Movie out today:
The Watchmen: I went to see the midnight showing for this movie and I have to say it was pretty great. I mean, it was L-O-N-G (so don't drink any liquids for a few hours beforehand if you have an absurdly small bladder like me) and a little talk-y, but I was able to keep up with what was going on so no worries. The acting was good, the action was great, and it kept me guessing. The worst part? There wasn't much offered in the looks department. I mean, Jeffrey Dean Morgan was there and everything, but only barely and he was a dirty pervert making it difficult for me to love him as usual. Oddly enough, though, I was very attracted to Billy Crudup, but only as Dr. Manhattan. He just isn't as good looking unless he's blue and glowing. Oh and watch out for the blue penis. Yeah, blue penis.
High Speed Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: What movie isn't underrated? I'm going to have to go with Death Race. This movie was awesome! It is one of those stupid, pointless movies that is only good for the action and good looking men.
Movies to see: Death Race and Watchmen.
Trailer of the post: Crank 2: High Voltage. "A stupid, pointless movie that is only good for action" sequel?!?! Heaven does exist!
Name 7 Jason Statham: Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Italian Job, Transporter, In the Name of the King, Bank Job, Chaos, Death Race.
Jason Statham is in Italian Job with Charlize Theron who was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #50 winner: Technically no one guessed Tomb Raider 2. Molly guessed either A or B, but she stuck with A. So no one wins. Bummer. Aw heck, I'm giving Molly half a point! But don't make a habit of guessing multiple answers! I'm just in a fantastic mood today because it's SPRING BREAK!!!
Quote Quiz Standings: It's been another ten quizzes, so here's where everyone stands:
Gold: Molly with 17 1/2
Silver: Katie with 16
Bronze: Katrina with 7
Honorable Mentions: Kristina and Janette with 1
Quote Quiz #51: Name this Jason Statham movie:
"There's a gun in your trousers. What's a gun doing in your trousers?"
a. Snatch
b. Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
c. The Bank Job
d. Transporter
i've actually seen two of these movies, but i still have no clue what it is. unlike katrina, however, i shant stoop to cheating to win this game ;)
i'm guessing the transporter. (good movie!)
i know this one! A! wooo, pulling ahead
i've heard watchman was exciting visually, with the action. and i cannot believe you like Death Race. i can't abide
Sorry Smolls, but Kristina beat you via text message around 9:30 this morning. I have the message for evidentiary support, if you need it. But don't worry, you're still winning the QQ.
tell kristina i call shananagins! if she wants to play this game, she needs to get a blog account
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