I personally altered this ridiculous temporary tattoo that we are supposed to hand out to ridiculous little girls at my job to promote another ridiculous Disney movie, Camp Rock. First off, does the little emblem in the tattoo not remind you of the WB crest thing? They pretty much just butchered the W part and claimed it as their own. Talk about rude.
Secondly, the Jonas Brothers are not even cool, okay? The only one of the three that I feel the least bit emotion towards is Kevin and that emotion is pity, my friends. The poor guy is obviously being out-shined by his two younger and supposedly "hotter" brothers.
Thirdly, they are not good looking. That little Nick one's eyes are too weird and he wore a bow-tie and sweater-vest on So You Think You Can Dance. Ew. That Joe guy's eyebrows are WAY too bushy. You'd think he would pluck those suckers. And we've already discussed Kevin's looks.
Fourthly, what is with all the drama that Disney is cooking up between Miley "Big Teeth" Cyrus and that Selena chick? They're supposedly fighting over Nick Jonas (a mistake in and of its own). Do the seven to eleven year old girls really care which fourteen-year-old millionaire is dating whom? I think not.
Lastly, I know this rant has very little validity when you factor in that I used to be one of those little girls enraptured with NSYNC, but I'm going on the record and stating that NSYNC had way more skills than those little Jonas punks. And I NEVER cared nor even noticed that Britney and Justin were dating until I was at least thirteen. So enough with the pre-pubescent cat fights.
(This rant is brought to you by the sarcastic and pessimistic mind of Ashley Skelnik. Thank you, have a nice day.)
the part about those girls "fighting" over the little jonas being a mistake in itself made me laugh out loud! you've still got it.
i must confess....i watched 1/3 of Camp Rock. in my defense i didn't like it & the brothers were all very effeminate and bad actors. also - hello! they are homeschooled! "And on the 8th day, God gave us guns to protect us from the ho-mo-sex-uals" (movie quote quiz)
ashley, rest assured - your movie quote skills are far superior to mine. my quotes are more like loosely remembered words that i string together. i mean, the real quote is actually this: "And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals"
so, you see, you're still more awesome. however, i will be spending the day thinking about your quote challenge - i know i know it!!
yeah! got it! "Fight club" it came to me like a heavenly vision full of half naked brad pitt
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