DVDs out today (nothing to write home about):
Bride Wars - This movie looks absolutely ridiculous and not in a good way. If I wanted to watch bride-to-be's go crazy and probably kill people I would watch one of those inane wedding shows on TLC.
The Uninvited - From the preview of this movie I cannot tell you whether it's about a crazy step-mom killing people or ghosts of dead children warning the chick about the crazy step-mother. What I can tell you is that I don't want to see it because it looks stupid.
Some hilarious goodies:
Underrated movie of the post: Bedtime Stories. This movie was one of the better Adam Sandler movies I've seen in a while. It was funny and it was cute and, above all, it was funny! (Unlike Click. Stay away from that one...)
Movies to see: Bedtime Stories.
Trailers of the post:
Funny People. I'm very much looking forward to this one. It looks hilarious with the appropriate amount of drama. Looks like another winner!
I couldn't not put this one up once I found it. Yay, Taking Woodstock!
Demetri Martin!!!!
Name 7 Adam Sandler: Animal, Punch Drunk Love, Spanglish, Billy Madison, You Don’t Mess With the Zohan, Bedtime Stories, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
Adam Sandler was in Reign Over Me with Don Cheadle who was in Ocean's 11 with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Quote Quiz #68 winner: Katrina with Charlie Bartlett (very, very interesting and good movie). Even though it was at the last minute and she technically didn't even post it herself, I have to give it to her because she did get it right.
Quote Quiz #69: name this Adam Sandler movie:
"My Mama says that alligators are ornery because they got all them teeth and no toothbrush."
a. Billy Madison
b. Bedtime Stories
c. Eight Crazy Nights
d. Waterboy
If you ever wonder if it was nice to know you, I tell you now that it was - Empire Records
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Robert Downey, Jr and A Twitter Rant
Movies out today:
Fighting - Channing Tatum being shirtless and beating the crap* out of other people. While I'm attracted to that first part, it doesn't negate the last part. I'm all for action, but boxing/fighting sequences tend to bore me especially if they last for the entire movie. Plus, I can pretty much tell you the ending. It looks very contrived.
Obsessed - Ali Larter stalks some dude and his wife (Beyonce) beats the crap* out of her. I literally just summed up the entire movie. It took you, what?, 3 seconds to read it? I just saved you $8. You're welcome.
The Soloist - Robert Downey Jr is a jerk who helps Jamie Foxx who's a mentally handicapped celloist. You're welcome x 2.
My opinion of Twitter and why it has officially ruined my life.
So, after hearing all about this stupid Twitter thing, I thought I should at least check it out (if only to reaffirm how stupid it is). So I log on as my dad (don't ask) and search for random celebrities. Low and behold I find Mr. Rupert Grint has a Twitter. Here is a little excerpt from his "tweeting":
"rite, sorry to be leaving you so soon, gotta dash! =)"
"yea, cherrybombs coming out this year, quite a bit different than harry potter so i really enjoyed filming it :)"
So that doesn't sound so bad. Right? I mean, spelling never counts in texting and I use smiley faces all the time. Just you wait:
"Rupert Grint is leaving the site, thanx n gudnite :P lol"
"lol thts a really clever idea, i shud get danny to do that 2, we cud start a club lol"
"no sorry, i was just doin an elvis impression lmao i am really by at the moment though so u wnt cach me for long :)"
...My life is officially over. All of my dreams have been dashed in a span of ten minutes. IF Rupert Grint is like this in real life and NOT the cool, mature person I have seen him act in interviews and such, then (here's where it gets crazy) I am going to have to remove him from My Husbands List. I know. Crazy.
Anyone who's anyone has heard me yell and argue against certain IM language such as "lol" (hate it), "lmao" (abhor it), "rofl" (I will kill you if you use it), and I'm afraid that my brain couldn't keep from mentally wincing each time my eyes rolled across those "tweets" (Honestly, what a stupid site. Who comes up with these words?) despite my love for Rupert Grint.
(This is the end of my fanatical rant. I know I bash crazy fans who act like I just did, but you must know, even though I wrote all of that, I don't really mean it in that kind of crazy sense... Okay maybe just a little :)
Iron Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. This movie is beyond hilarious AND it has an intriguing plot line that keeps you guessing. It goes to the extreme to make you laugh, but it remains believable (to a point. I mean, seriously stuff like that could never happen in real life). Still not convinced? Val Kilmer plays a homosexual private detective. I know. Awesome.
Movies to see: Pretty much just Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Pictures of the post: Sherlock Holmes starring RDJ and Jude Law (as Holmes and Watson respectively)

What the heck is this movie about?!?! (Disclaimer: Obviously I know what the basic premise and do not need someone to write a smart-butt* comment explaining it...Katrina.)
Trailer of the post: Paper Heart. I. Love. Michael Cera.
Name 7 RDJ: Only You, Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Hearts and Souls, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Chaplin, Zodiac.
RDJ was in Tropic Thunder with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #66 winner: No one. It was Someone Like You. That wasn't even a tricky one, but that movie is great so it shouldn't be too bad when you all watch it again to refresh your memories. ;)
Quote Quiz #67 winner: Katrina with Serenity. One of my all time favorites. If you haven't seen it, you need to. You don't have to watch that season of Firefly to fully appreciate it. I saw Serenity first and it still left quite the impression.
Quote Quiz #68: Name this RDJ movie:
"Never attack a drunk guy with a gun."
a. Iron Man
b. Charlie Bartlett
c. Tropic Thunder
d. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Fighting - Channing Tatum being shirtless and beating the crap* out of other people. While I'm attracted to that first part, it doesn't negate the last part. I'm all for action, but boxing/fighting sequences tend to bore me especially if they last for the entire movie. Plus, I can pretty much tell you the ending. It looks very contrived.
Obsessed - Ali Larter stalks some dude and his wife (Beyonce) beats the crap* out of her. I literally just summed up the entire movie. It took you, what?, 3 seconds to read it? I just saved you $8. You're welcome.
The Soloist - Robert Downey Jr is a jerk who helps Jamie Foxx who's a mentally handicapped celloist. You're welcome x 2.
My opinion of Twitter and why it has officially ruined my life.
So, after hearing all about this stupid Twitter thing, I thought I should at least check it out (if only to reaffirm how stupid it is). So I log on as my dad (don't ask) and search for random celebrities. Low and behold I find Mr. Rupert Grint has a Twitter. Here is a little excerpt from his "tweeting":
"rite, sorry to be leaving you so soon, gotta dash! =)"
"yea, cherrybombs coming out this year, quite a bit different than harry potter so i really enjoyed filming it :)"
So that doesn't sound so bad. Right? I mean, spelling never counts in texting and I use smiley faces all the time. Just you wait:
"Rupert Grint is leaving the site, thanx n gudnite :P lol"
"lol thts a really clever idea, i shud get danny to do that 2, we cud start a club lol"
"no sorry, i was just doin an elvis impression lmao i am really by at the moment though so u wnt cach me for long :)"
...My life is officially over. All of my dreams have been dashed in a span of ten minutes. IF Rupert Grint is like this in real life and NOT the cool, mature person I have seen him act in interviews and such, then (here's where it gets crazy) I am going to have to remove him from My Husbands List. I know. Crazy.
Anyone who's anyone has heard me yell and argue against certain IM language such as "lol" (hate it), "lmao" (abhor it), "rofl" (I will kill you if you use it), and I'm afraid that my brain couldn't keep from mentally wincing each time my eyes rolled across those "tweets" (Honestly, what a stupid site. Who comes up with these words?) despite my love for Rupert Grint.
(This is the end of my fanatical rant. I know I bash crazy fans who act like I just did, but you must know, even though I wrote all of that, I don't really mean it in that kind of crazy sense... Okay maybe just a little :)
Iron Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. This movie is beyond hilarious AND it has an intriguing plot line that keeps you guessing. It goes to the extreme to make you laugh, but it remains believable (to a point. I mean, seriously stuff like that could never happen in real life). Still not convinced? Val Kilmer plays a homosexual private detective. I know. Awesome.
Movies to see: Pretty much just Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.
Pictures of the post: Sherlock Holmes starring RDJ and Jude Law (as Holmes and Watson respectively)

What the heck is this movie about?!?! (Disclaimer: Obviously I know what the basic premise and do not need someone to write a smart-butt* comment explaining it...Katrina.)
Trailer of the post: Paper Heart. I. Love. Michael Cera.
Name 7 RDJ: Only You, Iron Man, Tropic Thunder, Hearts and Souls, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Chaplin, Zodiac.
RDJ was in Tropic Thunder with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #66 winner: No one. It was Someone Like You. That wasn't even a tricky one, but that movie is great so it shouldn't be too bad when you all watch it again to refresh your memories. ;)
Quote Quiz #67 winner: Katrina with Serenity. One of my all time favorites. If you haven't seen it, you need to. You don't have to watch that season of Firefly to fully appreciate it. I saw Serenity first and it still left quite the impression.
Quote Quiz #68: Name this RDJ movie:
"Never attack a drunk guy with a gun."
a. Iron Man
b. Charlie Bartlett
c. Tropic Thunder
d. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Monday, April 20, 2009
Ashley Judd and My Golden Day!
Movies out on this most glorious day:
Frost/Nixon: Michael Sheen and Kevin Bacon are awesome, but I tend to avoid political dramas. This one looks pretty dang good, though, so maybe someday I will partake.
Notorious: Bio-pics aren't really my thing either.
The Wrestler: Mickey Rourke really isn't my thing either. Haha. What a creep.
Ashley Goodies!
Underrated (Ashley Judd) movie: Where the Heart Is. This movie is beyond amazing. The book was just as fantastic. I suggest watching/reading both. Ashley Judd's acting was incredible and this is the movie where I first loved her. She's great!
Underrated (me) movie: Alright, so I don't have a movie, but I thought I would still incorporate myself into the Goodies. I mean, it's my lame blog and I can do what I want! So, Empire Records. I can thank my cousin Elyse for introducing me to this hilarious movie. I was smitten at first sight. Rory Cochrane's Lucas was my absolute favorite! "Su-perb." Haha!
Movies to see: Frost/Nixon, Where the Heart Is, and Empire Records.
(Ashley Judd) Trailer of the post: Crossing Over. This movie was released in February, but only in NY and LA. Lame. It looks great!
(Me) Trailer of the post: My Sister's Keeper. This looks like a good one.
You may be wondering why I chose to post that. It's because I ALWAYS cry at movies and everyone makes fun of me. So I thought I'd show you that one and laugh at you for tearing up. (If you didn't, you have no soul. I'm shaking my head at you.)
Name 7 Ashley Judd: Where the Heart Is, Twisted, Double Jeopardy, Kiss the Girls, Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, High Crimes, Someone Like You.
Name 7 My Top Favorites: Slumdog Millionaire, Boondock Saints, Serenity, Empire Records, Fifth Element, Juno, Across the Universe.
Ashley Judd was in Kiss the Girls with Carey Elwes who was in Georgia Rule with Garrett Hedlund who was in Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Ashley Skelnik knows Michael Till who is friends with Robert Buckley who was in Lipstick Jungle with Kim Raver who was in 24 with Kiefer Sutherland who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 5 steps. :)
Quote Quiz #65 winner: Katrina with Sinbad at the last minute. I am getting really good at tricking you all. Looks like you're going to have to think even longer about my amazing quizzes. But just when you think you've got it, I'll switch it back to being amazingly obvious! Muah ha ha ha!
Quote Quiz #66: Name this Ashley Judd movie:
"There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing... but empty space and silence."
a. Someone Like You...
b. Where the Heart Is
c. The Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
d. High Crimes
Quote Quiz #67: Name this Ashley Skelnik favorite:
"We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!"
a. The Fifth Element
b. Empire Records
c. Serenity
d. Across the Universe
Frost/Nixon: Michael Sheen and Kevin Bacon are awesome, but I tend to avoid political dramas. This one looks pretty dang good, though, so maybe someday I will partake.
Notorious: Bio-pics aren't really my thing either.
The Wrestler: Mickey Rourke really isn't my thing either. Haha. What a creep.
Ashley Goodies!
Underrated (Ashley Judd) movie: Where the Heart Is. This movie is beyond amazing. The book was just as fantastic. I suggest watching/reading both. Ashley Judd's acting was incredible and this is the movie where I first loved her. She's great!
Underrated (me) movie: Alright, so I don't have a movie, but I thought I would still incorporate myself into the Goodies. I mean, it's my lame blog and I can do what I want! So, Empire Records. I can thank my cousin Elyse for introducing me to this hilarious movie. I was smitten at first sight. Rory Cochrane's Lucas was my absolute favorite! "Su-perb." Haha!
Movies to see: Frost/Nixon, Where the Heart Is, and Empire Records.
(Ashley Judd) Trailer of the post: Crossing Over. This movie was released in February, but only in NY and LA. Lame. It looks great!
(Me) Trailer of the post: My Sister's Keeper. This looks like a good one.
You may be wondering why I chose to post that. It's because I ALWAYS cry at movies and everyone makes fun of me. So I thought I'd show you that one and laugh at you for tearing up. (If you didn't, you have no soul. I'm shaking my head at you.)
Name 7 Ashley Judd: Where the Heart Is, Twisted, Double Jeopardy, Kiss the Girls, Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood, High Crimes, Someone Like You.
Name 7 My Top Favorites: Slumdog Millionaire, Boondock Saints, Serenity, Empire Records, Fifth Element, Juno, Across the Universe.
Ashley Judd was in Kiss the Girls with Carey Elwes who was in Georgia Rule with Garrett Hedlund who was in Death Sentence with Kevin Bacon: 3 steps.
Ashley Skelnik knows Michael Till who is friends with Robert Buckley who was in Lipstick Jungle with Kim Raver who was in 24 with Kiefer Sutherland who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 5 steps. :)
Quote Quiz #65 winner: Katrina with Sinbad at the last minute. I am getting really good at tricking you all. Looks like you're going to have to think even longer about my amazing quizzes. But just when you think you've got it, I'll switch it back to being amazingly obvious! Muah ha ha ha!
Quote Quiz #66: Name this Ashley Judd movie:
"There are few things sadder in this life than watching someone walk away after they've left you, watching the distance between your bodies expand until there's nothing... but empty space and silence."
a. Someone Like You...
b. Where the Heart Is
c. The Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood
d. High Crimes
Quote Quiz #67: Name this Ashley Skelnik favorite:
"We're gonna explode? I don't wanna explode!"
a. The Fifth Element
b. Empire Records
c. Serenity
d. Across the Universe
Friday, April 17, 2009
Brad Pitt
Movies out today:
17 Again - Alas, I will be seeing this movie tomorrow morning. So far, it's been getting mixed reviews. On one hand, all the American Idols say it's hilarious while Chelsea Lately thinks the plot is too overdone (i.e. 13 Going on 30, etc). While I agree with Chelsea and her crew, I am still going to see it if only for Matthew Perry and Leslie Mann.
Crank 2: High Voltage - Is ANYONE willing to see this movie with me? I forget who I went to see the first one with so I can't sucker them into seeing this... Jason Statham is awesome, Amy Smart is hilarious, and Dwight Yoakam is...well creepy, but the rest of the action-packed awesome-ness of the movie should be crazy!
State of Play - Some political conspiracy drama with Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirran and (if the political conspiracy part didn't throw you off completely) Ben Affleck. Gross.
Super Fine Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: Troy. While this movie was exceedingly dumb and no where close to being accurate (relating to the epic by Homer The Iliad), there were tons of hunky men running around naked. Which is my kind of movie.
Movies to see: 17 Again (who knows?), Crank 2 (Please?!), and Troy (you know you want to).
Moves NOT to see: Adventureland. This movie was advertised to be funny and ALL of the funny parts were in the trailer. What does this leave? Drama out the wazzoo. And not even good drama. Remember when I said Ryan Reynolds, Bill Hader, and Kristen Wiig were the reasons I went to see the movie? Ryan Reynolds plays a douche with absolutely NO funny lines, Kristen Wiig barely speaks and Bill Hader, while hilarious, wasn't in it long enough to counteract all the other bad-ness. So, in short, don't bother.
Trailers of the post: Here's Brad Pitt's: Inglourious Basterds. It. Looks. Amazing.
And here's something that I personally want to see: I Love You, Beth Cooper.
Name 7 Brad Pitt: Babel, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Burn After Reading, The Mexican, True Romance, Sleepers.
Brad Pitt was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #64 winners: Katie and Kristina with Chronicles of Riddick! I know I don't ever give out points to two people, but considering that post was specifically for Kristina it's only fair that I give her a point. And don't worry, you all will get posts dedicated to you in the future. I just need to figure out who you love the most...
Quote Quiz #65: Name this Brad Pitt movie:
"Pray to the gods. We may be meeting them soon."
a. Troy
b. 12 Monkeys
c. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
d. Seven Years in Tibet
17 Again - Alas, I will be seeing this movie tomorrow morning. So far, it's been getting mixed reviews. On one hand, all the American Idols say it's hilarious while Chelsea Lately thinks the plot is too overdone (i.e. 13 Going on 30, etc). While I agree with Chelsea and her crew, I am still going to see it if only for Matthew Perry and Leslie Mann.
Crank 2: High Voltage - Is ANYONE willing to see this movie with me? I forget who I went to see the first one with so I can't sucker them into seeing this... Jason Statham is awesome, Amy Smart is hilarious, and Dwight Yoakam is...well creepy, but the rest of the action-packed awesome-ness of the movie should be crazy!
State of Play - Some political conspiracy drama with Russell Crowe, Rachel McAdams, Helen Mirran and (if the political conspiracy part didn't throw you off completely) Ben Affleck. Gross.
Super Fine Goodies!
Underrated movie of the post: Troy. While this movie was exceedingly dumb and no where close to being accurate (relating to the epic by Homer The Iliad), there were tons of hunky men running around naked. Which is my kind of movie.
Movies to see: 17 Again (who knows?), Crank 2 (Please?!), and Troy (you know you want to).
Moves NOT to see: Adventureland. This movie was advertised to be funny and ALL of the funny parts were in the trailer. What does this leave? Drama out the wazzoo. And not even good drama. Remember when I said Ryan Reynolds, Bill Hader, and Kristen Wiig were the reasons I went to see the movie? Ryan Reynolds plays a douche with absolutely NO funny lines, Kristen Wiig barely speaks and Bill Hader, while hilarious, wasn't in it long enough to counteract all the other bad-ness. So, in short, don't bother.
Trailers of the post: Here's Brad Pitt's: Inglourious Basterds. It. Looks. Amazing.
And here's something that I personally want to see: I Love You, Beth Cooper.
Name 7 Brad Pitt: Babel, 12 Monkeys, Fight Club, Burn After Reading, The Mexican, True Romance, Sleepers.
Brad Pitt was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 1 step.
Quote Quiz #64 winners: Katie and Kristina with Chronicles of Riddick! I know I don't ever give out points to two people, but considering that post was specifically for Kristina it's only fair that I give her a point. And don't worry, you all will get posts dedicated to you in the future. I just need to figure out who you love the most...
Quote Quiz #65: Name this Brad Pitt movie:
"Pray to the gods. We may be meeting them soon."
a. Troy
b. 12 Monkeys
c. Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas
d. Seven Years in Tibet
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Vin Diesel (This one's for you, Kristina!)
DVD out today (that's right, there's only one!):
The Spirit - This movie was pretty ridiculous, but highly entertaining if you're into that whole Sin City-esque type movie. It's one of those movies that was made to be ridiculous (i.e. Snakes on a Plane). Needless to say it succeeds in a good way. Besides, Gabrial Macht is freaking gorgeous.
Vinny Diesel Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Pitch Black. There are very few people who have heard of or seen The Chronicles of Riddick and out of those select few, even less know that it is the sequel to Pitch Black. This movie is the ultimate sci-fi/action movie with a likeable/hateable hero and a plethora of different characters, the majority of which die under the claws of terrifying aliens. Winner.
Movies to see: The Spirit and Pitch Black.
Fun fact of the post: Vin Diesel's birthname is Mark Sinclair Vincent.
Trailer of the post: Nothing Vin Diesel related, but something vastly important anyway. Where the Wild Things Are!
Name 7 Vin Diesel: Pitch Black, The Fast and the Furious, xXx, Saving Private Ryan, Babylon A.D., Find Me Guilty, The Pacifier.
Vin Diesel was in Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks who was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #61 and 63 winner: Janette with Whole Nine Yards and Death Becomes Her! Way to go! (Great movies, by the way. If you haven't seen them, do so immediately)
Quote Quiz #62 winner: Katie with 12 Monkeys. Now that is a crazy movie, but Brad Pitt as a psycho was hilarious! He's still good looking even with that creepy eye thing he's got going on. But still not as good looking as Bruce! (If you're so inclined, you get to see Bruce Willis' bare behind twice, count 'em twice, in the first twenty minutes of the movie. Hilarious.)
Quote Quiz #64: name this Vin Diesel movie:
"There's gonna be one speed... mine. If you can't keep up, don't step up. You'll just die."
a. Chronicles of Riddick
b. The Fast and the Furious
c. Babylon A.D.
d. Knockaround Guys
The Spirit - This movie was pretty ridiculous, but highly entertaining if you're into that whole Sin City-esque type movie. It's one of those movies that was made to be ridiculous (i.e. Snakes on a Plane). Needless to say it succeeds in a good way. Besides, Gabrial Macht is freaking gorgeous.
Vinny Diesel Goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Pitch Black. There are very few people who have heard of or seen The Chronicles of Riddick and out of those select few, even less know that it is the sequel to Pitch Black. This movie is the ultimate sci-fi/action movie with a likeable/hateable hero and a plethora of different characters, the majority of which die under the claws of terrifying aliens. Winner.
Movies to see: The Spirit and Pitch Black.
Fun fact of the post: Vin Diesel's birthname is Mark Sinclair Vincent.
Trailer of the post: Nothing Vin Diesel related, but something vastly important anyway. Where the Wild Things Are!
Name 7 Vin Diesel: Pitch Black, The Fast and the Furious, xXx, Saving Private Ryan, Babylon A.D., Find Me Guilty, The Pacifier.
Vin Diesel was in Saving Private Ryan with Tom Hanks who was in Apollo 13 with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #61 and 63 winner: Janette with Whole Nine Yards and Death Becomes Her! Way to go! (Great movies, by the way. If you haven't seen them, do so immediately)
Quote Quiz #62 winner: Katie with 12 Monkeys. Now that is a crazy movie, but Brad Pitt as a psycho was hilarious! He's still good looking even with that creepy eye thing he's got going on. But still not as good looking as Bruce! (If you're so inclined, you get to see Bruce Willis' bare behind twice, count 'em twice, in the first twenty minutes of the movie. Hilarious.)
Quote Quiz #64: name this Vin Diesel movie:
"There's gonna be one speed... mine. If you can't keep up, don't step up. You'll just die."
a. Chronicles of Riddick
b. The Fast and the Furious
c. Babylon A.D.
d. Knockaround Guys
Friday, April 10, 2009
My 100th Episode!
I would like to begin this post by thanking you, my loyal readers. It has been a long year. Without you I would have no outlet for all of the movie and television related junk rattling around my brain. I know there aren't many of you, but just knowing that someone is reading is incredible.
Movies out today:
Dragonball: Evolution - I watched this show all the time when I was younger! I didn't even know what Anime was back then and life was so much simpler. Now, however, you have to be an uber-nerd to like Anime, but that's not going to stop me from seeing this movie. My cover story? I'm in love with Justin Chatwin and James Marsters. (Cover stories are easiest when they're true).
Hannah Montana The Movie - I don't want to ruin my 100th post with something so dumb.
Observe and Report - Poor Seth Rogan couldn't get his mall cop movie out before Kevin James'. BUT this one is rated R so there is bound to be much more hilarity AND I love Seth Rogan.
Yippee-ki-yay Goodies!
YES! My 100th post is starring none other than, my love, Bruce Willis! In honor of his awesome-ness, I am making this post 3 times as amazing! So enjoy as I write endlessly (and a bit obsessively) about the greatest Action Movie Hero of all time.
Underrated movies of the post: The Whole Nine Yards. Not only is this movie funny beyond all reason, it is the perfect mix of action and comedy. On one hand you have Bruce Willis being badass (with a hint of crazy) and on the other you have Matthew Perry acting as his neurotic and hilarious self. It's wonderful.
Hudson Hawk. Again, a nice blend of action and comedy with a little adventure sprinkled on top. This movie has a very intriguing story and enough twists and turns to make you wonder what the heck is going on halfway through. And oldie, but a goodie.
Fifth Element. This movie doesn't get half as much of the credit it deserves. As science fiction goes, this movie has it all: pending destruction of the Earth, hot hero who always manages to save the day, a strange woman who just complicates things further, a weird-looking bad guy bordering on insane, a slightly annoying but overall funny sidekick, and a nice old guy who's always helping/explaining what's going on. What more could you ask for?!
Movies to see: Dragonball: Evolution, Observe and Report, The Whole Nine Yards, Hudson Hawk, The Fifth Element, and ANY OTHER MOVIE WITH BRUCE WILLIS. Seriously, he's amazing.
I don't have any trailers, but here are 3 upcoming Bruce Willis movies that sound halfway interesting:
Surrogates - Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop (Willis) is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others’ surrogates (imdb.com).
A Couple of Dicks - A comedy about two cops whose adventures include locating a stolen baseball card, rescuing a woman, and dealing with gangsters and their laundered money (directed by Kevin Smith!) (imdb.com).
Pinkville - Army general William R. Peers (Willis) investigates the My Lai Massacre, an event in which several hundred Vietnamese civilians were killed by U.S. soldiers (co-starring Channing Tatum and Cam Gigandet) (imdb.com).
Name 21 Bruce Willis! - 12 Monkeys, Die Hard, Fifth Element, Ocean’s 12, Armageddon, Hart’s War, Tears of the Sun, Blind Date, Over the Hedge, Sin City, Alpha Dog, Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Story of Us, Lucky # Slevin, Whole Nine Yards, Pulp Fiction, Bandits, Hostage, Hudson Hawk, What Just Happened?. (I know! I didn't think I could do it either!)
Bruce Willis was in 12 Monkeys with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Bruce Willis was in Hudson Hawk with Andie MacDowell who was Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Bruce Willis was in Striking Distance with Sarah Jessica Parker who was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #60 winner: Molly with Godzilla! Great movie, I don't care what anyone says.
Here's where everyone is in the standings:
Katie in the lead with 19
Molly close behind with 18.5
Katrina way behind with 9
Kristina has 2 and Janette has a whopping 1.
Quote Quiz #61:
"I hate it more than mayonnaise. And you know how much I hate mayonnaise."
a. Hudson Hawk
b. Die Hard 3
c. The Whole Nine Yards
d. Bandits
Quote Quiz #62:
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay."
a. Armageddon
b. 12 Monkeys
c. Hudson Hawk
d. Die Hard 2
Quote Quiz #63:
"Well, from now on, I'm going to be the kind of idiot I want to be!"
a. Die Hard
b. Fifth Element
c. Sin City
d. Death Becomes Her
Movies out today:
Dragonball: Evolution - I watched this show all the time when I was younger! I didn't even know what Anime was back then and life was so much simpler. Now, however, you have to be an uber-nerd to like Anime, but that's not going to stop me from seeing this movie. My cover story? I'm in love with Justin Chatwin and James Marsters. (Cover stories are easiest when they're true).
Hannah Montana The Movie - I don't want to ruin my 100th post with something so dumb.
Observe and Report - Poor Seth Rogan couldn't get his mall cop movie out before Kevin James'. BUT this one is rated R so there is bound to be much more hilarity AND I love Seth Rogan.
Yippee-ki-yay Goodies!
YES! My 100th post is starring none other than, my love, Bruce Willis! In honor of his awesome-ness, I am making this post 3 times as amazing! So enjoy as I write endlessly (and a bit obsessively) about the greatest Action Movie Hero of all time.
Underrated movies of the post: The Whole Nine Yards. Not only is this movie funny beyond all reason, it is the perfect mix of action and comedy. On one hand you have Bruce Willis being badass (with a hint of crazy) and on the other you have Matthew Perry acting as his neurotic and hilarious self. It's wonderful.
Hudson Hawk. Again, a nice blend of action and comedy with a little adventure sprinkled on top. This movie has a very intriguing story and enough twists and turns to make you wonder what the heck is going on halfway through. And oldie, but a goodie.
Fifth Element. This movie doesn't get half as much of the credit it deserves. As science fiction goes, this movie has it all: pending destruction of the Earth, hot hero who always manages to save the day, a strange woman who just complicates things further, a weird-looking bad guy bordering on insane, a slightly annoying but overall funny sidekick, and a nice old guy who's always helping/explaining what's going on. What more could you ask for?!
Movies to see: Dragonball: Evolution, Observe and Report, The Whole Nine Yards, Hudson Hawk, The Fifth Element, and ANY OTHER MOVIE WITH BRUCE WILLIS. Seriously, he's amazing.
I don't have any trailers, but here are 3 upcoming Bruce Willis movies that sound halfway interesting:
Surrogates - Set in a futuristic world where humans live in isolation and interact through surrogate robots, a cop (Willis) is forced to leave his home for the first time in years in order to investigate the murders of others’ surrogates (imdb.com).
A Couple of Dicks - A comedy about two cops whose adventures include locating a stolen baseball card, rescuing a woman, and dealing with gangsters and their laundered money (directed by Kevin Smith!) (imdb.com).
Pinkville - Army general William R. Peers (Willis) investigates the My Lai Massacre, an event in which several hundred Vietnamese civilians were killed by U.S. soldiers (co-starring Channing Tatum and Cam Gigandet) (imdb.com).
Name 21 Bruce Willis! - 12 Monkeys, Die Hard, Fifth Element, Ocean’s 12, Armageddon, Hart’s War, Tears of the Sun, Blind Date, Over the Hedge, Sin City, Alpha Dog, Sixth Sense, Unbreakable, Story of Us, Lucky # Slevin, Whole Nine Yards, Pulp Fiction, Bandits, Hostage, Hudson Hawk, What Just Happened?. (I know! I didn't think I could do it either!)
Bruce Willis was in 12 Monkeys with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Bruce Willis was in Hudson Hawk with Andie MacDowell who was Beauty Shop with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Bruce Willis was in Striking Distance with Sarah Jessica Parker who was in Footloose with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #60 winner: Molly with Godzilla! Great movie, I don't care what anyone says.
Here's where everyone is in the standings:
Katie in the lead with 19
Molly close behind with 18.5
Katrina way behind with 9
Kristina has 2 and Janette has a whopping 1.
Quote Quiz #61:
"I hate it more than mayonnaise. And you know how much I hate mayonnaise."
a. Hudson Hawk
b. Die Hard 3
c. The Whole Nine Yards
d. Bandits
Quote Quiz #62:
"Oh, wouldn't it be great if I *was* crazy? Then the world would be okay."
a. Armageddon
b. 12 Monkeys
c. Hudson Hawk
d. Die Hard 2
Quote Quiz #63:
"Well, from now on, I'm going to be the kind of idiot I want to be!"
a. Die Hard
b. Fifth Element
c. Sin City
d. Death Becomes Her
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Matthew Broderick
DVDs out today:
Bedtime Stories - This movie was actually very cute and I would recommend it highly for a good family night or something. Some of Adam Sandler's movies are dumb, but he has his fair share of good stuff.
The Day the Earth Stood Still - I have to admit, this movie was a little dumb. The special effects, John Cleese, and Mini Will Smith (Jaden) make it worthwhile. The special effects were pretty freaking sweet. And Keanu was right at home in a role with no physical displays of emotion.
Doubt - I don't care for Philip Seymour Hoffman or political/conspiracy dramas. So that's a big negatory.
The Tale of Despereaux - This movie was cute as well and that little CGI mouse was beyond adorable.
Yes Man - Classic Jim Carrey movie with a new bunch of up-to-date actors (Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, and Danny Masterson). I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Goodies? Goodies?....Goodies?
Underrated movie of the post: Stepford Wives. I absolutely love this movie. It is beyond hilarious with a lovely twist at the end to give the audience that "ah ha!" moment. It's a good time all around.
Movies to see: Bedtime Stories, The Tale of Despereaux, Yes Man, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Stepford Wives.
I didn't have a trailer for Matthew Broderick, but I do have a synopsis for an Indie film that he is going to be in. It sounds pretty dang interesting.
Wonderful World - Ben Singer (Matthew Broderick) is a failed children's folk singer, a career proofreader, a compulsive marijuana smoker, and a less-than-extraordinary weekend dad. He's also the most negative man alive. Floundering in all aspects of his life, Ben's only comfort comes from regular chess games and friendly debates on game theory with his Senegalese roommate Ibou. When Ibou is suddenly struck ill, and an insensitive municipal employee exacerbates the emergency situation, Ben's pessimistic worldview seems unequivocally confirmed. His only recourse is to pour his energies into a frivolous lawsuit against the city for depraved indifference. But Ben soon finds that cynicism may be all a matter of perspective. (Imdb.com)
And because I'm sure you're upset at the prospect of no Trailer of the post, I give you...
Trailer of the post: The Hangover. This looks awesome. It has a kind of a Dude, Where's My Car mixed with Wedding Crashers feel. Plus Bradley Cooper and Justin Bartha!
Name 7 Matthew Broderick: Godzilla, The Producers, Then She Found Me, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Stepford Wives, Deck the Halls, Music Man.
Matthew Broderick was in Then She Found Me with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #59 winner: No one! It was Hot Rod and I successfully tricked you all. It sounds like someone who's under the influence of drugs and it was, but not the druggy movie you were thinking of. Success is mine!
Quote Quiz #60: Name this Matthew Broderick movie:
"This is not good! This is not good!"
a. Godzilla
b. Deck the Halls
c. Then She Found Me
d. The Music Man
Bedtime Stories - This movie was actually very cute and I would recommend it highly for a good family night or something. Some of Adam Sandler's movies are dumb, but he has his fair share of good stuff.
The Day the Earth Stood Still - I have to admit, this movie was a little dumb. The special effects, John Cleese, and Mini Will Smith (Jaden) make it worthwhile. The special effects were pretty freaking sweet. And Keanu was right at home in a role with no physical displays of emotion.
Doubt - I don't care for Philip Seymour Hoffman or political/conspiracy dramas. So that's a big negatory.
The Tale of Despereaux - This movie was cute as well and that little CGI mouse was beyond adorable.
Yes Man - Classic Jim Carrey movie with a new bunch of up-to-date actors (Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper, and Danny Masterson). I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Goodies? Goodies?....Goodies?
Underrated movie of the post: Stepford Wives. I absolutely love this movie. It is beyond hilarious with a lovely twist at the end to give the audience that "ah ha!" moment. It's a good time all around.
Movies to see: Bedtime Stories, The Tale of Despereaux, Yes Man, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and Stepford Wives.
I didn't have a trailer for Matthew Broderick, but I do have a synopsis for an Indie film that he is going to be in. It sounds pretty dang interesting.
Wonderful World - Ben Singer (Matthew Broderick) is a failed children's folk singer, a career proofreader, a compulsive marijuana smoker, and a less-than-extraordinary weekend dad. He's also the most negative man alive. Floundering in all aspects of his life, Ben's only comfort comes from regular chess games and friendly debates on game theory with his Senegalese roommate Ibou. When Ibou is suddenly struck ill, and an insensitive municipal employee exacerbates the emergency situation, Ben's pessimistic worldview seems unequivocally confirmed. His only recourse is to pour his energies into a frivolous lawsuit against the city for depraved indifference. But Ben soon finds that cynicism may be all a matter of perspective. (Imdb.com)
And because I'm sure you're upset at the prospect of no Trailer of the post, I give you...
Trailer of the post: The Hangover. This looks awesome. It has a kind of a Dude, Where's My Car mixed with Wedding Crashers feel. Plus Bradley Cooper and Justin Bartha!
Name 7 Matthew Broderick: Godzilla, The Producers, Then She Found Me, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, Stepford Wives, Deck the Halls, Music Man.
Matthew Broderick was in Then She Found Me with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #59 winner: No one! It was Hot Rod and I successfully tricked you all. It sounds like someone who's under the influence of drugs and it was, but not the druggy movie you were thinking of. Success is mine!
Quote Quiz #60: Name this Matthew Broderick movie:
"This is not good! This is not good!"
a. Godzilla
b. Deck the Halls
c. Then She Found Me
d. The Music Man
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Bill Hader and some 3s.
Movies out today:
Sunshine Cleaning - This movie looks rather good. I love Amy Adams and Emily Blunt and it's from the people who made Little Miss Sunshine. That sounds like 3 for 3.
Adventureland - Again, Ryan Reynolds, Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. 3 for 3.
Fast & Furious - Let's keep it going. Fast cars, hunky dudes, and explosions/gun fights.
Some hilarious goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Superbad. Although Bill Hader is just the cop in this movie, he and Seth Rogan bring an entirely new level of humor. They are the quintessential stereotype of policemen and they are hilarious.
Movies to see: Sunshine Cleaning, Adventureland, Fast & Furious and Superbad.
Trailer of the post: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I love kids' movies and this looks pretty dang awesome.
Name 7 Bill Hader: Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, Hot Rod, Knocked Up, Brothers Solomon.
Bill Hader was in Tropic Thunder with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #58 winner: Katrina with Be Kind Rewind! I haven't seen this movie, but I love both Jack Black and Mos Def so I'm going to put it on my Netflix for sure. But Katrina, I'm very disappointed in your lack of comment. You'd better start being a little more creative in what you write or I may just skip over your comment without even seeing it...
Quote Quiz #59: name this Bill Hader movie:
"You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face."
a. Knocked Up
b. Hot Rod
c. Pineapple Express
d. Brothers Solomon
Sunshine Cleaning - This movie looks rather good. I love Amy Adams and Emily Blunt and it's from the people who made Little Miss Sunshine. That sounds like 3 for 3.
Adventureland - Again, Ryan Reynolds, Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader. 3 for 3.
Fast & Furious - Let's keep it going. Fast cars, hunky dudes, and explosions/gun fights.
Some hilarious goodies.
Underrated movie of the post: Superbad. Although Bill Hader is just the cop in this movie, he and Seth Rogan bring an entirely new level of humor. They are the quintessential stereotype of policemen and they are hilarious.
Movies to see: Sunshine Cleaning, Adventureland, Fast & Furious and Superbad.
Trailer of the post: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs. I love kids' movies and this looks pretty dang awesome.
Name 7 Bill Hader: Superbad, Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Tropic Thunder, Pineapple Express, Hot Rod, Knocked Up, Brothers Solomon.
Bill Hader was in Tropic Thunder with Tom Cruise who was in A Few Good Men with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.
Quote Quiz #58 winner: Katrina with Be Kind Rewind! I haven't seen this movie, but I love both Jack Black and Mos Def so I'm going to put it on my Netflix for sure. But Katrina, I'm very disappointed in your lack of comment. You'd better start being a little more creative in what you write or I may just skip over your comment without even seeing it...
Quote Quiz #59: name this Bill Hader movie:
"You look like a giant eagle with fire all around you, and you've got a mountain for a face."
a. Knocked Up
b. Hot Rod
c. Pineapple Express
d. Brothers Solomon
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