Patrick Dempsey - I'm as big a fan for Grey's Anatomy as the next person with a uterus is, but I just don't understand all the hype over "McDreamy". I know that he was pretty good-looking as a younger man, but I think it's a little weird to see females my age and younger swoon whenever he comes on screen. I'm so very sorry, but he isn't that good looking!
Jeffrey Dean Morgan - Now if you want a hot actor from Grey's, look no further than Denny. Even when he was pale and sickly-looking, Patrick Dempsey could not hold a candle to this man. Don't believe me? Check out the second season of Grey's or P.S. I Love You or the upcoming Accidental Husband.
Harry Connick, Jr. - I have been in numerous arguments with my aunts and female cousins over the supposed "sexiness" of Harry Connick, Jr. Sure he can sing (which is a major plus), but I recently saw him in P.S. I Love You and he was not looking so hot. In fact, he was awkward looking. Now, I'm told that I will not fully appreciate Mr. Connick, Jr. until I see the movie Hope Floats all the way through, but I just don't see how seeing an older movie will erase the image of what he looks like today.
Robert Downey, Jr. - This man is a much better Jr. if you ask me. Sure he's had his bouts with alcohol, drugs and hookers, but what self-respecting Hollywood actor hasn't? The fact is that he's most likely not doing any of those things any more because he's back in the making movies business. Harry Connick, Jr. didn't age half as gracefully as this man who is still a looker. And he's funny! So go see Ironman and the upcoming Tropic Thunder where he plays a white guy playing a black guy! A winner all around.
Shia LeBeouf - I may become very unpopular with girls my age, but I don't really care because Shia LeBeouf annoys me. It's not that he's not a good actor, I can appreciate him for that, I just don't think he's as good looking as everyone and their mom seems to think. Honestly, he looked rather ridiculous in Indiana Jones 4 with the slicked back hair and the motorcycle, but that didn't stop every other girl in the theater from either gasping in awe or cat-calling the enormous screen.
Garrett Hedlund - If you want a looker, look no further. Most, if not all, of you probably have no idea who this kid is, but you've probably seen him around. He's one of those all-American good looking guys and he's been in movies with some A-list actors yet hasn't gotten the majority of the chick vote like he deserves. Rent Troy, Death Sentence, Georgia Rule, Friday Night Lights, or Eragon. He's the hot one that puts most of the other guys to shame (Naked Brad Pitt excluded).
Thus ends my rant on Hollywood men. I hope it wasn't too intense. If so, the fun stuff is yet to come!
Underrated movie of the blog: The Fifth Element. Frankly, anything with Bruce Willis is worth seeing at least once, but I find it difficult to get even my parents to sit down with this movie. The facts are that this movie is action-packed, hilarious, and highly enjoyable. This is a cult classic that is quickly fading into the periphery! So rent it or even buy it. You shan't be disappointed.
Movies to see: The Fifth Element, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, North Country, Death Sentence, Ironman, P.S. I Love You, and Georgia Rule if you are feeling too sane and you need a little confusion in your life.
Patrick Dempsey was in Made of Honor with Michelle Monaghan who was in North Country with Sean Bean (pronounced: seen bean) who was in Troy with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 4 steps.
Next time I will discuss Orlando Bloom and some movie called Haven if I get around to watching it. Either that or American Gangster.
if all you're ever going to write about are dudes - i might not be able to visit here very often - let hear your views on some actresses now
I completely agree on Patrick Dempsey. He really is quite average. Robert Downey, Jr. is so hot, especially now that he is off the drugs. He was on my top 5 husbands list but had to be removed when he was a doper. He is back on now! Naked Brad Pitt?!? Please. Take a look at Brad Pitt's sloping forehead and deepset eyes.... screams neanderthal to me.
Great blog baby!! I've got it on my favorites. I love you!!!
hahaha - i love the kevin bacon part. you're blog is slowly becoming better than mine....i don't think i like that
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