DVD out today
Unstoppable - A runaway train threatens to destroy stuff and two train conductors have to stop it. (Chris Pine is hot and this movie was actually pretty exciting. Yay trains!)
Goldie's Better Half Goodies
Underrated movie of the post:
Big Trouble in Little China. A truck driver is somehow tangled up in a centuries old battle in Chinatown. (This movie is beyond ridiculous, but I remember loving it when I was little and Kim Cattrall is crazy.)Movies to see:
Unstoppable, Big Trouble in Little China
Trailers of the post: Russell Brand Movies
Hop. The heir to the Easter Bunny legacy decides to run away and become a drummer in Hollywood. (This looks pretty precious, but if past movies have taught us anything it's that James Marsden is going to lose Kaley Cuoco to the rabbit.)
Arthur. A spoiled man is cut off after refusing to marry a crazy woman. (This looks positively hilarious and I love absolutely everything about it. I just hope they didn't put all the funny parts in the trailer. But with Russell Brand, chances are there's plenty more.)
Name 7 Kurt Russell:
Overboard, Dreamer, Poseidon, Big Trouble in Little China, Captain Ron, Death Proof, Sky High.Kevin Bacon Game:
Kurt Russell was in Dreamer with Dakota Fanning who was in Trapped with Kevin Bacon: 2 stepsQQ #237 winner:
Molly with Stardust! See what happens when you guess even though you think you're wrong?QQ #238: name this Kurt Russell movie:
"He thinks he's Pee-Wee Herman."a. Interstate 60
b. Sky High
c. Overboard
d. 3000 Miles to Graceland
In the spirit of knowing nothing and guessing anyway - I will guess C because it's the 3rd letter of the alphabet and today is the 3rd day of the workweek :)
Um... I also don't know, so I'll guess D.
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