Movies out today
The Eagle - Channing Tatum and Jamie Bell go on an epic journey to find some golden trinket. (Uh, didn't they do this already? It's called Lord of the Rings and they made THREE of them. At least these two are hotter than Elijah Wood and Sean Astin, but won't that make it worse when they start making out in the end?)
Gnomeo & Juliet - Shakespeare's classic play is redone once again with...wait for gnomes. (I'm all for parodying Shakespeare's stuff, but this is just ridiculous.)
Just Go With It - Adam Sandler's a pig and he ropes Jennifer Aniston into lying to some stupid blonde. (Despite the tone of my summary, this movie looks hilarious and I will be going to see it. I have a huge lady-crush on Jennifer Aniston. Who doesn't?)
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never - A documentary about the Canadian boy wonder. (Never. Oops, just said it.)
Underrated movie of the post:
I Could Never Be Your Woman. An older woman begins dating a vastly younger man and she has to come to terms with being a cougar. (This movie was hilarious. Mostly because Paul Rudd played the younger man and everything he does is beyond funny. I love him, so it's understandable that Michelle Pfeiffer would too.)Movies to see:
The Eagle (because there's hot dudes), Just Go With It, I Could Never Be Your WomanTrailers of the post: Precious Dramas
Music Never Stopped. A father goes to extreme lengths to help his son recover his memory from a brain tumor. (I have a big crush on JK Simmons and the boy that plays his son. And even if that wasn't an issue, this looks absolutely adorable.)
Win Win. A wrestling coach takes in a semi-homeless kid who is super good at wrestling. (This looks really good too and, again, I have a big crush on Paul Giamatti. He's just so awesome.)
Name 7 Michelle Pfeiffer:
Hairspray, Story of Us, White Oleander, Deep End of the Ocean, I Could Never Be Your Woman, Dangerous Minds, Dangerous LiasonsKevin Bacon Game:
Michelle Pfeiffer was in One Fine Day with George Clooney who was in Oceans 11 with Brad Pitt who was in Sleepers with Kevin Bacon: 3 stepsQQ #236 winner:
Katie with Pirates of the Caribbean 3! How did I know you would be the one to win that? Hmmm...QQ #237 : name this Michelle P movie:
"You'd better be telling the truth, you two-faced dog."a. One Fine Day
b. I Could Never Be Your Woman
c. Batman Returns
d. Stardust
I'm guessing it's c)Batman Returns
um, D) stardust (even though that's probably not it, i just liked stardust)
you have a crush on paul giamatti?! what? that cracked me up - as do most of your assessments/observations on here. michael said he heard "gnomio & juliet" got a pretty good review from the movie guy on npr and he's hard to please.
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