Monday, March 8, 2010

Clifton Collins Jr

DVDs out Tuesday

Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day - Saw it. Loved it. Gonna buy it! And not just to complete my collection. It wasn't as good as the first (but then again, sequels never are), but it was still great!

The Fourth Kind - No thanks.

Old Dogs - I never got the chance to see it, but I plan on it eventually.

Planet 51 - Not going to go out of my way to see this one. It looks a little too kidsy for me, and that's saying something.

Possession - It's that movie that I wanted to see with Sarah Michelle Gellar and Lee Pace! I cannot wait to see it. Netflix ahoy!

Precious: Based on the Novel "Push" - A lot of people seem to love this movie so I guess I should get around to seeing it. Once school is over, I'm going to hibernate for three months and just watch all the great movies I missed out on.

Up in the Air - Despite all the awards and rave reviews for George Clooney, I have to say this movie was just so-so.

Underrated Awesome Goodies

Underrated movie of the post:
The Last Castle. This movie is beyond awesome. One of the very few dramas I've ever seen that I've absolutely loved. Robert Redford, Mark Ruffalo and James Gandolfini were all great, but Clifton Collins Jr completely stole the show. His character was sweet and charming and he acted brilliantly.

Movies to see:
Boondock Saints II, Old Dogs, Possession, Precious, and The Last Castle.

Trailer of the post

Stolen. I love Josh Lucas. However, this looks a little too depressing. Small children being hurt is not the best movie to warm the heart.

Name 7 CCJ:
Mindhunters, Sunshine Cleaning, Star Trek, The Last Castle, Traffic, Extract, Boondock Saints II.

Kevin Bacon Game:
Clifton Collins Jr was in The Last Castle with Robert Redford who was in Spy Games with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.

Quote Quiz #148 winner:
Katie makes a comeback with Failure to Launch!

QQ #149: name this CCJ movie:
"This ain't rocket surgery."

a. Extract
b. Sunshine Cleaning
c. The Last Castle
d. Boondock Saints II


KT80 said...

I've no idea. But I'm going with d), because it was an awesome movie! :)

molly mouse said...

uh, b. it's 100% guessing, because i don't even know who this collins guy is

Kristina said...

I will guess A because I, too, have no idea who this is