As an in between post, I've discovered a new website called It's pretty great. So while my family and I were watching American Idol, I surfed this site and found a few of my favorites. There's something for every type of nerd you are. Watch and enjoy. (If there are Mountain Dew Ads all around the video, you're going to have to wait for their sound to stop. It's really annoying, but what're you going to do?)
Disclaimer: I haven't arranged these videos in order from "best" to "not as best" so make sure you read the titles/comments so you know which ones are mandatory to watch.
24's Unaired 1994 Pilot. (This one's for you Katrina)
Mad (Libs) Men. There's some dirty parts, but all in all it's funny.
Board Games come to life!
Bourne Nutrition. Eat It. Love It. Kill It. I smell a franchise.
The Curious Case of Forrest Gump. This is so funny I couldn't believe it was true. But it is!
Star Wars? This is great too. And very educational.
Lost/Party of Five. Yeah. Who knew Matthew Fox was so versatile?
Mario Live and Japanese! Just watch it.
Stephen Colbert does a dance! You NEED to watch this.
Dramatic Chipmunk? Try Dramatic Lemur!!!! Made me laugh til I cried. My family didn't get it.
The Dark Knight Meets Superman. This is why Superman is a superhero and why Batman isn't. It completely proves my argument.
And lastly, David Blaine's Street Shows Part 1 and Part 2. Cheezits!!!!
If you ever wonder if it was nice to know you, I tell you now that it was - Empire Records
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Elizabeth Banks
Movies out on Friday:
Taken - Liam Neeson is a badass dude looking for his stolen daughter.
The Uninvited - Elizabeth Banks is a creepy step-mother person who kills people or something. There are ghosts involved.
New in Town - Renée Zellweger is a big city girl who ends up in Minnesota or something and ends up falling in love with Harry Connick, Jr. Now I don't care much for HCJ, but I was told that if I watch Hope Floats all of this would change. Well I watched it and I still don't like him. So Megan and Aunt Stacey are full of it.
Update: I started watching the first season of How I Met Your Mother and I'm liking it a lot. Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal and NPH are hilarious and that guy who plays Ted (Josh Radnor) looks a lot like Jimmy Fallon and he's funny too!
Yet another awards show has popped up, the Screen Actor's Guild. Here are the highlights:
Slumdog Millionaire wins Best Picture.
Heath Ledger wins for Best Supporting Actor!!!
30 Rock wins Best Comedy as well as Best Comedic Actor on TV (Alec Baldwin) and Best Comedic Actress on TV (Tina Fey).
Hugh Laurie wins for Best Dramatic Actor on TV for House.
Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney win for Best Actor/Actress in Miniseries (John Adams).
I thought that John Adams was done in the awards-scene already?
Underrated movie of the post: Slither. This movie is gross and badly done, but it's hilarious. So if you're looking for a ridiculous movie that may also make you throw up a little, then pick this.
Movies to see: Taken, New in Town, and Slither.
Trailer of the post: Dragonball Evolution. Yes I used to watch this show. Yes I loved it. Yes I'm going to see this as soon as this comes out. Yes I think Justin Chatwin is F-I-N-E even in that orange outfit and a ball of blue fire in his hands.
Name 7 Elizabeth Banks: Meet Bill, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Role Models, Definitely Maybe, Invincible, Slither, 40 Year Old Virgin.
Elizabeth Banks was in Invincible with Mark Wahlberg who was in The Departed with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #40 winner: Molly with Evening. Sorry Katie, but I'm glad that I was able to pick a hard one. Molly is just ridiculously lucky at deductive reasoning skills.
The Standings: Molly with 16, Katie with 14. No one else really matters because no one else really tries.
Quote Quiz #41: Name this Elizabeth Banks movie:
"Hey, I grew up with five brothers, but I have no problem hitting a girl."
a. Definitely, Maybe
b. Slither
c. Invincible
d. Meet Bill
Post Script. I know that you've noticed my new background, but can you spot the giraffe? It's stealthy, like a ninja.
Taken - Liam Neeson is a badass dude looking for his stolen daughter.
The Uninvited - Elizabeth Banks is a creepy step-mother person who kills people or something. There are ghosts involved.
New in Town - Renée Zellweger is a big city girl who ends up in Minnesota or something and ends up falling in love with Harry Connick, Jr. Now I don't care much for HCJ, but I was told that if I watch Hope Floats all of this would change. Well I watched it and I still don't like him. So Megan and Aunt Stacey are full of it.
Update: I started watching the first season of How I Met Your Mother and I'm liking it a lot. Alyson Hannigan and Jason Segal and NPH are hilarious and that guy who plays Ted (Josh Radnor) looks a lot like Jimmy Fallon and he's funny too!
Yet another awards show has popped up, the Screen Actor's Guild. Here are the highlights:
Slumdog Millionaire wins Best Picture.
Heath Ledger wins for Best Supporting Actor!!!
30 Rock wins Best Comedy as well as Best Comedic Actor on TV (Alec Baldwin) and Best Comedic Actress on TV (Tina Fey).
Hugh Laurie wins for Best Dramatic Actor on TV for House.
Paul Giamatti and Laura Linney win for Best Actor/Actress in Miniseries (John Adams).
I thought that John Adams was done in the awards-scene already?
Underrated movie of the post: Slither. This movie is gross and badly done, but it's hilarious. So if you're looking for a ridiculous movie that may also make you throw up a little, then pick this.
Movies to see: Taken, New in Town, and Slither.
Trailer of the post: Dragonball Evolution. Yes I used to watch this show. Yes I loved it. Yes I'm going to see this as soon as this comes out. Yes I think Justin Chatwin is F-I-N-E even in that orange outfit and a ball of blue fire in his hands.
Name 7 Elizabeth Banks: Meet Bill, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, Role Models, Definitely Maybe, Invincible, Slither, 40 Year Old Virgin.
Elizabeth Banks was in Invincible with Mark Wahlberg who was in The Departed with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #40 winner: Molly with Evening. Sorry Katie, but I'm glad that I was able to pick a hard one. Molly is just ridiculously lucky at deductive reasoning skills.
The Standings: Molly with 16, Katie with 14. No one else really matters because no one else really tries.
Quote Quiz #41: Name this Elizabeth Banks movie:
"Hey, I grew up with five brothers, but I have no problem hitting a girl."
a. Definitely, Maybe
b. Slither
c. Invincible
d. Meet Bill
Post Script. I know that you've noticed my new background, but can you spot the giraffe? It's stealthy, like a ninja.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Patrick Wilson
DVDs out Tuesday:
Lakeview Terrace - This movie just looked dumb. It's sad too because I love Samuel L Jackson, Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington. But not even good actors can save a dumb plot.
The Lucky Ones - This movie looked really interesting, but I never got around to finding it in theaters. It looked really good and it's an all-star cast. I'll let you know how it goes.
Pride and Glory - Ed Norton and Colin Ferrell crime drama about a dirty cop and his friend who turns him in. A lot of accents and angst.
The Rocker - Rainn Wilson (Dwight!) is an intense rock star. That man is a genius and he can outrun 80% of all snakes...or at least Dwight can which is good enough for me.
RocknRolla - One of Guy Ritchie's best. This man is a genius. He's up there on my favorite Directors list because his movies are some of the few who can keep me guessing. I don't want to toot my own horn, but that's pretty tough.

Lakeview Terrace - This movie just looked dumb. It's sad too because I love Samuel L Jackson, Patrick Wilson and Kerry Washington. But not even good actors can save a dumb plot.
The Lucky Ones - This movie looked really interesting, but I never got around to finding it in theaters. It looked really good and it's an all-star cast. I'll let you know how it goes.
Pride and Glory - Ed Norton and Colin Ferrell crime drama about a dirty cop and his friend who turns him in. A lot of accents and angst.
The Rocker - Rainn Wilson (Dwight!) is an intense rock star. That man is a genius and he can outrun 80% of all snakes...or at least Dwight can which is good enough for me.
RocknRolla - One of Guy Ritchie's best. This man is a genius. He's up there on my favorite Directors list because his movies are some of the few who can keep me guessing. I don't want to toot my own horn, but that's pretty tough.

A new love of my life: Keir O'Donnell. He's the sexy red-head in Paul Blart: Mall Cop (which is hilarious by the way). But you (Molly) may recognize him from an oldie, but goodie Wedding Crashers. He's Todd Cleary!!
So fine. So this brings my LoML list up to...a freaking lot. I don't even want to bother counting.
Underrated movie of the post: Purple Violets. This is a straight-to-DVD Indie flick written/directed/starring the fine honey Edward Burns. It's pretty dramatic, but it's also very funny because it also stars Debra Messing! Love her!
Movies to see: The Lucky Ones, The Rocker, RocknRolla, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Wedding Crashers, and Purple Violets.
Trailer of the post: I'm not sure if I've posted this one yet, but here it is. This movie is bound to be AMAZING!!! Enjoy, The Watchman.
Yay Jeffrey Dean Morgan!!
Name 7 Patrick Wilson: Phantom of the Opera, Hard Candy, Lakeview Terrace, Little Children, Purple Violets, Evening, Running With Scissors.
Patrick Wilson was in Phantom of the Opera with Emmy Rossum who was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #39 winner: Molly with Timeline. I'm glad you took the initiative to Google Michael Sheen and realize he wasn't Martin Sheen. There's only one 50+ guy for me and his name is Bruce Willis.
Quote Quiz #40: Name this Patrick Wilson movie:
"I have to tell you something... I still know what stars are ours."
a. Purple Violets
b. Evening
c. Little Children
d. Phantom of the Opera
Underrated movie of the post: Purple Violets. This is a straight-to-DVD Indie flick written/directed/starring the fine honey Edward Burns. It's pretty dramatic, but it's also very funny because it also stars Debra Messing! Love her!
Movies to see: The Lucky Ones, The Rocker, RocknRolla, Paul Blart: Mall Cop, Wedding Crashers, and Purple Violets.
Trailer of the post: I'm not sure if I've posted this one yet, but here it is. This movie is bound to be AMAZING!!! Enjoy, The Watchman.
Yay Jeffrey Dean Morgan!!
Name 7 Patrick Wilson: Phantom of the Opera, Hard Candy, Lakeview Terrace, Little Children, Purple Violets, Evening, Running With Scissors.
Patrick Wilson was in Phantom of the Opera with Emmy Rossum who was in Mystic River with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #39 winner: Molly with Timeline. I'm glad you took the initiative to Google Michael Sheen and realize he wasn't Martin Sheen. There's only one 50+ guy for me and his name is Bruce Willis.
Quote Quiz #40: Name this Patrick Wilson movie:
"I have to tell you something... I still know what stars are ours."
a. Purple Violets
b. Evening
c. Little Children
d. Phantom of the Opera
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Michael Sheen
Finally something of interest is coming out to start 2009 right. So far there has been some probables (Paul Blart: Mall Cop) but mostly just some chicks fighting over getting married at the Plaza, a 3D horror movie about a miner, and a hotel full of dogs.
But here is something to look forward to:
Inkheart - This action/adventure/fantasy looks highly interesting and has a pretty amazing cast (Brendan Fraser, Helen Mirren, Paul Bettany) along with a very intriguing story. Needless to say, I will be seeing it.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - I love the Underworld movies and even though neither Kate Beckinsale nor Len Wiseman are involved, it looks just as promising as the other two. It's a prequel all about (my personal favorite) Lucian played by Michael Sheen who is awesome. The action is intense as well as all the cool gore/vampires-versus-werewolves stuff. Yeah.
The 81st Academy Award Nominations are out. I'll give you the interesting news.
Best Motion Picture of the Year:
Curious Case/Benjamin Button - Pretty good movie, so I can dig it.
Frost/Nixon - Yay Michael Sheen! Yay dragging America through the mud by pointing out our biggest embarrassments!
Milk - Yay Gay people!
The Reader - No idea what this is.
Slumdog Millionaire - Was anyone surprised?
Best Supporting Actor:
Heath Ledger!!!! Yay!
Robert Downey Jr. for Tropic Thunder?! Whaaaaaaa?! When was the last time a comedy was even recognized at the Academy? Crazy!
Best Achievement in Makeup:
Curious Case/Benjamin Button - These people were amazing. Brad Pitt was a wrinkly mess for a good half an hour. The funny part? He looked disturbingly like Robert Redford. I've been saying it for years.
The Dark Knight - Joker's makeup was critical to make him the most terrifying character ever. And it worked.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army - What's Hellboy without crazy makeup? And that creepy white guy was pretty cool looking too.
Best Achievement in Visual Effects:
Iron Man gets a shout out! Woot!
And last, but most certainly not least, Best Animated Feature:
Bolt, Kung Fu Panda, and Wall-E - Does Dreamworks' panda have a chance against Disney's dog and robot combo? We'll see.
Some Wonderful Welsh Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: Laws of Attraction. While Michael Sheen isn't the star of this film, he definitely steals the show with his counterpart Parker Posey. They play a crazy rock-and-roll/fashion-designer couple with a marriage on the rocks and make you laugh every time they're on screen. Plus, he's usually shirtless in leather pants. Oh yeah.
Movies to see: Inkheart, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, and Laws of Attraction. (Plus any of those Oscar Nominated movies if you're so inclined.)
Trailer of the post: While this movie has nothing to do with Michael Sheen, I've been seeing it around lately and it stars one of my very favorites. See if you can pick him out: I Love You, Man.
To make up for the non-Michael Sheen trailer, I will give you two very interesting tidbits:
1. Michael Sheen was actually dated and spawned a daughter with Kate Beckinsale who he then had to co-star with for Underworld: Evolution with her new husband/director Len Wiseman. Can you say "awkwaaaarrrrddd"?
2. Michael Sheen will be adding his amazing-ness to Tim Burton's newest awesome-ness Alice In Wonderland. He will be playing the Cheshire Cat.
Name 7 Michael Sheen: Laws of Attraction, Kingdom of Heaven, Underworld, Frost/Nixon, Kingdom of Heaven, Timeline, The Queen.
Michael Sheen was in Frost/Nixon with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #38 winner: Katie with The Happening! And the race is on again!
Quote Quiz #39: Name this Michael Sheen movie:
"My God, it's a miracle, a quiet Frenchman"
a. Kingdom of Heaven
b. Laws of Attraction
c. The Queen
d. Timeline
But here is something to look forward to:
Inkheart - This action/adventure/fantasy looks highly interesting and has a pretty amazing cast (Brendan Fraser, Helen Mirren, Paul Bettany) along with a very intriguing story. Needless to say, I will be seeing it.
Underworld: Rise of the Lycans - I love the Underworld movies and even though neither Kate Beckinsale nor Len Wiseman are involved, it looks just as promising as the other two. It's a prequel all about (my personal favorite) Lucian played by Michael Sheen who is awesome. The action is intense as well as all the cool gore/vampires-versus-werewolves stuff. Yeah.
The 81st Academy Award Nominations are out. I'll give you the interesting news.
Best Motion Picture of the Year:
Curious Case/Benjamin Button - Pretty good movie, so I can dig it.
Frost/Nixon - Yay Michael Sheen! Yay dragging America through the mud by pointing out our biggest embarrassments!
Milk - Yay Gay people!
The Reader - No idea what this is.
Slumdog Millionaire - Was anyone surprised?
Best Supporting Actor:
Heath Ledger!!!! Yay!
Robert Downey Jr. for Tropic Thunder?! Whaaaaaaa?! When was the last time a comedy was even recognized at the Academy? Crazy!
Best Achievement in Makeup:
Curious Case/Benjamin Button - These people were amazing. Brad Pitt was a wrinkly mess for a good half an hour. The funny part? He looked disturbingly like Robert Redford. I've been saying it for years.
The Dark Knight - Joker's makeup was critical to make him the most terrifying character ever. And it worked.
Hellboy II: The Golden Army - What's Hellboy without crazy makeup? And that creepy white guy was pretty cool looking too.
Best Achievement in Visual Effects:
Iron Man gets a shout out! Woot!
And last, but most certainly not least, Best Animated Feature:
Bolt, Kung Fu Panda, and Wall-E - Does Dreamworks' panda have a chance against Disney's dog and robot combo? We'll see.
Some Wonderful Welsh Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: Laws of Attraction. While Michael Sheen isn't the star of this film, he definitely steals the show with his counterpart Parker Posey. They play a crazy rock-and-roll/fashion-designer couple with a marriage on the rocks and make you laugh every time they're on screen. Plus, he's usually shirtless in leather pants. Oh yeah.
Movies to see: Inkheart, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, and Laws of Attraction. (Plus any of those Oscar Nominated movies if you're so inclined.)
Trailer of the post: While this movie has nothing to do with Michael Sheen, I've been seeing it around lately and it stars one of my very favorites. See if you can pick him out: I Love You, Man.
To make up for the non-Michael Sheen trailer, I will give you two very interesting tidbits:
1. Michael Sheen was actually dated and spawned a daughter with Kate Beckinsale who he then had to co-star with for Underworld: Evolution with her new husband/director Len Wiseman. Can you say "awkwaaaarrrrddd"?
2. Michael Sheen will be adding his amazing-ness to Tim Burton's newest awesome-ness Alice In Wonderland. He will be playing the Cheshire Cat.
Name 7 Michael Sheen: Laws of Attraction, Kingdom of Heaven, Underworld, Frost/Nixon, Kingdom of Heaven, Timeline, The Queen.
Michael Sheen was in Frost/Nixon with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #38 winner: Katie with The Happening! And the race is on again!
Quote Quiz #39: Name this Michael Sheen movie:
"My God, it's a miracle, a quiet Frenchman"
a. Kingdom of Heaven
b. Laws of Attraction
c. The Queen
d. Timeline
Monday, January 19, 2009
There are a lot of momentous happenings going on today, Tuesday the 20th of January. For one thing, I have to start school. While this sucks, I look forward to the future. This future includes a new President, but more importantly, new DVD releases.
City of Ember - A crazy kid movie that has something to do with a city underground. Dunno. Never saw it.
The Express - All I remember about this movie is that the first time I saw the preview, it brought me to tears. While I cry a lot and for little reason, this stuck with me. I couldn't convince anyone to see a dramatic movie in theaters (we usually stick to comedies, chick flicks, and gory violence) I will be getting this on Netflix to see if the preview can live up to the movie.
Igor - John Cusack is adorable. I love everything about him, including his voice. There was also a ton of other famous celebs donating their voice for this cute/funny movie, but I won't ruin it for you.
Max Payne - This movie had a pretty lame plot line, but the cinematography was beyond brilliant. It was something you should have seen in theaters though because it's only really cool when all the amazing-ness is blown up to ridiculous proportions.
Powerpuff Girls: Complete Series - I loved this show as a wee tot. I just thought I'd share.
Saw V - Of all the ridiculous movies that are trying to capitalize on Obama's Inauguration, Saw V? Are people still going to see these dumb movies? While I'll admit the intricate traps that kill people are cool, the plot lines go a little further downhill each movie (so by now they are in the Mantle of the Earth. That's right, the mantle. Google it). The worst part? I hear their signed on to make 2 more. Dumb.
A Funky Bunch of Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: The Happening. This movie got a lot of bad remarks (mostly from my parents, but what do they know?), but I found it intriguing. I love M. Night and his movies (the ones I've seen, anyway). The man is a genius and twists his audience around so many times that by the end you don't know which way is up and who really did it. And while it is slightly ridiculous that Marky-Mark and Zooey Deschanel could out run wind, I still loved this movie if only for the awesome writing (and the creepy suicide scenes).
Movies to see: The Express, Igor, Max Payne, Powerpuff Girls, and The Happening.
Again, no "trailer of the post", but I do have another sequel update. If I haven't told you people before, I will tell you now. The Italian Job is going to have a sequel. The name? The Brazilian Job. I'll let you make all the jokes for yourselves since I shouldn't have to (A Brazilian wax with a happy ending?). I know that was bad. So sue me (but don't really).
Name 7 Mark Wahlberg: Boogie Nights, Italian Job, Fear, I Heart Huckabees, Four Brothers, Perfect Storm, The Happening.
Mark Wahlberg was in The Departed with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #37 winner: Molly takes the lead with Rush Hour 2! How did you get that one? I thought it was going to be a toughy. Don't worry, Katie, you can catch back up!
Quote Quiz #38: Name this Marky-Mark movie:
"If we're going to die, I want you to know something. I was in the pharmacy a while ago. There was a really good-looking pharmacist behind the counter. Really good-looking. I went up and asked her where the cough syrup was. I didn't even have a cough, and I almost bought it. I'm talking about a completely superfluous bottle of cough syrup, which costs like six bucks."
a. The Happening
b. The Perfect Storm
c. Boogie Nights
d. Planet of the Apes
Post Script: Say 'hi' to your motha for me, okay?
City of Ember - A crazy kid movie that has something to do with a city underground. Dunno. Never saw it.
The Express - All I remember about this movie is that the first time I saw the preview, it brought me to tears. While I cry a lot and for little reason, this stuck with me. I couldn't convince anyone to see a dramatic movie in theaters (we usually stick to comedies, chick flicks, and gory violence) I will be getting this on Netflix to see if the preview can live up to the movie.
Igor - John Cusack is adorable. I love everything about him, including his voice. There was also a ton of other famous celebs donating their voice for this cute/funny movie, but I won't ruin it for you.
Max Payne - This movie had a pretty lame plot line, but the cinematography was beyond brilliant. It was something you should have seen in theaters though because it's only really cool when all the amazing-ness is blown up to ridiculous proportions.
Powerpuff Girls: Complete Series - I loved this show as a wee tot. I just thought I'd share.
Saw V - Of all the ridiculous movies that are trying to capitalize on Obama's Inauguration, Saw V? Are people still going to see these dumb movies? While I'll admit the intricate traps that kill people are cool, the plot lines go a little further downhill each movie (so by now they are in the Mantle of the Earth. That's right, the mantle. Google it). The worst part? I hear their signed on to make 2 more. Dumb.
A Funky Bunch of Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: The Happening. This movie got a lot of bad remarks (mostly from my parents, but what do they know?), but I found it intriguing. I love M. Night and his movies (the ones I've seen, anyway). The man is a genius and twists his audience around so many times that by the end you don't know which way is up and who really did it. And while it is slightly ridiculous that Marky-Mark and Zooey Deschanel could out run wind, I still loved this movie if only for the awesome writing (and the creepy suicide scenes).
Movies to see: The Express, Igor, Max Payne, Powerpuff Girls, and The Happening.
Again, no "trailer of the post", but I do have another sequel update. If I haven't told you people before, I will tell you now. The Italian Job is going to have a sequel. The name? The Brazilian Job. I'll let you make all the jokes for yourselves since I shouldn't have to (A Brazilian wax with a happy ending?). I know that was bad. So sue me (but don't really).
Name 7 Mark Wahlberg: Boogie Nights, Italian Job, Fear, I Heart Huckabees, Four Brothers, Perfect Storm, The Happening.
Mark Wahlberg was in The Departed with Jack Nicholson who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #37 winner: Molly takes the lead with Rush Hour 2! How did you get that one? I thought it was going to be a toughy. Don't worry, Katie, you can catch back up!
Quote Quiz #38: Name this Marky-Mark movie:
"If we're going to die, I want you to know something. I was in the pharmacy a while ago. There was a really good-looking pharmacist behind the counter. Really good-looking. I went up and asked her where the cough syrup was. I didn't even have a cough, and I almost bought it. I'm talking about a completely superfluous bottle of cough syrup, which costs like six bucks."
a. The Happening
b. The Perfect Storm
c. Boogie Nights
d. Planet of the Apes
Post Script: Say 'hi' to your motha for me, okay?
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Don Cheadle
Movies out today:
Paul Blart: Mall Cop - This movie looks beyond hilarious and I love the subtle spoofing on
Die Hard. Besides all of that, Kevin James is awesome.
Notorious - Notorious B.I.G.'s bio-pic. No thanks.
Hotel For Dogs - Emma Roberts hangs out with some dogs and probably has a little teenage romance in the end.
My Bloody Valentine 3D - Scary movie that makes you feel like you're in it. My worst nightmare.
As most of you know, CSI: (Las Vegas) has a new episode on tonight which was the last one for William Peterson. He announced before the season started last year that this would be his last and I'm sorry to say that he has kept his promise. We have seen the last of Gil Grissom for now (apparently he may come back for guest spots in the future). But the question is, will the show last without him? Vegas was the first CSI and it's safe to say that the character of Gil Grissom is a staple for the show. Will all of their stellar ratings go down the tube, now? Will the presence of Laurence Fishburne be enough to keep the boat afloat? Or shall I start watching CSI:NY now?
The world will never know.... At least, not for another year.
Underrated movie of the post: Traitor. I haven't seen this movie yet but I will just as soon as I can. It looks intense and not to mention awesome. I'm usually not one for conspiracy movies, but I just love Don Cheadle.
Movies to see: Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Traitor.
There isn't any trailer for good old Donny C, but a rather interesting announcement. Apparently Terrence Howard will not be returning as Tony Stark's best buddy, Rhodey, for Iron Man 2 and the Avengers movie. But thankfully Donny C is there to fill in and we all know how awesome he is, so fear not Iron Man fans. Fear not.
Name 7 Don Cheadle: Ocean’s 11, Hotel Rwanda, Crash, Swordfish, Traitor, Hotel for Dogs, Reign Over Me.
Don Cheadle was in Ocean's 11 with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #36 winner: Molly with Ace Venture and she ties the lead with Katie at 13 wins! It's neck and neck!
Quote Quiz #37: Name this Don Cheadle movie:
"Still got my lunch money from the third grade."
a. Ocean's Twelve
b. Rush Hour 2
c. Reign Over Me
d. Traitor
Paul Blart: Mall Cop - This movie looks beyond hilarious and I love the subtle spoofing on
Die Hard. Besides all of that, Kevin James is awesome.
Notorious - Notorious B.I.G.'s bio-pic. No thanks.
Hotel For Dogs - Emma Roberts hangs out with some dogs and probably has a little teenage romance in the end.
My Bloody Valentine 3D - Scary movie that makes you feel like you're in it. My worst nightmare.
As most of you know, CSI: (Las Vegas) has a new episode on tonight which was the last one for William Peterson. He announced before the season started last year that this would be his last and I'm sorry to say that he has kept his promise. We have seen the last of Gil Grissom for now (apparently he may come back for guest spots in the future). But the question is, will the show last without him? Vegas was the first CSI and it's safe to say that the character of Gil Grissom is a staple for the show. Will all of their stellar ratings go down the tube, now? Will the presence of Laurence Fishburne be enough to keep the boat afloat? Or shall I start watching CSI:NY now?
The world will never know.... At least, not for another year.
Underrated movie of the post: Traitor. I haven't seen this movie yet but I will just as soon as I can. It looks intense and not to mention awesome. I'm usually not one for conspiracy movies, but I just love Don Cheadle.
Movies to see: Paul Blart: Mall Cop and Traitor.
There isn't any trailer for good old Donny C, but a rather interesting announcement. Apparently Terrence Howard will not be returning as Tony Stark's best buddy, Rhodey, for Iron Man 2 and the Avengers movie. But thankfully Donny C is there to fill in and we all know how awesome he is, so fear not Iron Man fans. Fear not.
Name 7 Don Cheadle: Ocean’s 11, Hotel Rwanda, Crash, Swordfish, Traitor, Hotel for Dogs, Reign Over Me.
Don Cheadle was in Ocean's 11 with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #36 winner: Molly with Ace Venture and she ties the lead with Katie at 13 wins! It's neck and neck!
Quote Quiz #37: Name this Don Cheadle movie:
"Still got my lunch money from the third grade."
a. Ocean's Twelve
b. Rush Hour 2
c. Reign Over Me
d. Traitor
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Mr. Jim Awesome Carrey
Movies out on DVD tomorrow:
My Best Friend's Girl - This movie was actually quite hilarious even though it was completely predictable. Jason Biggs is great and that girl from Cloverfield is in it (the one whose head explodes). She's funny too. Not to mention I've found my future wedding dress in this movie.
Tyler Perry's The Family the Preys - Tyler Perry's movies are all pretty good, but after a while the drama/comedies need to end. Mostly because lately they've been more drama than comedy. I'm pretty sure Madea isn't even in this one.
Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling - Hilary Duff's love interest in Raise Your Voice stars in this straight-to-DVD movie. That's all I know and even that is too much.
The People's Choice Awards and the Golden Globes happened recently. I'll give you a quick overview of the stuff that matters.
People's Choice:
Dark Knight - Best Movie, Action Movie, and Cast
Fav. Male TV Star - Hugh Laurie, House
Fav. On Screen Match-up - Christian Bale and Heath Ledger! Yay! There wasn't a Best Supporting so this is as good as it gets for the People.
Tina Fey wins Funny Female and Mamma Mia! won some stuff too.
Golden Globes:
30 Rock wins best TV Comedy and best actress (Tina Fey) and best actor (Alec Baldwin)
John Adams is still winning stuff: best actress (Laura Linney) and best actor (Paul Giamatti)
Heath Ledger wins best supporting actor!!! Yay!
Underrated Movie of the Post: The Mask. This movie is a classic and sets the tone for all Jim Carrey movies. Sure he's done the serious stuff, but he will always be the best funny-man I know. He is by far the greatest!
Movies to see: My Best Friend's Girl, The Mask, and every other Jim Carrey movie.
Trailer of the post: I Love You Phillip Morris! This movie looks utterly ridiculous, but definitely something I would Netflix once it's out on DVD.
Name 7 Jim Carrey: Ace Ventura, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, Fun with Dick and Jane, Number 23, Lemony Snickett’s.
Jim Carrey was in Bruce Almighty with Jen Aniston who was in Picture Perfect with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #35 winner: Molly with Bruce Almighty!
Quote Quiz #36: Name this Jim Carrey movie.
"If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer."
a. The Mask
b. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
c. The Number 23
d. Ace Venture: Pet Detective
My Best Friend's Girl - This movie was actually quite hilarious even though it was completely predictable. Jason Biggs is great and that girl from Cloverfield is in it (the one whose head explodes). She's funny too. Not to mention I've found my future wedding dress in this movie.
Tyler Perry's The Family the Preys - Tyler Perry's movies are all pretty good, but after a while the drama/comedies need to end. Mostly because lately they've been more drama than comedy. I'm pretty sure Madea isn't even in this one.
Without a Paddle: Nature's Calling - Hilary Duff's love interest in Raise Your Voice stars in this straight-to-DVD movie. That's all I know and even that is too much.
The People's Choice Awards and the Golden Globes happened recently. I'll give you a quick overview of the stuff that matters.
People's Choice:
Dark Knight - Best Movie, Action Movie, and Cast
Fav. Male TV Star - Hugh Laurie, House
Fav. On Screen Match-up - Christian Bale and Heath Ledger! Yay! There wasn't a Best Supporting so this is as good as it gets for the People.
Tina Fey wins Funny Female and Mamma Mia! won some stuff too.
Golden Globes:
30 Rock wins best TV Comedy and best actress (Tina Fey) and best actor (Alec Baldwin)
John Adams is still winning stuff: best actress (Laura Linney) and best actor (Paul Giamatti)
Heath Ledger wins best supporting actor!!! Yay!
Underrated Movie of the Post: The Mask. This movie is a classic and sets the tone for all Jim Carrey movies. Sure he's done the serious stuff, but he will always be the best funny-man I know. He is by far the greatest!
Movies to see: My Best Friend's Girl, The Mask, and every other Jim Carrey movie.
Trailer of the post: I Love You Phillip Morris! This movie looks utterly ridiculous, but definitely something I would Netflix once it's out on DVD.
Name 7 Jim Carrey: Ace Ventura, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Bruce Almighty, Liar Liar, Fun with Dick and Jane, Number 23, Lemony Snickett’s.
Jim Carrey was in Bruce Almighty with Jen Aniston who was in Picture Perfect with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #35 winner: Molly with Bruce Almighty!
Quote Quiz #36: Name this Jim Carrey movie.
"If I'm not back in five minutes... just wait longer."
a. The Mask
b. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
c. The Number 23
d. Ace Venture: Pet Detective
Friday, January 9, 2009
Post Script
More Twilight news for those of you out there you aren't sick and tired of my complaining yet (pretty much Katrina and possibly Katie Hesser). You can now pre-order the Twilight DVD. I've been worried the last couple of days when I realized the DVD release was coming up. I suddenly thought "what picture are they going to put on the cover? is it just going to be one of the posters, or are they going to find a new picture?" but mostly I was thinking "i hope they don't use one of the posters because Edward's face always looked SO dumb in all of its angsty/grouchy-ness." Well here you are, my avid readers. Here is what they are using for the DVD cover for the 2-Disc Special Edition.

Why the dumb faces? Don't they have people to tell them what "over-kill" is? He doesn't look scary or protective. If anything, he looks mean. Like a wife-beater. Anywho, here's the one for the one-disc.
Of all the Twilight posters, this one was the least dumb looking so if one day I decide that I want to own this movie (You'd be surprised. I'm actually on the fence despite my stance on the movie) I'm happy to see I won't have to put up with the dumb-ward faces (get it? It's dumb and Edward put together! I'm so funny).

Why the dumb faces? Don't they have people to tell them what "over-kill" is? He doesn't look scary or protective. If anything, he looks mean. Like a wife-beater. Anywho, here's the one for the one-disc.
Of all the Twilight posters, this one was the least dumb looking so if one day I decide that I want to own this movie (You'd be surprised. I'm actually on the fence despite my stance on the movie) I'm happy to see I won't have to put up with the dumb-ward faces (get it? It's dumb and Edward put together! I'm so funny).
That is all.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jennifer Aniston
Uninteresting movies coming out in theaters tomorrow:
Bride Wars - While I like Kate Hudson and find Anne Hathaway mildly entertaining, this movie looks dumb. Despite the fine fiances each one has AND Kristen Johnson from 3rd Rock, this movie just looks horrible. It goes along the same lines of what I like to call "Meet the Parents-esque". Essentially, a person, or in this case two people, do horrible and embarrassing things that end up ruining lives. No thanks.
The Unborn - Uh... I don't think so. Scary movies are out in my book. Also it's rated PG-13 so it's bound to suck regardless.
Anti-Angelina Goodies
Underrated movie of the post: Bruce Almighty. While Jennifer Aniston isn't the star of this movie, she did do a very good job. She made everyone realize that Jim Carrey was being a jerk even though is is by far the greatest comedic actor of our generation. Bold statement, but I believe it so it must be true. Also, everyone just knew her as Rachel from friends and this was one of the first films she did toward the end of friends to assert herself as film-star material. But besides all that, this movie is hilarious!
Movies to see: Bruce Almighty and any of the 12, count 'em 12 new movies I got for only $50. $50!! That's less than $5 per movie. Jealous? You should be.
Assault on Precinct 13 - Ethan Hawke has to protect an almost deserted precinct from some gangstas.
Die Hard - No explanation needed. At least, you shouldn't need any explanation.
Firewall - Paul Bettany holds Harrison Ford's family hostage until he robs the bank he works for.
The Illusionist - Edward Norton is an illusionist who is in love with Jessica Biel who is betrothed to Rufus Sewell, the Crown Prince.
Italian Job - Again, no explanation needed.
Mission Impossible 3 - Tom Cruise takes on Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Prime - Uma Thurman starts dating her therapist, Meryl Streep's twenty-something son.
Swordfish - John Travolta forces Hugh Jackman to hack into a bank and steal money.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - Nick Stahl is John Conner, Claire Danes is his future wife and the Arnold plays... (gasp) a Terminator!
Timeline - Paul Walker and Gerard Butler go back in time to rescue his father.
Wedding Date - Debra Messing hires Dermot Mulroney to be her date to her sister, Amy Adam's wedding.
Wimbledon - Pual Bettany is an aging tennis player who falls for Kirsten Dunst and they both try to win Wimbledon.
This brings me up to a total of 177! Two hundred here I come!
Trailer of the post: He's Just Not That Into You. Filled with stars and looks hilarious.
Name 7 Jennifer Aniston: Break-Up, Rumor Has It, Friends With Money, Office Space, Along Came Polly, Bruce Almighty, Picture Perfect.
Jennifer Aniston was in Picture Perfect with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #34 winner: Molly with Pineapple Express!
Quote Quiz #35: Name this Jennifer Aniston movie:
"I don't want a dog that craps in a toilet!"
a. Marley & Me
b. Bruce Almighty
c. Friends With Money
d. The Break-Up
Bride Wars - While I like Kate Hudson and find Anne Hathaway mildly entertaining, this movie looks dumb. Despite the fine fiances each one has AND Kristen Johnson from 3rd Rock, this movie just looks horrible. It goes along the same lines of what I like to call "Meet the Parents-esque". Essentially, a person, or in this case two people, do horrible and embarrassing things that end up ruining lives. No thanks.
The Unborn - Uh... I don't think so. Scary movies are out in my book. Also it's rated PG-13 so it's bound to suck regardless.
Anti-Angelina Goodies
Underrated movie of the post: Bruce Almighty. While Jennifer Aniston isn't the star of this movie, she did do a very good job. She made everyone realize that Jim Carrey was being a jerk even though is is by far the greatest comedic actor of our generation. Bold statement, but I believe it so it must be true. Also, everyone just knew her as Rachel from friends and this was one of the first films she did toward the end of friends to assert herself as film-star material. But besides all that, this movie is hilarious!
Movies to see: Bruce Almighty and any of the 12, count 'em 12 new movies I got for only $50. $50!! That's less than $5 per movie. Jealous? You should be.
Assault on Precinct 13 - Ethan Hawke has to protect an almost deserted precinct from some gangstas.
Die Hard - No explanation needed. At least, you shouldn't need any explanation.
Firewall - Paul Bettany holds Harrison Ford's family hostage until he robs the bank he works for.
The Illusionist - Edward Norton is an illusionist who is in love with Jessica Biel who is betrothed to Rufus Sewell, the Crown Prince.
Italian Job - Again, no explanation needed.
Mission Impossible 3 - Tom Cruise takes on Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Prime - Uma Thurman starts dating her therapist, Meryl Streep's twenty-something son.
Swordfish - John Travolta forces Hugh Jackman to hack into a bank and steal money.
Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines - Nick Stahl is John Conner, Claire Danes is his future wife and the Arnold plays... (gasp) a Terminator!
Timeline - Paul Walker and Gerard Butler go back in time to rescue his father.
Wedding Date - Debra Messing hires Dermot Mulroney to be her date to her sister, Amy Adam's wedding.
Wimbledon - Pual Bettany is an aging tennis player who falls for Kirsten Dunst and they both try to win Wimbledon.
This brings me up to a total of 177! Two hundred here I come!
Trailer of the post: He's Just Not That Into You. Filled with stars and looks hilarious.
Name 7 Jennifer Aniston: Break-Up, Rumor Has It, Friends With Money, Office Space, Along Came Polly, Bruce Almighty, Picture Perfect.
Jennifer Aniston was in Picture Perfect with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #34 winner: Molly with Pineapple Express!
Quote Quiz #35: Name this Jennifer Aniston movie:
"I don't want a dog that craps in a toilet!"
a. Marley & Me
b. Bruce Almighty
c. Friends With Money
d. The Break-Up
Monday, January 5, 2009
Seth Rogen
Movies out on DVD today:
Babylon A.D. - Now I like Vin Diesel... No wait... Haha. Okay I find his movies somewhat enjoyable, but usually only on the action/blowing things up side. The dude isn't much of an actor. Don't be surprised. This movie had an interesting plot line and plenty of action, but I still wouldn't suggest it because it was just plain dumb. I don't know exactly where they went wrong, but boy did they go wrong.
Bangkok Dangerous - I can't stand Nicolas Cage's hair and the previews for this movie made it look horrible in the theaters, but then the preview for the DVD makes it look rather interesting. So I'm going to Netflix it, but not move it up on my queue. I'll let it work it's way up there.
Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia - In case you didn't know, this is the 3rd BEL movie. The original was so good they felt they needed to ruin it by making not one, but TWO horrible sequels. Thankfully the original actors never stooped low enough to actually star in these things so who knows why they keep making them.
Disaster Movie - I stopped watching these "movie" movies after Epic Movie and I think you know why. I wish I had stopped earlier.
Righteous Kill - This movie was way over-advertised as the first Pacino/Deniro movie in decades and it apparently didn't do well if it's out on DVD already. Plus, no one cares.
Pineapple Express - This movie held the number one slot on the "Funniest Movies of the Year" until Role Models knocked them down. But if you think about it, if you are a close second to Role Models then you are pretty freaking hilarious.
A Jew-fro of Goodies! (Not anti-Semitic. Funny)
Underrated movie of the post: Knocked Up. Sure this movie got a lot of laughs when it first came out, but you hardly hear about it now unless it is being used to promote another movie ("From the writers of '40 Year-Old Virgin' and 'Knocked Up' comes yet another crude, ridiculous comedy"). And then Katherine Heigl went and said she regretted making the film because it is apparently "degrading" to women. Please. Why don't you go and become a crazy-ass, hallucinating doctor. Oh wait...
Movies to see: Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, and maybe Bangkok Dangerous. I'll get back to you on that.
Trailer of the Post: Monsters Vs Aliens!
Did you recognize any of those voices? Hmmm, Katrina? HMMMM?!?! Well I'll let you know since I'm sure you're very excited about... Will Arnett! No? Rainn Wilson?? How about Reese Witherspoon? No? Really? Not even Seth Rogen, whom this blog is dedicated to? Alright, I suppose I should also include the last two, just in the case you care... HUGH LAURIE AND KEIFER SUTHERLAND!!!!!!!!
Name 7 Seth Rogen: Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Step Brothers, Anchorman, Kung Fu Panda, Superbad, Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
Seth Rogan was in Kung Fu Panda with Angelina Jolie who was in Mr and Mrs Smith with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #33 winner: Katie again with You've Got Mail. Don't worry, Molly, Katie is going to be very preoccupied with nursing school so you can exploit that to get ahead.
Quote Quiz #34: Name this Seth Rogan movie:
"Couscous - the food so nice they named it twice."
a. Anchorman
b. Knocked Up
c. Pineapple Express
d. Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Babylon A.D. - Now I like Vin Diesel... No wait... Haha. Okay I find his movies somewhat enjoyable, but usually only on the action/blowing things up side. The dude isn't much of an actor. Don't be surprised. This movie had an interesting plot line and plenty of action, but I still wouldn't suggest it because it was just plain dumb. I don't know exactly where they went wrong, but boy did they go wrong.
Bangkok Dangerous - I can't stand Nicolas Cage's hair and the previews for this movie made it look horrible in the theaters, but then the preview for the DVD makes it look rather interesting. So I'm going to Netflix it, but not move it up on my queue. I'll let it work it's way up there.
Behind Enemy Lines: Colombia - In case you didn't know, this is the 3rd BEL movie. The original was so good they felt they needed to ruin it by making not one, but TWO horrible sequels. Thankfully the original actors never stooped low enough to actually star in these things so who knows why they keep making them.
Disaster Movie - I stopped watching these "movie" movies after Epic Movie and I think you know why. I wish I had stopped earlier.
Righteous Kill - This movie was way over-advertised as the first Pacino/Deniro movie in decades and it apparently didn't do well if it's out on DVD already. Plus, no one cares.
Pineapple Express - This movie held the number one slot on the "Funniest Movies of the Year" until Role Models knocked them down. But if you think about it, if you are a close second to Role Models then you are pretty freaking hilarious.
A Jew-fro of Goodies! (Not anti-Semitic. Funny)
Underrated movie of the post: Knocked Up. Sure this movie got a lot of laughs when it first came out, but you hardly hear about it now unless it is being used to promote another movie ("From the writers of '40 Year-Old Virgin' and 'Knocked Up' comes yet another crude, ridiculous comedy"). And then Katherine Heigl went and said she regretted making the film because it is apparently "degrading" to women. Please. Why don't you go and become a crazy-ass, hallucinating doctor. Oh wait...
Movies to see: Pineapple Express, Knocked Up, and maybe Bangkok Dangerous. I'll get back to you on that.
Trailer of the Post: Monsters Vs Aliens!
Did you recognize any of those voices? Hmmm, Katrina? HMMMM?!?! Well I'll let you know since I'm sure you're very excited about... Will Arnett! No? Rainn Wilson?? How about Reese Witherspoon? No? Really? Not even Seth Rogen, whom this blog is dedicated to? Alright, I suppose I should also include the last two, just in the case you care... HUGH LAURIE AND KEIFER SUTHERLAND!!!!!!!!
Name 7 Seth Rogen: Knocked Up, Pineapple Express, Step Brothers, Anchorman, Kung Fu Panda, Superbad, Zack and Miri Make a Porno.
Seth Rogan was in Kung Fu Panda with Angelina Jolie who was in Mr and Mrs Smith with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #33 winner: Katie again with You've Got Mail. Don't worry, Molly, Katie is going to be very preoccupied with nursing school so you can exploit that to get ahead.
Quote Quiz #34: Name this Seth Rogan movie:
"Couscous - the food so nice they named it twice."
a. Anchorman
b. Knocked Up
c. Pineapple Express
d. Zack and Miri Make a Porno
Friday, January 2, 2009
Tom Hanks
Movies out today:
There are no movies out today. But you guys have already answered the last quote quiz and I have to keep my audience happy.
I've added a few more movies to my ever-growing collection. This brings me up to 165.
Wanted, Hancock, Shakespeare in Love, Mummy 3, and Chocolat (not necessarily in that order).
Underrated movie of the post: That Thing You Do! This movie is very amusing and has a great soundtrack to boot. Not to mention Liv Tyler, Ethan Embry, and Steve Zahn.
Movies to see: Stuff that's already out in theaters or on DVD and all of the new movies I got.
Trailer of the post: Angels and Demons.
Name 7 Tom Hanks: Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Joe Vs The Volcano, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Charlie Wilson’s War.
Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #32 winner: Katie with 28 Days! Nice going.
Quote Quiz #33: Name this Tom Hanks movie.
"The Godfather answers all of life's questions. What should I pack for my summer vacation? 'Leave the gun, take the cannoli.'"
a. The Ladykillers
b. You've Got Mail
c. Saving Private Ryan
d. The Terminal
There are no movies out today. But you guys have already answered the last quote quiz and I have to keep my audience happy.
I've added a few more movies to my ever-growing collection. This brings me up to 165.
Wanted, Hancock, Shakespeare in Love, Mummy 3, and Chocolat (not necessarily in that order).
Underrated movie of the post: That Thing You Do! This movie is very amusing and has a great soundtrack to boot. Not to mention Liv Tyler, Ethan Embry, and Steve Zahn.
Movies to see: Stuff that's already out in theaters or on DVD and all of the new movies I got.
Trailer of the post: Angels and Demons.
Name 7 Tom Hanks: Saving Private Ryan, Apollo 13, Forrest Gump, Joe Vs The Volcano, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, Charlie Wilson’s War.
Tom Hanks was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #32 winner: Katie with 28 Days! Nice going.
Quote Quiz #33: Name this Tom Hanks movie.
"The Godfather answers all of life's questions. What should I pack for my summer vacation? 'Leave the gun, take the cannoli.'"
a. The Ladykillers
b. You've Got Mail
c. Saving Private Ryan
d. The Terminal
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