Movie out Wednesday:
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - See below.
Movie out Friday:
My Sister's Keeper - A serious tear-jerker, but I'm going to see it anyway. I'm intrigued to see Cameron Diaz in a serious role and Thomas Dekker is in it (the hottie from the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles).
Summer Movie Review Part Four:
Year One - This movie was hilarious! There are not enough words to describe the love I feel for Michael Cera. That guy is adorable and everything he says is so subtle yet has you laughing til you pee your pants. (Disclaimer: Bring a diaper). Jack Black was his usual comedic self which is funny, but a little too ridiculous. All the background actors (Paul Rudd, David Cross, Hank Azaria, etc) were great and made the movie continuous funny.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - One word: Awesome! I mean, the "love drama" that was folded into the action was kind of lame and very predictable, but the better story line made up for it. It was intricate and well-thought out unlike most quickie sequels. And did I mention that the action was amazing and Josh Duhamel/Tyrese Gibson are super hot in those military uniforms? Oh yeah...
Away We Go - John Krasinski is the perfect man! At least in this movie he is. I absolutely loved seeing this. It was another example of the perfect combination of comedy and drama where you aren't overrun with either. The background actors (Allison Janney, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Catherine O'Hara, Jim Gaffigan, etc) were hilarious! John Krasinski's character was funny, adorable, and the perfect man. He understands/listens to Maya Rudolph and never does anything bad or annoying...ever. I want one. Maya Rudolph was fantastic as well. I was very keen on seeing her in a normal movie and I was a little put off by her voice. I've never heard her speak normally and I liked it. She is also a great actress. Who knew? Needless to say, I'm buying this movie as soon as it comes out, but you can go see it at some local theaters starting Friday.
Big Mouth-ful of Goodies
Underrated movies of the post:
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - See below.
Movie out Friday:
My Sister's Keeper - A serious tear-jerker, but I'm going to see it anyway. I'm intrigued to see Cameron Diaz in a serious role and Thomas Dekker is in it (the hottie from the Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles).
Summer Movie Review Part Four:
Year One - This movie was hilarious! There are not enough words to describe the love I feel for Michael Cera. That guy is adorable and everything he says is so subtle yet has you laughing til you pee your pants. (Disclaimer: Bring a diaper). Jack Black was his usual comedic self which is funny, but a little too ridiculous. All the background actors (Paul Rudd, David Cross, Hank Azaria, etc) were great and made the movie continuous funny.
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen - One word: Awesome! I mean, the "love drama" that was folded into the action was kind of lame and very predictable, but the better story line made up for it. It was intricate and well-thought out unlike most quickie sequels. And did I mention that the action was amazing and Josh Duhamel/Tyrese Gibson are super hot in those military uniforms? Oh yeah...
Away We Go - John Krasinski is the perfect man! At least in this movie he is. I absolutely loved seeing this. It was another example of the perfect combination of comedy and drama where you aren't overrun with either. The background actors (Allison Janney, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Catherine O'Hara, Jim Gaffigan, etc) were hilarious! John Krasinski's character was funny, adorable, and the perfect man. He understands/listens to Maya Rudolph and never does anything bad or annoying...ever. I want one. Maya Rudolph was fantastic as well. I was very keen on seeing her in a normal movie and I was a little put off by her voice. I've never heard her speak normally and I liked it. She is also a great actress. Who knew? Needless to say, I'm buying this movie as soon as it comes out, but you can go see it at some local theaters starting Friday.
Big Mouth-ful of Goodies
Underrated movies of the post:
Charlie's Angels/Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle. I'm not fully sure I understand why this movie never gets the recognition it deserves. It's a hard-core action movie with some comedic tendencies starring three strong women trying to juggle their real life and their jobs. These movies rock!
Movies to see:
Movies to see:
Transformers 2, Away We Go, My Sister's Keeper.
Sad acknowledgements:
Both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died Thursday. Fawcett succumbed to her battle with cancer while Jackson died from cardiac arrest. My thoughts go out to their family and friends during this time of sadness.

Trailer of the post:
Sad acknowledgements:
Both Michael Jackson and Farrah Fawcett died Thursday. Fawcett succumbed to her battle with cancer while Jackson died from cardiac arrest. My thoughts go out to their family and friends during this time of sadness.

Trailer of the post:
The Box. Who doesn't love a good "edge of your seat" thriller? Will they press the button? Who knows...
(I said "box" haha)
Name 7 Cameron Diaz:
Being John Malkovich, What Happens in Vegas, Shrek, Charlie’s Angels, The Mask, The Sweetest Thing, The Holiday.
Kevin Bacon Game:
Cameron Diaz was in Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #85 winner:
(I said "box" haha)
Name 7 Cameron Diaz:
Being John Malkovich, What Happens in Vegas, Shrek, Charlie’s Angels, The Mask, The Sweetest Thing, The Holiday.
Kevin Bacon Game:
Cameron Diaz was in Vanilla Sky with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #85 winner:
Kristina takes three in a row with Pearl Harbor! Haven't seen that movie in a while, but I think I might. Josh Hartnett is enough to counteract Ben Affleck I think. Haha.
QQ #86: Name this Cameron Diaz movie:
"Don't go looking for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now."
a. What Happens in Vegas
b. The Sweetest Thing
c. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
d. My Best Friend's Wedding
QQ #86: Name this Cameron Diaz movie:
"Don't go looking for Mr. Right. Look for Mr. Right Now."
a. What Happens in Vegas
b. The Sweetest Thing
c. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
d. My Best Friend's Wedding
first, sorry i was out for two weeks, but that's because of that g. dang conference.
second, i L.O.V.E the new font colors!!!! especially the bolded color changes. i recognize the effort that goes into something like changing font colors frequently & i appreciate it.
third, thanks so much for taking me to 'away we go' it was so good - i want to see it again. AND now i realize that is was a part of creating your blog. this should really be your job, ash.
i'm saying b. the sweetest thing. i love when i've seen the movies you have in the quote quiz.
no idea. so a =D
Molly took my answer so I will chose A. in the off chance she's wrong...
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