Monday, March 1, 2010

Colin Farrell

DVDs out Tuesday

2012 - Kind of ridiculous, but I really enjoyed the special effects, as extreme as they were.

Where the Wild Things Are - I've heard that this movie kind of butchered the book. It turned a nice little kids book into a movie about an angsty child that is depressed about various child things. Granted, I can't pass judgement until I see it, but I still say: Not cool, Hollywood. Not cool.

Drunken Irish Goodies

Underrated movie of the post:
American Outlaws. This is a great movie when it comes to silly little cowboy movies. There're hunky dudes and some pretty sweet gun fight scenes. It's worth watching at least once.

Movies to see:
2012, Where the Wild Things Are, and American Outlaws.

Trailers of the post: Weird.

Ondine. This looks extremely strange. Needless to say, I want to see it.

Heartless. I love Jim Sturgess and I love crazy weird movies.

Name 7 Colin Farrell:
SWAT, Alexander, American Outlaws, Daredevil, The New World, Minority Report, In Bruges.

Kevin Bacon Game:
Colin Farrell was in Minority Report with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.

Quote Quiz #147 winner:
Me. You snooze you lose! It was Chicken Little.

QQ #148: name this Colin Farrell movie:
"One gay beer for my gay friend, one normal beer for me because I am normal."

b. Pride and Glory
c. Tigerland
d. In Bruges


Kristina said...

I've only seen SWAT of these I will guess D. Because I like the city name Bruges (which is in Belgium-which has beer).

molly mouse said...

damn that sister! i'll guess a: SWAT then.

also, terribly sorry i missed the last posts - i've been a bad blog reader.

also, also, that heartless movie looks exceedingly weird, but michael was into the water-woman one.