Fighting - Channing Tatum being shirtless and beating the crap* out of other people. While I'm attracted to that first part, it doesn't negate the last part. I'm all for action, but boxing/fighting sequences tend to bore me especially if they last for the entire movie. Plus, I can pretty much tell you the ending. It looks very contrived.
Obsessed - Ali Larter stalks some dude and his wife (Beyonce) beats the crap* out of her. I literally just summed up the entire movie. It took you, what?, 3 seconds to read it? I just saved you $8. You're welcome.
The Soloist - Robert Downey Jr is a jerk who helps Jamie Foxx who's a mentally handicapped celloist. You're welcome x 2.
My opinion of Twitter and why it has officially ruined my life.
So, after hearing all about this stupid Twitter thing, I thought I should at least check it out (if only to reaffirm how stupid it is). So I log on as my dad (don't ask) and search for random celebrities. Low and behold I find Mr. Rupert Grint has a Twitter. Here is a little excerpt from his "tweeting":
"rite, sorry to be leaving you so soon, gotta dash! =)"
"yea, cherrybombs coming out this year, quite a bit different than harry potter so i really enjoyed filming it :)"
So that doesn't sound so bad. Right? I mean, spelling never counts in texting and I use smiley faces all the time. Just you wait:
"Rupert Grint is leaving the site, thanx n gudnite :P lol"
"lol thts a really clever idea, i shud get danny to do that 2, we cud start a club lol"
"no sorry, i was just doin an elvis impression lmao i am really by at the moment though so u wnt cach me for long :)"
...My life is officially over. All of my dreams have been dashed in a span of ten minutes. IF Rupert Grint is like this in real life and NOT the cool, mature person I have seen him act in interviews and such, then (here's where it gets crazy) I am going to have to remove him from My Husbands List. I know. Crazy.
Anyone who's anyone has heard me yell and argue against certain IM language such as "lol" (hate it), "lmao" (abhor it), "rofl" (I will kill you if you use it), and I'm afraid that my brain couldn't keep from mentally wincing each time my eyes rolled across those "tweets" (Honestly, what a stupid site. Who comes up with these words?) despite my love for Rupert Grint.
(This is the end of my fanatical rant. I know I bash crazy fans who act like I just did, but you must know, even though I wrote all of that, I don't really mean it in that kind of crazy sense... Okay maybe just a little :)
Iron Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. This movie is beyond hilarious AND it has an intriguing plot line that keeps you guessing. It goes to the extreme to make you laugh, but it remains believable (to a point. I mean, seriously stuff like that could never happen in real life). Still not convinced? Val Kilmer plays a homosexual private detective. I know. Awesome.
Movies to see: Pretty much just Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Pictures of the post: Sherlock Holmes starring RDJ and Jude Law (as Holmes and Watson respectively)

What the heck is this movie about?!?! (Disclaimer: Obviously I know what the basic premise and do not need someone to write a smart-butt* comment explaining it...Katrina.)
Trailer of the post: Paper Heart. I. Love. Michael Cera.
Name 7 RDJ: Only You, Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Hearts and Souls, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Chaplin, Zodiac.
RDJ was in Tropic Thunder with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #66 winner: No one. It was Someone Like You. That wasn't even a tricky one, but that movie is great so it shouldn't be too bad when you all watch it again to refresh your memories. ;)
Quote Quiz #67 winner: Katrina with Serenity. One of my all time favorites. If you haven't seen it, you need to. You don't have to watch that season of Firefly to fully appreciate it. I saw Serenity first and it still left quite the impression.
Quote Quiz #68: Name this RDJ movie:
"Never attack a drunk guy with a gun."
a. Iron Man
b. Charlie Bartlett
c. Tropic Thunder
d. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
I have no idea. So, d. =)
And I'm sorry Rupert seems to be so uncool. Maybe you should stop looking up the rest of your husbands list before you have to get a whole new list
usually you don't put the answers to your quizzes in your posts, but i think i'll guess d. kkbb (that's my new abbreviation language - sexy & cool right?)
also, hello from beside you on the couch
Katrina says b. Charlie Bartlett.
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