Batman Anthology: Batman = Love.
Cadillac Records: All I know is Adrian Brody and Beyonce were in this movie. It's a period piece from the fifties, I believe, about a record company? Dunno.
Milk: Personally, I'm not interested. I know there is a huge cast and it won a lot of Oscars, but it's still just a government-ish movie and I can't stand (or understand) politics. Plus, I learned my lesson when it comes to movies with man-on-man action (Brokeback Mountain).
Pinocchio: It's back out of the Disney Vault. Not a big fan of it so I don't really care, but others do so I'm including it.
Rachel Getting Married: I'm (again) not a big fan of Anne Hathaway, but I really want to see this one just because she (apparently) did so well in it. I don't even know what it's about, so this is the perfect example of how TV and Hollywood are controlling my life.
Role Models: This movie is AMAZING!!!! I'm going to buy it as soon as I have money again (which should be soon! Huzzah!)
Transporter 3: See above.
Here are some Dancing Goodies! Young and sweet only seventeen!
Underrated movie of the post: The Hours. This movie was an intense drama, but it was really, REALLY good. No wonder Nicole Kidman won an Oscar (I think...). And it has Julianne Moore! Love them all.
Movies to see: Role Models, Transporter 3, Rachel Getting Married, The Hours.
Trailer of the post: Julie & Julia. Okay, I lied. The fact is, I'm tired, and I assumed there would be a trailer for this movie, but, alas, I was mistaken. So instead of trying to change my Meryl Streep topic to something else, I've decided to stick with it.
Julie & Julia stars Amy Adams as Julie Powell, a woman who decides to take Julia Child's (Streep) cookbook and make 524 recipes in 365 days. It's based off a book and, even though there's no trailer, you can imagine how funny and scatterbrained it's going to be. Apparently, Amy Adams is going to be channelling the spirit of Meryl Streep as she tries frantically to complete her challenge. Looks cute. Here's a few pictures since I was so lame in the trailer department.

Name 7 Meryl Streep: Mamma Mia!, The Hours, The Devil Wears Prada, Lemony Snickett’s, Sophie’s Choice, Dangerous Liaisons, Doubt.
Meryl Streep was in The Hours with Nicole Kidman who was in Eyes Wide Shut with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #51 winner: Kristina with Snatch! Apparently she knows this movie like the back of her hand as well. So she has Snatch on one hand and all Vin Diesel movies on the other. Weird hands...
Quote Quiz #52: Name this Meryl Streep movie:
"Sometimes you love, and you learn, and you... move on."
a. The Hours
b. Prime
c. Evening
d. The Devil Wears Prada
the devil wears prada
im thinking prime. not really sure tho. katrina may be right :(
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