Movies out on DVD today
(Beware, there's a ton...)
Beauty & The Briefcase - Hilary Duff goes undercover for a fashion magazine to write a story about finding love in the workplace. (I watched this movie when it premiered on ABC Family a few months back and then I went to write this summary and had to look it up because I forgot what it was about. Enough said.)
For Colored Girls - Lives intertwine in this Tyler Perry remake of the play of the same name. (The trailers made this movie seem really intense, but then the title told me I wasn't allowed to see it. Maybe I'll rent it anyway. Screw you Tyler Perry!)
It's Kind of a Funny Story - A boy checks himself into the mental ward at a hospital and meets a strange array of people. (This movie was funny and quirky and really good. There were a few parts that were kind of just okay, but everything else was good.)
Life As We Know It - Two people who don't like each other must come together to raise the baby of their dead best friends. (This movie was pretty much awesome. It was cute and funny and Katherine Heigl wasn't completely annoying. Oh and Josh Duhamel is shirtless. Sold!)
Middle Men - The story behind the men who made online porn a reality. (There are a lot of my favorites in this movie and I'm going to add it to my Netflix queue right now!)
My Soul to Take - A bunch of kids are haunted by a ghost or something. (Dumb.)
Paranormal Activity 2 - More scary ghosts and night-vision cameras. (Did this come out in theaters? Anyway, hell no.)
The Romantics - Josh Duhamel is supposed to be marrying Anna Paquin, but then I guess he's still hung up on Katie Holmes. (I have really no idea what this movie is about, but I'm going to rent it because Josh Duhamel is in it. He's fine enough to combat any stupid plot or bad acting.)
Tamara Drewe - A young woman becomes the focus of all the men, old and young, of her small town. (This movie looks surprisingly funny despite the ridiculous premise. I'm going to give it a shot.)
You Again - A woman must attend the wedding of her brother and the bitch who tormented her in high school. (I really like Kristen Bell and Jamie Lee Curtis so, even though I didn't want to pay $7 to see it in theaters, I'm going to rent it. Hopefully it won't suck.)
Not The Science Guy Goodies
Underrated movie of the post:
Love Actually. Stories intertwine in this British comedy about finding love during the holidays. (Bill Nighy was absolutely hilarious in the few scenes that he had in this movie. He's awesome no matter what he does.)Movies to see:
For Colored Girls, It's Kind of a Funny Story, Life As We Know It, Middle Men, The Romantics, Tamara Drewe, You Again, Love ActuallyTrailers of the post: Drama
Soul Surfer. The bio-pic of Bethany Hamilton, a surfer who found the courage to go back in the water after losing her arm in a shark attack. (I like all the actors in this movie and, you have to admit, that Bethany Hamilton chick is a badass.)
Water for Elephants. A boy joins the circus and proceeds to fall in love with the ringmaster's hot wife. (This looks pretty ridiculous and I have a fairly large aversion to Robert Pattinson.)
Name 7 Bill Nighy:
Love Actually, Underworld, Pirates of the Caribbean 2, G-Force, Astro Boy, Pirate Radio, Harry Potter 7.1Kevin Bacon Game:
Bill Nighy was in Love Actually with Colin Firth who was in Where the Truth Lies with Kevin Bacon: 2 steps.QQ #235 winner:
Molly with Hidalgo! And yes, there is a "girl in a cool hat" way to be, but it's far different than "guy in a cool hat" way to be. But to describe it would mean I'd have to delve into philosophy and gender roles so let's save that discussion is for another time...QQ #236: name this Bill Nighy movie:
"Ha ha... Lookie here boys. A lost bird. A lost bird that never learned to fly!"a. Hot Fuzz
b. Pirates of the Caribbean 3
c. G-Force
d. Astro Boy
It's b)Pirates!
um, astroboy?
1. how do you not have a movie review column for pay? i would read it and watch accordingly (cuz, i kinda already do)
2. thanks for answering my hat question. and thanks for using such smartie language - i <3 the use of "gender roles"
3. having an aversion can be fun. i have a kathrine heigl aversion. i have the opposite of aversion to kristen bell.
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