From Prada to Nada - Two rich girls are forced to live with their aunt in middle class LA in this modern twist on Sense and Sensibility. (This is only a limited release and I'm genuinely upset about it. As stupid as it looks, I really want to see this movie...)
Kaboom - A bunch of college kids experiment with drugs and sex and then some weird shit goes down. (This was that trailer that I posted a few posts ago that no one probably watched. But I suggest you go back and do because it looks hilariously weird...)
The Mechanic - A hitman trains his former handler's son in the way of the craft. (I can't wrap my head around this movie. One trailer looks like Ben Foster betrays Jason Statham and the other looks like they're best friends. Either way, I'm going to see it, but I just wish trailers weren't so misleading.)
The Rite - Anthony Hopkins is possessed or something. (This looks both stupid and terrifying. No thanks.)
The Immigration Tango. Two couples swap women and marry to keep each other from being deported. (This looks funny and has potential. But it has the same potential to be terrible.)
HappyThankYouMorePlease. A bunch of interconnecting stories written and directed by Ted from How I Met Your Mother. (Haaaaaaave you met Ted? No, but really, this looks good.)
a. A Midsummer Night's Dream
b. No Strings Attached
c. Wild Wild West
d. Pink Panther