More Twilight news for those of you out there you aren't sick and tired of my complaining yet (pretty much Katrina and possibly Katie Hesser). You can now pre-order the Twilight DVD. I've been worried the last couple of days when I realized the DVD release was coming up. I suddenly thought "what picture are they going to put on the cover? is it just going to be one of the posters, or are they going to find a new picture?" but mostly I was thinking "i hope they don't use one of the posters because Edward's face always looked SO dumb in all of its angsty/grouchy-ness." Well here you are, my avid readers. Here is what they are using for the DVD cover for the 2-Disc Special Edition.

Why the dumb faces? Don't they have people to tell them what "over-kill" is? He doesn't look scary or protective. If anything, he looks mean. Like a wife-beater. Anywho, here's the one for the one-disc.

Of all the Twilight posters, this one was the least dumb looking so if one day I decide that I want to own this movie (You'd be surprised. I'm actually on the fence despite my stance on the movie) I'm happy to see I won't have to put up with the dumb-ward faces (get it? It's dumb and Edward put together! I'm so funny).
That is all.
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