I should admit to buying it that this movie isn't that bad. In fact, it can be great if you're in the mood. And even though I didn't like to admit it back when it was in theaters, Leonardo DiCaprio is pretty dang fine (even though I think he's much hotter now). So I officially take the "r" out of Leonardo Di-Crap-rio and allow him to go by his actual name. You're welcome, Leo.
Movies to see: Titanic, Four Brothers and Bones!!
Name 7 Leonardo DiCaprio: Aviator, Departed, Titanic, Basketball Diaries, What's Eating Gilbert Grape?, This Boy's Life, The Beach.
Patrick Dempsey was in Made of Honor with Michelle Monaghan who was in Mission Impossible 3 with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Since no one has responded to Quote Quiz #3 (either given up or answered) I'm going to throw it in again and then add a Movie Knowledge Quiz #1 in just for kicks and giggles.
Quote Quiz #3: "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you can come up with another clever idea to get us all killed - or worse, expelled."
Movie Knowledge Quiz #1: What is credited as being Cameron Diaz's first major motion picture (i.e. it says "and introducing Cameron Diaz" during the credits)?
Will I write again tomorrow? You never know!!! Haha
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Apathy and Procrastination
It is only the second week of school and I am already dodging my ever-growing pile of homework to watch movies, read the sadly never-to-be-finished Midnight Sun, and now blogging. And I'm sorry, Smolls, for not doing so for an entire week now because I tried to be responsible this weekend. In the end, I went cliff-jumping, and watched hours upon hours of new movies I picked up, completely shunning my homework. Shun! Shuuuunnn!
The movies I missed talking about last Friday:
Babylon A.D. - This is the only one that seems even remotely interesting. It's set in the future, it's all science fiction-y and Vin Diesel's in it being his regular badass. Reasons enough for me.
College - As much as Drake Bell is hot, this movie is not. Don't bother unless you want to imitate the stupid frat boys in the movie and lose brain cells.
Disaster Movie - I stopped watching these parody movies after seeing the atrocity that was Epic Movie. Or was it Date Movie? You see my point.
Movies that came out on DVD today:
Mostly TV shows (including the wonder that is Office Season 4) an indie-flick directed by and starring Helen Hunt (who is a babe in my book) called Then She Found Me. It's a dark comedy, but still good and it has Colin Firth, Katie! Lastly, It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! What a classic. I wish I had gotten it last year when it wasn't being released in this uber-special anniversary edition, though. Then it would be cheaper. So I guess I won't bother trying to get it until the price goes back down.
I've added even more movies to my collection including: The Indiana Jones Collection, The Star Wars Collection (the old good ones, back in the happier days when Hayden Christianson wasn't acting), Clueless (it was cheap and it can be a decent movie when you're in the right mood), and Nightmare Before Christmas! Yay!
Goodness Gracious! Gimme Goodies! (That's called alliteration. Thank you.)
Underrated movie of the post: The Corpse Bride. We were playing this goodie in my store before we got a used Nightmare to try and attract all the crazies. I've only seen it once and I remember thinking it was okay, but I found myself bobbing along with the music during some parts. Although, the dude doesn't sound much like Johnny Depp who supposedly voiced the part. I remain unconvinced. But hey, it's Tim Burton.
Movies to see: Babylon A.D., Then She Found Me, The Office, Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Clueless.
Name 7 Will Smith: Independence Day, I, Robot, Enemy of the State, Bad Boys, Hitch, Hancock, Jersey Girl.
Hank Azaria was in Godzilla with Matthew Broderick who was in Then She Found Me with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote #2 winner: No one! I'm shocked and appalled. No one even bothered cheating, either. It's from Ocean's 12.
Quote #3: "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you can come up with another clever idea to get us all killed - or worse, expelled."
The movies I missed talking about last Friday:
Babylon A.D. - This is the only one that seems even remotely interesting. It's set in the future, it's all science fiction-y and Vin Diesel's in it being his regular badass. Reasons enough for me.
College - As much as Drake Bell is hot, this movie is not. Don't bother unless you want to imitate the stupid frat boys in the movie and lose brain cells.
Disaster Movie - I stopped watching these parody movies after seeing the atrocity that was Epic Movie. Or was it Date Movie? You see my point.
Movies that came out on DVD today:
Mostly TV shows (including the wonder that is Office Season 4) an indie-flick directed by and starring Helen Hunt (who is a babe in my book) called Then She Found Me. It's a dark comedy, but still good and it has Colin Firth, Katie! Lastly, It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown! What a classic. I wish I had gotten it last year when it wasn't being released in this uber-special anniversary edition, though. Then it would be cheaper. So I guess I won't bother trying to get it until the price goes back down.
I've added even more movies to my collection including: The Indiana Jones Collection, The Star Wars Collection (the old good ones, back in the happier days when Hayden Christianson wasn't acting), Clueless (it was cheap and it can be a decent movie when you're in the right mood), and Nightmare Before Christmas! Yay!
Goodness Gracious! Gimme Goodies! (That's called alliteration. Thank you.)
Underrated movie of the post: The Corpse Bride. We were playing this goodie in my store before we got a used Nightmare to try and attract all the crazies. I've only seen it once and I remember thinking it was okay, but I found myself bobbing along with the music during some parts. Although, the dude doesn't sound much like Johnny Depp who supposedly voiced the part. I remain unconvinced. But hey, it's Tim Burton.
Movies to see: Babylon A.D., Then She Found Me, The Office, Star Wars, Indiana Jones and Clueless.
Name 7 Will Smith: Independence Day, I, Robot, Enemy of the State, Bad Boys, Hitch, Hancock, Jersey Girl.
Hank Azaria was in Godzilla with Matthew Broderick who was in Then She Found Me with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote #2 winner: No one! I'm shocked and appalled. No one even bothered cheating, either. It's from Ocean's 12.
Quote #3: "Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you can come up with another clever idea to get us all killed - or worse, expelled."
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