If you ever wonder if it was nice to know you, I tell you now that it was - Empire Records
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Day Has Arrived!
In case you couldn't tell, I'm very excited about this. I already have my copy reserved at good ole Suncoast and will be purchasing it tomorrow! I would have run over and picked it up today, but I have school (ew). I am currently writing this post from the Hayden Library on campus while trying to hide the embarassing fact that I'm blogging. I will most likely be writing many a post from on campus considering I have a two hour break between classes and no friends past 3pm. That is, however, if I'm not buried under a stack of books and papers for the next semester which, judging by my first two classes, seems all too likely. I hate school and you can be sure you're going to hear that little, three-word phrase much more often than the popular I love you.
The other not as cool titles that were released today are: Heroes Season 2, One Tree Hill Season 5, The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Beginning, and What Happens in Vegas. I can sum up these titles with only a few words each: Yay Heroes, Drama Galore, Over-milked, Who Cares?.
Seriously though, what about Ariel's mom? Is she mentioned in this one or is Disney still going the angry-father-rebellious-daughter route? Also, who cares about Ashton Kutcher or Cameron Diaz? Better yet, who cares about a movie they did together? The answer to all of those questions is: no one.
I added more DVDs to my collection, but seeing as I'm in school and they're at home, I can't remember clearly what they are (the first sign that I've purchased too many). I can recall one, however, because I saw it recently and had to run out and buy it. I'll talk about the others once I remember what they are.
Playing By Heart is by far one of the greatest movies I've seen in a while. That is, one of the greatest chick flicks I've seen in a while. Listen up ladies because this one is a winner. The movie stars Angelina Jolie (who is actually adorable in this one), Gillian Anderson, Sean Connery, Jay Mohr, Ryan Phillipe, Dennis Quaid and, the greatest of all, Jon Stewart! It revolves around all of these separate love stories and how they all fit together in the end and each one is really freaking cute, but the winner goes to Angelina and Ryan's love story that I'm still gushing about three days later. Let me know if you're interested and I will gladly come over to watch it with you.
Underrated movie of the post: James and the Giant Peach. This movie is gold in my eyes. I used to watch it constantly when I was little and have just recently acquired it. It's a classic no matter what anyone else says. Who wouldn't think it's a classic? I challenge you to watch this movie and NOT love it. And if you meet this challenge and dislike this movie, it doesn't matter what you say because I'm the movie expert regardless. So there.
Movies to see: Nightmare Before Christmas, Playing By Heart, James and the Giant Peach.
Name 7 movies Tim Burton directed: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride, Sweeney Todd, Nightmare Before Christmas, Batman, Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood.
Laura Ramsey was in The Covenant with Steven Strait who was in Sky High with Kelly Preston who was in Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #1 Winner: Katie Hesser, though I have no idea why you started talking about Matt Damon...
Quote Quiz #2: "Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why."
Friday, August 22, 2008
My Switch-Up
Death Race is a movie made for dudes. There is simply no eloquent or witty way to say it. It is a guy's movie. There is fights, cars, racing, scantily clad women who can be described as voluptuous, blood, and gore. In no way is this movie made for women, but the writers were nice enough to throw us chicks a bone. There are a few moments that tug at the heart strings of the poor women who were dragged to this movie. They revolve around a cute father/daughter story. Other than that, ladies, this isn't something that you and your girlfriends will want to run out to see. Unless you're like me and enjoy the blood and explosions just as much as the guys sitting around you, but there are very few of us.
House Bunny is on the extreme other end of the spectrum where dudes will groan as their ladies pull them along. Although, this isn't as bad because there are half-naked chicks (which is apparently reason enough to sit through an hour and a half movie) and comedy. The movie itself is actually quite cute and very hilarious. Go see this movie. You won't regret it, whether you're a dude or a chick.
In one of my very first blogs I ranted about the difference between Widescreen format and Fullscreen. Much to my surprise quite a few of the DVDs in my collection were Fullscreen (I had purchased them long before I knew what I was doing). This obviously wouldn't do, so I took it upon myself to sell these Fullscreens back to my store and purchasing the Widescreen versions. However, I wasn't able to replace all of them and had to settle for my favorites and resolve to replace the rest at a later time. Needless to say, I'm now short a few DVDs, but I have also gone off and bought some that were completely new to my collection! Here's how it breaks down:
Movies I Haven't Replaced Yet: Be Cool, Billy Madison, Blue Crush, Bruce Almighty, Chasing Liberty, Dogma, Just Like Heaven, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Phantom of the Opera, RENT, Rundown, Wimbledon, Win A Date With Tad Hamilton, Without A Paddle.
Movies I Have Added Instead: The Forgotten, Scorpion King (It came in a 3 pack with the Mummy Movies which had to be replaced), Tomb Raider 1 & 2, Simply Irresistible and last, but most certainly NOT least Newsies!
So my count has gone down from 142 to 134, but don't you worry, I'll be back up before the week is out (I'm quitting my job and want to use my employee discount as much as I can before I can't anymore! Haha).
Underrated movie of the post: Super Mario Bros. I absolutely love this movie. I went searching for it at my work today, but, alas, we were sold out! Bummer. But I will get it because no collection is complete unless you have this gem. Who doesn't love the Mario games? Well the movie is just as awesome. If, by some horrible atrocity, you have yet to see this movie, run out and get it somehow. You need to!
Movies to see: Death Race, House Bunny, Super Mario Bros.
Name 7 Matt Damon: Ocean's movies, Bourne movies, Dogma, Good Will Hunting, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, The Departed, The Good Shepherd.
Anna Faris was in House Bunny with Colin Hanks who was in Untraceable with Diane Lane who was in Must Love Dogs with John Cusack who was in Anastasia with Meg Ryan who was in In The Cut with Kevin Bacon: 5 steps.
A new goodie I'm adding to the line-up is a Quote Quiz and I've decided to add it because of my wonderful cousin Molly who is my inspiration in all that is blogging : ) So the way it goes is whoever posts the title of the movie that goes with the quote first is the winner! (This could also be construed as just making sure people read my blog, but I don't really care. It'll be fun so it's a win-win for me haha). For the first one, I'll start out easy:
"Oh man, I can't feel my toes... I don't have any toes!... I need a hug."
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
New Movies = Rant Day!

I personally altered this ridiculous temporary tattoo that we are supposed to hand out to ridiculous little girls at my job to promote another ridiculous Disney movie, Camp Rock. First off, does the little emblem in the tattoo not remind you of the WB crest thing? They pretty much just butchered the W part and claimed it as their own. Talk about rude.
Secondly, the Jonas Brothers are not even cool, okay? The only one of the three that I feel the least bit emotion towards is Kevin and that emotion is pity, my friends. The poor guy is obviously being out-shined by his two younger and supposedly "hotter" brothers.
Thirdly, they are not good looking. That little Nick one's eyes are too weird and he wore a bow-tie and sweater-vest on So You Think You Can Dance. Ew. That Joe guy's eyebrows are WAY too bushy. You'd think he would pluck those suckers. And we've already discussed Kevin's looks.
Fourthly, what is with all the drama that Disney is cooking up between Miley "Big Teeth" Cyrus and that Selena chick? They're supposedly fighting over Nick Jonas (a mistake in and of its own). Do the seven to eleven year old girls really care which fourteen-year-old millionaire is dating whom? I think not.
Lastly, I know this rant has very little validity when you factor in that I used to be one of those little girls enraptured with NSYNC, but I'm going on the record and stating that NSYNC had way more skills than those little Jonas punks. And I NEVER cared nor even noticed that Britney and Justin were dating until I was at least thirteen. So enough with the pre-pubescent cat fights.
(This rant is brought to you by the sarcastic and pessimistic mind of Ashley Skelnik. Thank you, have a nice day.)
Monday, August 18, 2008
My Amazing Weekend
Aeon Flux - I quite enjoy this movie. Although I vaguely remember bad reviews, I thought it was well done. It is all science-fiction-y and stuff. Besides that, Charlize is a babe. The only drawback is there isn't a dude to crush on. Bad move, I feel.
Blade 2 - Nothing about the first two Blades can erase the majesty of Blade Trinity and what Ryan Reynolds brought to this franchise. I personally believe that they would have made a fourth with good ole Ryan still in it if Snipes hadn't evaded his taxes or whatever he did. This movie was actually pretty good with the freak vampires with their splitting-open chins. Pretty gross and awesome! You aught to check it out just for the sake of saying that you've seen it.
Everything You Want - If you are classified as female, then you will want to see this movie. It is by far the biggest chick flick I have seen in a while. To be frank, I classify a chick flick as something that no self-respecting dude would ever be caught watching. This movie is at the top of that list because not even the humor from Will Friedle (Boy Meets World) makes it in the least bit manly. To sum up, dudes, stay away, but ladies, grab that tub of ice cream and those sweatpants and indulge yourselves.
Road House - First off, Patrick Swayze was quite the smarmy man back in the eighties. Secondly, women's hair in the eighties was supremely bad news. Lastly, who knew that Sam Elliot was good looking once? And he was 45 at the time! Imagine the possibilities of an even younger man! This movie is actually quite ridiculous and I wouldn't suggest watching it unless you want to see a ridiculous eighties movie.
Smart People - Yay, Ellen Page and Thomas Hayden Church. I love these two actors and I really very much enjoyed this movie as a whole. It is, as my mother says, "just like Juno" in the fact that it is both hilarious and dramatic at the same time. You can't get over the humor though and the story line is awesome. Thomas Hayden Church makes the movie which is nice because he hasn't been in much lately. Surprise of the movie? The son from History of Violence is in it as, and here's the shocker, the rebellious and out-spoken older son! Can anyone say "type-cast"?
Ultraviolet - I only caught the end of this one (my mom was watching it while I took a well-deserved nap after sitting on my butt all day) but I've seen it before and must admit that it is slightly enjoyable. It is on the same level as Aeon Flux, though, so I wouldn't take my review to heart. I just like Milla Jovovich and her type-cast role as the weird girl with mutant powers or special blood or fifth element-ness.
What's on my agenda next? Watch Penelope with my mom, finish a book I'm reading, shower, then start another book all with watching Goldeneye squeezed somewhere in between. I live a lovely lazy life.
Underrated Movie of the Post: Transformers. Okay, so for the past week or so I've been watching this movie at least once per shift at work because it just so happens to be the longest running movie we have in our cabinet. However, with all of my griping about Shia LaDouche and Megan "Slut-Bag" Fox, I really like this movie. Could it be because I really don't have a problem with these two actors or because I like the special effects and Josh Duhamel running around in army uniforms? I'll let you be the judge of that one.
Movies to watch: Aeon Flux, Blade 2 and Trinity, Everything You Want, Smart People, Ultraviolet and Transformers.
Name 7 John Travolta: Hairspray, Face/Off, Broken Arrow, Grease, Phenomenon, Michael, Look Who's Talking.
John Travolta was in Hairspray with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Post Script: I'm now up to 142 movies having added Transporter and Transporter 2 to my collection recently. I get my scholarship refund check in the mail soon so I expect my numbers to increase dramatically before I won't be able to use my employee discount any longer. Yay movies!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hooray Movies!
Yesterday, Smart People was released on DVD. Back when it was in theaters, I attempted (in vain obviously) to get some people to go see it with me, but no one was willing even though it looks hilarious! You can bet your sweet behinds that I will be adding this to my Netflix list and there will be an amazing review on it soon!
Today, Tropic Thunder was released in theaters. I can barely control my excitement about this and I'm going to be "dragging" my brother to take me to see it (he'll be wanting to see it anyway). I was excited about this movie when I first saw the preview for it, but then I found it is rated R! Woot! That means it is going to be much funnier! Yay!
The Olympics have started (sometime last week, to be vague) and I cannot get over the swimmers' bodies. The male swimmers' bodies to be exact. I've decided there is no heterosexual woman alive that can resist how freaking fine they are! I wouldn't be surprised if a lesbian succumbed to their majesty as well! I won't dwell on this topic much longer because it might become weird and creepy, but I just had to shed some much needed light.
Underrated movie of the post: Jurassic Park. I remember when this movie scared the pants off of me and I refused to watch it. Thankfully I have somewhat grown out of this childish fear of all movies and come to embrace the glory that is Jurassic Park. Giant fake dinosaurs and Jeff Goldblum being a complete ass? Sounds like a winner to me!
Things to watch: Smart People, Tropic Thunder, The Olympics, Jurassic Park.
Name 7 Kirsten Dunst: Interview with a Vampire, Marie Antoinette, Spiderman, Wimbledon, Little Women, Bring It On, Anastasia.
Sam Neill was in Wimbledon with Paul Bettany who was in Da Vinci Code with Tom Hanks who was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
We'll Miss You
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Pineapple Pants!
So in the past two days I went to see Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 and Pineapple Express.
Pants was alright. It was late and I made snide comments throughout to the amusement of the few friends of mine who don't mind when I talk through movies. All in all, the movie can be described as "resolved". Every little issue that anyone had in the first movie (i.e. Bridget's mother issues, Tibby's trust issues, Lena's bravery issues, Carmen's identity issues) was resolved nicely in the end. It was dramatic with a few solar flares of humorous, but, in the end, a good chick flick worth watching at least once.
Pineapple Express was beyond hilarious. This movie captured the true essence of what I love in movies: humor to the extreme, senseless violence, explosions, a splash of dirty jokes and a sprinkle of smarmy. Add those ingredients together and you get the glory that is Pineapple Express. Go see it. Now.
On Tuesday nothing of extreme interest came out:
Nim's Island - I actually wanted to see this film in theaters, but no one would go see such a childish movie with me. Um, Wall-E, anyone? I reiterate: kids movies are good for you. They make you feel younger and they're always good for a chuckle or two. Seriously. I'm going to rent this one because not only is Gerard Butler in it, but it's a "magical" freaking island, people!
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder - I had no idea that there was a Starship Troopers 2, but I still consider this movie a waste. Then again, I haven't seen the first in years. Perhaps I'll get 1 and 3 (apparently 2 is of no consequence even in the show-biz world) and have a giant bug-killing fiesta!
Goodies! Ole!
Underrated movie of the post: Phantom of the Opera. Emmy Rossum and Gerard Butler? I had no idea that these two could sing. Then again, when I first saw this movie I had no idea who the heck they were. Regardless, this movie is just as classic as the Broadway show (not that I would know. I'm just assuming). Sure seeing things in the theater has a sort of grandeur, but movies are cool too! Anyway, the music is great, the story is weird, and the acting leaves a little something to be desired. Plus side? Minnie Driver is in it, but she doesn't sing. Consider yourself lucky!
Movies to see: Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 1 & 2, Pineapple Express, Starship Troopers 1 & 3 (why not?), Nim's Island and Phantom of the Opera.
Name 7 Jodie Foster: Panic Room, Contact, Brave One, Flight Plan, Nim's Island, Anna and the King, Taxi Driver.
Abigail Breslin was in Little Miss Sunshine with Greg Kinnear who was in As Good as It Gets with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Random thought of the post?

Monday, August 4, 2008
Busy Weekend
1) The son, Alex, was the biggest douche ever. He is girl-crazy, thinks he's the coolest guy ever (when he's not, obviously, because Brendan Fraser is way cooler), and his British accent just wasn't good (he's from Australia. Wrong continent, loser).
2) Jet Li, while cool, is still lame in my books when it comes to this movie.
3) The Dragon Emperor could shape shift, but apparently only into a 3 headed dragon or one of those monsters from Where the Wild Things Are. No joke.
The movie did have it's redeeming qualities, though:
1) Maria Bello was in it and far cooler than Rachel Weisz since she apparently doesn't mind taking a role with a 20 year old son (I had so much respect for you, Rachel, and now all of that's out the window).
2) The special effects were very good as well as the story line.
3) Brendan Fraser, while having a few lame lines, was still kick ass and surprisingly very good looking shirtless. Who knew?
The next day, having worked a six hour shift, I still managed to stay awake to go get the last of the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn. I was also able to stay up until 4 before having to take a quick nap to regain some stamina. All in all, I finished the book in a record time of 11 hours. Not bad if I do say so myself.
The book itself was pretty good. After I read it, I was slightly disappointed in the cheesy way that Meyer took it. However, now that I'm not allowed to re-read it since other members of my family and friends have hijacked my copy, I find myself yearning for it once more. I realized that she took it in the only direction possible if she was going to wrap everything up nicely, which she did. The story was still interesting (and obviously still addicting) and I literally can't wait to start it all over again. I may have to steal it back at my own risk.
The Twilight movie is scheduled for December 12th and, despite my ever-growing fear that it's going to be stupid, I am anxious for the next few months to be over with (this could also be due to the fact that I hate school and want that to be over with before it has even begun).
Very Tired Goodies...
Underrated Movie of the Post: Laws of Attraction. I have recently acquired this movie into my collection and just watched it last night. Everything about this film is funny and romantic with Pierce "Bad Boy" Brosnan actually caring about someone other than himself. Besides all of that, Julianne Moore is one awesome actress and a redhead. Need I say more?
Movies to see: Mummy 3, Laws of Attraction.
Books to read: The Twilight Series (unless you have never had a uterus in which the books will be a useless waste of time for you).
Name 7 Brendan Fraser: Mummy Movies, Encino Man, Journey to the Center of the Earth, George of the Jungle, Bedazzled, Monkeybone, Crash.
Maria Bello was in Dark with Sean Bean who was in Troy with Garrett Hedlund who was in Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.