Here is a tribute for the people who have passed away this year. Hopefully, we won't have to add anymore to the list.
Brad Renfro: January 15. Age 25.

Heath Ledger: January 22. Age 28.

Roy Scheider: February 10. Age 75.

Charlton Heston: April 5. Age 84.

Stanley Kamel: April 8. Age 65.

Sydney Pollack: May 26. Age 73.

George Carlin: June 22. Age 71.

Bernie Mac: August 9. Age 50.

um...i made a stupid mistake. ignore the post being removed by the author thing. anyway, i have officially heard about two dead actors via you: heath ledger and bernie mac. i am now officially learning news from you. woo.
on a lighter note, i was watching friends tongiht and steve zahn was on and i thought of you and it made me happy :)
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