While everyone has their own opinion of the Twilight movie, we all know that mine is the best. Contrary to popular belief (and what I said to everyone within earshot after the movie), my opinion of Twilight has been altered slightly. (Pause for shock and awe). Now don't be too shocked or full of awe because I've only flip-flopped on a few points and that is only after I have spoken to some very intelligent people down at U of A. Okay, here it goes:
My stance on Twilight on a whole was it was an atrocity: Flipped! At first I could not get past the over-acting and over-dramatized conversations between Edward and Bella. I previously compared it to a movie some Junior High kids made. When I vocalized this point to my afore-mentioned smart friends in Tucson, they pointed out that, originally, the books were supposed to be for teenagers/young adults (all those mothers and Mormon Mommies out there are just crazies). So I suppose I'm just ahead of my time or I just have a higher standard for movies (probably the latter). With this new enlightened viewpoint, I have since changed my opinion of the movie as a whole. I've lowered my expectations even more after the fact and I have decided it was good for what it was.
I will never spend money on Twilight again (in theaters or DVD): Flipped! After discovering that I was watching the movie with too high of expectations, I realized I'd like to see the movie again to see if my drastic discovery will drastically change my inner feelings of the movie. Also, since I collected the books, my OCD demands that I also collect the movies as they are released. I have a problem.
Robert Pattinson was a terrible Edward: Semi-flipped! The kid has his moments. There were a few scenes that I actually approved of and he looked pretty fine a couple of times.
My positions on the movies that have not and will not be budged:
Negatives... Sorry Molly/Kristina/Aunt Janette.
~ Robert Pattinson cannot act. All, I repeat, all of the overly dramatic scenes involved him. I actually looked forward to the scenes that he wasn't going to be in.
~ The "falling in love" was too rushed. I didn't believe it and the story left too many holes for my brain to fill in with stuff from the book like I do with Harry Potter.
~ The screenwriter cut out or cut short important scenes and focused instead on scenes that weren't vitally necessary.
Positives!! Yay!
~ Alice and Jasper were the greatest. They didn't have as big of roles as I would have liked, though. I know it supposed to be all about Edward and Bella, but I love Alice and Jasper more! Why couldn't Stephenie Meyer write about them?!
~ The normal kids (or muggles by Harry Potter standards) were hilarious. That Eric kid was awesome and who knew that Mike had a personality besides the annoying one that Meyer paints in the book?
~ Charlie had a personality and it was funny! That scene where he's cleaning the gun... hilarious!
~ James = so fine!
~ Victoria's ending that hints at New Moon was pretty cool, though full of holes. I'm going to point them out, even though I liked it: Edward can read minds up to 3 miles, why didn't he hear her? Alice would have seen her coming. She doesn't have self-control so she would have either attacked Edward and Bella right there or one of the hundreds of kids downstairs.
~ Jacob was awesome! Understandably, his part was a little short, but from what I could see Taylor Lautner has it down. Because he was barely in it, we aren't completely sure he can act amazingly, but we'll soon find out in New Moon (which has already been scheduled for production). Because of my crankiness-induced hatred of Edward in the movie, I actually slipped over to the Jacob side. This of course would never happen in real life, just in 2am-haven't-slept-well-in-weeks life.
I'd like to point out that there were more Positives than Negatives.
Movies out on DVD Tuesday:
Fred Claus - This movie came out in theaters over a year ago (November 7, 2007). Many a people were aggravated at the studio's refusal to release it on DVD until Christmastime the next year and I have to concur. Who cares? I'm sure you wouldn't have gotten as much money releasing it in February, but by releasing it a year later, people have forgotten whether or not they liked it. It's a lose-lose situation, but you lose slightly less if you just release it right away.
Hancock - This movie was pretty good. I would have said it was AWESOME, but it knocked itself down a few pegs when halfway through it turned into a drama. But the storyline was intriguing and Will Smith was hilarious.
Underrated movie of the post: Music & Lyrics. I'd forgotten how cute this movie is and how HILARIOUS Hugh Grant is in it. All of his sarcastic and witty comments made that movie. Also, for those of you who have seen Speed Racer, the lead singer Colin from PoP! is Young Rex Racer! That dude is fine!
Movies to see: Twilight (you should at least see it once), Hancock, Music & Lyrics.
Movie Trailer of the Post!!!!!!!!!! Ahhhh!!!!!!!
Yay Harry Potter!!!! Can I just point out how AWESOME Ron Weasley is? He is the greatest!
Name 7 Hugh Grant: Music and Lyrics, Two Weeks Notice, Four Weddings and a Funeral, Bridget Jones’ Diary, About a Boy, Nine Weeks, Sense and Sensibility.
Hugh Grant was in Bridget Jones' Diary with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #23 winner: Molly with Anchorman. Although Ben Stiller's part is small and relatively insignificant compared to the rest of the film, he is apart of the funniest scene in said film and therefore awesome.
Quote Quiz #24: Name this Hugh Grant movie:
"And did you tell Billy you loved him? Did you say, 'Billy, I love you'?"
a. Nine Months
b. Two Weeks Notice
c. Bridget Jones' Diary
d. Love Actually
i'm rollin on these quizzes: b. two weeks notice (which I also watched recently)
although we have fundamental Twilight disagreements, I think we can both agree that we'd much rather have seen Harry Potter this past weekend. Especially after seeing that new trailer ("Honestly sir...I just sorta go with it"; Ginny kissing Harry; Hermione crying; AAAH!!) But honestly, no date, just JULY?! I hate Warner Bros
i know this one! b! yay :)
anyway, i'm very proud of you for rethinking twilight and being a big enough person to admit when you're wrong. and for writing it down where everyone can see. and i am psyched to watch the trailer! i'm gonna do it now!
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