Monday, May 25, 2009

Winona Ryder

DVDs out Tuesday:

New In Town - I was suckered into seeing this movie and I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. The plot was completely contrived and done millions of times before, but I found myself enjoying the film anyway. Zellwager and Connick, Jr. worked marvelously together and who doesn't love J.K. Simmons? That guy's hilarious. (I still don't find Harry Connick, Jr. good looking, though. Sorry Megan. Haha.)

We're Back! A Dinosaur Story - This movie is one of my all-time favorite kid movies ever! I am beyond thrilled that it's finally on DVD and will be rushing out to buy it as soon as I get paid on Friday. Woot! (Note: This is where I get my "The Museum of NATURAL History" for those of you who were looking at me funny during Night at the Museum 2 over the weekend.)

Klepto Goodies.

Underrated movie of the post: Beetle Juice. This movie scared the pants off of me when I was a wee child and I'll admit I haven't ventured back since. However, I know it is a cult classic and (apparently) a good movie. So I'm going to put it on my Netflix queue...but I'll let it work it's way up nice and slowly.

Movies to see: New in Town, We're Back! A Dinosaur Story, and Beetle Juice.

Before we get to the rest, I'd like to add a new Goodie to the rest in honor of Summer Vacation. It's called:
Boredom Induced Movie Review of the Post: Driving Lessons and Highlander.
Driving Lessons was actually a very humorous movie if you're able to understand British humor. Everything is very understated, but still funny when you think about it. It stars (my love) Rupert Grint, Julie Walters and Laura Linney (she's in EVERYTHING!!). Poor Rupert Grint is a teenager surrounded by a bunch of crazy-asses making it hard for him to overcome his weirdo phase and become a normal person. Julie Walters is beyond hilarious and Laura Linney is insane. All in all, a very cute movie. The best part was watching the Outtakes. British Outtakes are vastly different than American Outtakes in that the British ones aren't funny in the slightest. I honestly don't know why they included them to begin with.
Highlander is a ridiculous movie, but it was made in the '80s so what can you expect? They didn't really explain why there are immortals and why "there can be only one". I'm convinced that they just made it so they would have an excuse to cut the heads off people. Sean Connery plays an Egyptian/Spanish immortal (with a Scottish accent), Christopher Lambert is the Highlander with a stupid accent that is supposed to be Scottish (but isn't), and Roxanne Hart plays a CSI that falls in love with the Highlander after she stabs him and he doesn't die. Go figure.

Trailer of the Post: Wondering why I decided to whip Winona Ryder out of nowhere? I stumbled across this fantastic trailer and had to share. Enjoy The Last Word. It's already out on DVD, but who says my Trailers of the Post can't be for DVDs too?

Random fact of the post: Johnny Depp used to have a tattoo proclaiming "Winona Forever" and when they separated he got it altered to say "Wino Forever". Imagine being replaced by booze? Harsh.

Name 7 Winona Ryder: Little Women, Beetle Juice, Edward Scissorhands, Sex and Death 101, Bram Stoker’s Dracula, Mermaids, Alien: Resurrection.

Winona Ryder was in The Last Word with Ray Romano who was in Ice Age 2 with Queen Latifah who was in Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.

Quote Quiz #76 winner: Molly with The Hot Chick! Yay!

QQ #77: Name this Winona Ryder movie:
"Awww, he's choking. We should leave."

a. Sex and Death 101
b. Beetle Juice
c. The Last Word
d. Mr. Deeds


Molly and Molly said...

I don't think it's beetlejuice & D. is the only other one i've seen, so i guess that.

also, the red print on the green background made my eyes angry.

now that school is almost over, i'll be able to check your blog with more intensity. first to post - BAM!

Anonymous said...

Damn you to heck Molly! I was going to guess D...


Anonymous said...

well, i'm guessing A because its more obscure


Molly and Molly said...

this was a good day for blogger "words":

ionsuckh (phrase): to desire a sugary treat. "Ionsuckh" [I want a sucker.]

fockshi (v): to damage persons or things. "She looked like she was gonna fockshi up!"

fleanize -- i have nothing for this yet, but it sounds like it has lots of potential