Movies out today
The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader - Those kids get sucked through a picture and end up in a world where Jesus is a Lion. (As nuts as these plots are, they end up being decent movies so I figure I'll probably see it.)
The Tourist - Johnny Depp gets roped into Angelina Jolie's twisted spy-games. (Unlike Brad Pitt, he was able to get through the filming without getting tangled up in her vagina-games.)
Agelessly Beautiful Goodies
Underrated movie of the post:
Love Happens. Aaron Eckhart is a self-help author who falls for a quirky florist but cannot get over his own issues. (This movie is cute and Jen Aniston's character is awesome and who doesn't love Aaron Eckhart? Seriously, he's beyond cool.)Movies to see:
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The Tourist, Love Happens
Trailers of the post: Actions
I Am Number 4. An alien boy must avoid an evil alien race bent on destroying him, but ends up making friends and falling in love to make everything more difficult. (This was a really good book and I can't wait for the next installment and the movie looks beyond awesome. Oh, and Timothy Olyphant! Duh!)
The Eagle. A man must hunt down a golden eagle emblem to restore his family's name and solve the mystery of it and his father's disappearance. (I like both Channing Tatum and Jamie Bell, but I'm not feeling this one.)
Name 7 more Jennifer Aniston:
He's Just Not That Into You, Marley & Me, The Object of My Affection, Love Happens, Management, The Bounty Hunter, The Switch.Kevin Bacon Game (without Picture Perfect):
Jennifer Aniston was in Management with Steve Zahn who was in You've Got Mail with Meg Ryan who was in In the Cut with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.QQ #221 winner:
Me with August Rush!
QQ #222: name this Jen Aniston movie:
"If you had a brain in either head, you'd know that I'm doing what's best for both of us."a. Love Happens
b. The Switch
c. Office Space
d. The Bounty Hunter
c)Office Space
um, b. i have no idea
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